
AP, Others Fret Over Trump's 3 Ex-Military Appointments, Same As Obama

December 9th, 2016 5:15 PM
Some Democratic Party politicians who are searching for any and every possible reason to have a problem with President-Elect Donald Trump's cabinet appointments have latched on to the supposedly troubling fact that it thus far contains three retired generals out of 15 ultimate appointments. Naturally, their allies in the establishment press are amplifying these petty concerns. The Associated…

CNN Frets Over 'Militarized View of America' That 'Created Mess'

December 8th, 2016 12:10 PM
On Thursday's CNN Newsroom, Carol Costello boosted liberal criticism of President-Elect Donald Trump picking several retired generals to his Cabinet. She first asked former Obama Cabinet member Janet Napolitano, "Democrats — they're worried that Mr. Trump has picked so many generals....Does that concern you?" The anchor later hyped that "some...say a militarized view of America got us into...the…

CNN Frets 'Hardliners,' 'Climate Denier,' 'Militarization' in Trump WH

December 8th, 2016 10:17 AM
On Thursday, CNN's New Day began the show by immediately hitting the incoming Donald Trump transition from the left, seeing "more hardliners" and a "climate change denier" being appointed to the administration, and fretting over its "militarization" because of the selection of "another general." The news network also forwarded fearmongering from an unnamed former Barack Obama aide who charged…

CNN Touts Liberals Slamming Flynn in Letter Citing CNN Distortions

December 7th, 2016 3:21 PM
On Tuesday afternoon, CNN Newsroom and The Situation Room both ran reports highlighting liberal groups that went public with a letter attacking National Security Advisor-designate, retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn for having "inflammatory views" and making "Islamophobic remarks," as they called on President-elect Donald Trump not to follow through on appointing him to work in his…

Remembering Pearl Harbor at 75

December 7th, 2016 1:35 PM
Only five of the 335 men who survived the unprovoked attack that sunk the USS Arizona on Dec. 7, 1941 remain alive. Donald Stratton, 94, is one of them. He has added to the historical knowledge of that day and the beginning of America's entry into World War II in a new book, "All the Gallant Men: The First Memoir By a USS Arizona Survivor."

Nets Can't Decide on Air Force One Contract Numbers, Smear Trump

December 6th, 2016 10:30 PM
Despite recent revelations that the Pentagon may have been hiding $125 billion in wasteful spending, the Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) all knocked President-Elect Donald Trump Tuesday for tweeting his disapproval of the $4 billion price tag of two new presidential aircraft. “President-Elect Donald Trump's sparking a new controversy over Air Force One after once again, taking to social…

NY Times Falsely Claims No Soldiers Died Due to Bergdahl's Desertion

December 4th, 2016 6:46 PM
In a December 2 dispatch covering Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's request for a presidential pardon appearing at Page A18 in Saturday's print edition, New York Times reporter Charlie Savage insisted that President-Elect Donald Trump's 2015 campaign rally assertion that U.S. soldiers had died searching for Bergdahl after his desertion was false. Savage even claimed that allegations made by soldiers serving…

NYT Hails Obama’s ‘Sacred Duty’ to Troops, But Bush Staged Photo Op

December 4th, 2016 9:05 AM
Presidential visits to wounded soldiers at Walter Reed should be non-political events worthy of non-partisan coverage, but the New York Times manages to shows its colors even in those solemn moments. In the half-page “Obama’s Sacred Duty: Visiting the Wounded -- Trips to Walter Reed Take Toll and Inspire," reporter Gardiner Harris brought a somber, emotional, personalized tone to the proceedings…

MSNBC's Reid Melts Down Over Trump, Family Not Serving in the Military

December 2nd, 2016 11:26 AM
In the hours following President-elect Donald Trump’s Thursday night post-election rally, the liberal media’s utter inability to control their emotions could have united even the most ardent Never Trump supporters with examples like MSNBC national correspondent Joy Reid suddenly showing reservations about a president and his immediate family lacking military service despite it being the case for…

Blogger: Media Will Protect Trump Like They Did Reagan and Dubya

November 30th, 2016 9:23 PM
When Donald Trump is POTUS, he’s likely to get deferential, even helpful, media coverage, predicted Atrios on Monday. After all, he explained, that’s been the pattern for Republican presidents since the 1980s. When Ronald Reagan was in the White House, Atrios alleged, “members of the press knew that [he] had some form of dementia, that he was not actually fit to run the country, and they covered…

Media Mum? Keith Ellison in 2012: Nazis 'Attacked Pearl Harbor'

November 26th, 2016 11:54 PM
The leftist press give gaffes made by Republicans years and even decades of shelf life. They roasted Bush 41 Vice President Dan Quayle for years for adding a "e" at the end of "potato" with the "help" of a flashcard which had the word spelled incorrectly — not only in the press, but also on the late-night talks shows. Gaffes by Democrats, liberals and even far-lefties tend to get a complete pass…

Gitmo Prisoner Is Innocent Victim of Islamophobia on 'NCIS'

November 23rd, 2016 2:37 AM
After last week’s episode on the plight of the illegal immigrant, Tuesday night’s episode of NCIS on CBS gives us the plight of the poor, innocent Guantanamo Bay detainee.

Bernstein Slams 'Divisive' Trump Picks, Likens Sessions to Ex-KKK

November 20th, 2016 9:57 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, and again later on CNN Tonight, CNN political commentator Carl Bernstein charged that Donald Trump's choices for his administration so far are "radically divisive choices," alleging that he made his choices 'in an ugly way" that sends a message to minorities that his administration will not put a priority on protecting civil rights.  

ABC, NBC Smear Trump’s Cabinet Picks as ‘Really Old White Group’

November 20th, 2016 10:24 AM
As President-Elect Donald Trump’s cabinet selection process continued move along Sunday morning, the liberal media’s claims of chaos behind the scenes seemed to give way to cries of racism on the network morning shows. “So, there's a concern about lack of diversity so far in the hiring,” bemoaned ABC’s Paula Faris on Good Morning America, “We saw that he brought in Michelle Rhee and Nikki Haley,…