AP Ignores Minn. Terror Suspect's Involvement With Airport De-Icing

December 25th, 2015 11:58 PM
In a year-end interview with National Public Radio, President Barack Obama largely blamed "a saturation of news" coming from a media which "is pursuing ratings" for growing concerns in America over the ability of ISIS and other terrorists to conduct attacks on U.S. soil, and indicated that "it's up to the media to make a determination about how they want to cover things." It's reasonable to…

Historian: Reagan, Lucas Gave America ‘Permission to Stop Growing Up’

December 24th, 2015 11:16 AM
By the late summer of 1977, Jimmy Carter had been president for only a few months, but if you knew which way the cultural and political winds were blowing, he seemed unlikely to win a second term. That’s because on May 25 of that year, Star Wars had opened, and its colossal success both foreshadowed and helped to revive a mindset that carried Ronald Reagan to the White House. That’s the word from…

Maddow Producer: GOP’s Foreign Policy ‘Cringe-Worthy…Pathetic’

December 21st, 2015 8:48 PM
Though Steve Benen, who's also the primary blogger for the MSNBC program's website, is a true-blue liberal, he thinks highly of the foreign-policy chops of some recent Republicans. In a Thursday post, Benen wrote that GOPers such as Richard Lugar and Brent Scowcroft were “learned” and “approached international affairs with [a] degree of maturity.” That was then; this is now. Benen touched on,…

Hume Unloads on Obama over Cable News/Terrorism Comment in NYT

December 20th, 2015 3:49 PM
Commenting on how The New York Times removed a phrase from a Friday article explaining how President Obama told a group of columnists that he hadn’t consumed enough cable news to fully understand the anxieties of Americans over terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Fox News Sunday panelist Brit Hume lambasted the President for his “snark” and frame of mind that makes him “impatient with the…

New Republic Writer: GOP Anti-Terror Ideas ‘Beyond Xenophobia’

December 19th, 2015 11:49 AM
Debbie Wasserman Schultz may not want you to know about it, but there’s a Democratic presidential debate on Saturday evening, and Beutler believes that the candidates therein “would be doing the country a service by placing the right wing appeal to paranoia in its proper context—and then rejecting it forcefully.” In a Friday piece, Beutler described this week’s Republican presidential debate as…

Nets Censor NYT Deleting Obama Quote on Not Understanding Terror Fears

December 18th, 2015 9:29 PM
The major broadcast networks on Friday morning and evening showed no interest in reporting to viewers that The New York Times had scrubbed from an article on its website that contained a quote from President Obama telling columnists that he did not watch enough news coverage of the Paris and San Bernardino terror attacks to truly grasp the anxiety of the American people. 

Only ABC Sees Latest Use of Private E-Mails as Obama ‘Embarrassment’

December 17th, 2015 11:41 AM
All three network morning shows on Thursday covered the breaking news that Defense Secretary Ash Carter used private e-mails for government work. But only ABC deemed it an “embarrassment” for Barack Obama himself. Good Morning America’s Mary Bruce asserted, “This is no question this is an embarrassment for the White House and will likely draw attacks from Republicans who say the administration…

AP: San Bernardino Terrorist Massacre Was a 'Mass Shooting'

December 17th, 2015 10:04 AM
Pity the poor folks at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press. The Obama administration, usually hyper-reluctant to characterize a domestic terrorist attack on U.S. soil as, well, a domestic terrorist attack, has actually had to admit in the face of overwhelming evidence that the San Bernardino massacre on December 2, during which 14 were killed and two dozen injured, was indeed a…

Bernstein Attacks GOP for 'Bellicosity' and 'Recklessness' in Debate

December 16th, 2015 10:29 PM
Chiming in with his latest ramble against conservatives, CNN political commentator and former Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein took to the airwaves of Wednesday’s AC360 to denounce the GOP candidates for “their bellicosity” in Tuesday’s debate that featured “a recklessness that was astonishing.”

Lefty Blogger: ‘Real Winner’ of GOP Presidential Debate? ISIS

December 16th, 2015 9:57 PM
Many of the lefty writers who analyzed Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate at the Venetian suggested that had the event been promoted as if it were a Vegas show, the marquee might have read “Fright Night,” or perhaps “Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid,” given how much the candidates hyped the threat of jihadist terrorism.

Begala Whines GOP’s ‘Dominant Emotion’ of ‘Fear’ Has Hurt Americans

December 16th, 2015 12:08 AM
Offering his initial thoughts on Tuesday’s GOP presidential debate on the 11:00 p.m. Eastern edition of CNN’s AC360, CNN political commentator and Hillary Clinton super PAC head Paul Begala complained that Republicans possess “dominant emotion” of “fear” that they’ve somehow used to instill fear in Americans following recent terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino. 

Nets Cheer Hillary as ‘Grown Up’ on ISIS Unlike 'Freewheeling' GOP

December 15th, 2015 8:04 PM
Just after the undercard Republican presidential debate began on Tuesday night, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC offered previews of the impending “freewheeling and fiery slugfest” debate and contrasted that with plenty of laudatory rhetoric for “grown up” Hillary Clinton as she spoke in Minnesota about ISIS and “slamm[ed] Republicans for fearmongering.”

Nets Tout Obama Pentagon Visit; Forced to 'Reassure an Anxious Nation'

December 14th, 2015 9:20 PM
The “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC all prominently touted on Monday night President Barack Obama’s visit to the Pentagon to discuss the fight against ISIS, but skimped on reporting any criticism of the administration’s strategy but instead lamenting that he’s had to try once “again to reassure an anxious nation” despite polls showing Americans are concerned about the growing threat of terrorism…

Amanpour Blames Blair for Terrorism; ‘Do You Feel Responsibility?'

December 14th, 2015 7:47 PM
On her eponymous CNN show on Thursday night, Christiane Amanpour verbally harassed former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair over his involvement in the Iraq War and specifically whether he and former U.S. President George W. Bush “feel pain” and “a sense of responsibility” for the war having supposedly caused recent Islamic terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino.