Fake Fact Check: Politifact Wastes Its Time on Obvious Satire

November 17th, 2017 7:43 PM
Boy, it's a good thing that Google and Facebook have enlisted "fact checkers" like the Associated Press, Snopes, and Politifact to vet questionable stories appearing in their news feeds. 

Ex-CNN Reporter, Producer Celebrates Defeat of Republican 'Bigots'

November 16th, 2017 7:46 PM
In a piece on CNN.com, titled, "Air Force Academy hoax doesn't change overall picture on hate crimes," CNN contributor Frida Ghitis (identified as a "former CNN producer and correspondent") used the revelation that an infamous incident of racist harassment against Air Force Academy cadets was actually a hoax as a springboard to attack "bigots" and "racists" on the "far right" who were too glad…

Mitchell Sounds the Alarm Over Trump’s ‘Unlimited’ Nuclear Authority

November 14th, 2017 11:26 AM
On Tuesday, NBC Chief Foreign Affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell used an upcoming Senate hearing reviewing President Trump’s authority to launch nuclear weapons as an opportunity to engage in overwrought fearmongering on the Today show. She warned viewers about the President’s “unlimited” ability to launch a nuclear strike and fretted that military personnel would be required to follow his…

CBS's 'SEAL Team' Targets the Real Enemy: White Privilege

November 9th, 2017 8:40 AM
It is the sixth episode of CBS’s SEAL Team and the show is still trying to figure out what it wants to be. Are they going to question if we’re the good guys or are they going to show us as the good guys, because this back and forth isn’t working. In Wednesday night’s episode "The Spinning Wheel," they come right out of the gate playing the race card … then fold.

WATCH: The Best Terrorist Takedown You'll See on TV This Week

November 7th, 2017 12:58 AM
NBC’s The Brave continues to show us not only the clearly awesome actions of military members but the global context as well. In yet another display of unashamed pride for service, the latest episode takes on the truly despicable enemy of Islamic terrorism in the West.

'Shameless:' Another Show, Another Hot Take on Trump's America

November 6th, 2017 1:46 AM
The eighth season of Shameless kicked off on November 5 with one character being extra patriotic, and the show as a whole being more political. “We live in a world in which everybody is talking about what’s happening,” executive producer John Wells told Variety. “I have very liberal tendencies, but the one thing you can say about what is happening is it’s started a conversation. There is a…

Showtime's 'SMILF' is Crude Take on Motherhood, Mocks Prayer

November 6th, 2017 12:50 AM
I had very low expectations of SMILF, and the November 5 premiere “A Box of Dunkies and Two Squirts of Maple Syrup” lived down to every one of them. In only 30 minutes, the show fit in more crass content than most shows do in years on the air. Since there was no real theme to said content, aside from "gratuitous,"  I think it's best to introduce you to this show simply by walking you through the…

What?! Olbermann Argues Trump Is Worse for America Than Bin Laden

November 3rd, 2017 4:59 PM
GQ host and former MSNBC crazy Keith Olbermann joined the ladies of ABC’s The View on Friday and he came locked and loaded with head-shaking statements, chiefly his belief that President Trump has been worse for America than Osama bin Laden. In addition, Olbermann made the stark admission that he owes George W. Bush and John McCain apologies for trashing them and wishes Bush could have had a…

After They Pushed Gun Control, Nets Irked Trump Pushing Visa Changes

November 1st, 2017 10:24 PM
In the wake of the New York City truck attack, President Trump called on Congress to eliminate the Diversity Visa Lottery Program since the terrorist used the program to enter the United States in 2010. It was an idea that had bipartisan support in the past, but on Wednesday the broadcast networks claimed the President was exploiting a tragedy for political gain. Yet they themselves have a long…

Didn’t Take Long: CNN Leaves NYC Terror to Hype Mueller-Trump

October 31st, 2017 9:07 PM
Only a few hours into their coverage of the deadly terror attack in New York City on Tuesday, CNN found it more important to break away to continue to their Robert Mueller marathon. “A terror attack that killed eight people and injured a dozen others when a man in a truck mowed down bike riders and pedestrians on the west side. Much more on that coming up,” declared Wolf Blitzer on The Situation…

Larry David's ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ Mocks Veterans With PTSD

October 30th, 2017 12:38 AM
HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm is based on Larry David insulting everyone around him. In the October 29 episode titled “Thank You for Your Service,” David targets an Afghanistan war veteran. It went too far, even for Larry David.

Writer: GOP ‘Ghoulish’ on Benghazi; Dems ‘Fair-Minded’ on Niger

October 28th, 2017 1:45 PM
Crooked Media, founded earlier this year by former Obama-admin staffers Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, and Tommy Vietor, recently expanded its efforts to help “get [liberals] through this roiling clusterfuck of a presidency.” One of Crooked Media’s new hires is editor-in-chief Brian Beutler, formerly of Salon and The New Republic. In a Tuesday piece, Beutler contrasted the liberals' handling of the…

Stark Differences Between Military & Wimpy Liberals on 'SEAL Team'

October 26th, 2017 12:43 AM
SEAL Team on CBS is starting to become a reliably pro-American, pro-military show in a television landscape that doesn't give us much to enjoy. In the October 25 episode "Collapse," the drama portrayed American service members respectfully as those doing good in the world and liberals as, well, ridiculous.

CBS, NBC Lament Trump Affecting Bergdahl Trial, Omit Taliban Praise

October 23rd, 2017 11:12 PM
Monday was supposed to be the sentencing hearing for Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, but his lawyer motioned to dismiss the case and asserted that President Trump’s critical comments during the 2016 election swayed the military court. Both CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News seemed to buy into the claims as they lamented how the admitted deserter would have to wait until Wednesday to learn his…