'Islamophobia Victim' 3 Years Ago Arrested in Turkey as Part of ISIS

November 24th, 2015 9:49 PM
There are plenty of problems with the government's "no-fly list," and especially the plans by some congressmen and senators to abuse it. That said, it appears, almost three years later, to have gotten one name right. In late 2012 and early 2013, leftists like Chris Hayes at MSNBC, Glenn Greenwald and Kevin Drum at Mother Jones were upset that Saadiq Long, a U.S. Air Force veteran who was living…

Krauthammer: Obama 'So Exposed, So Naked on the World Stage'

November 24th, 2015 1:51 PM
On Monday night on The O’Reilly Factor, Charles Krauthammer discussed with Bill O’Reilly the growing rhetoric of the White House and its attempt to downplay or diminish the threat that radical Islam is on the world. Shortly after a clip of President Obama criticizing the media for conflating ISIS’s power, Krauthammer opened up on the President. 

Daily Kos: ‘America's Right-Wing Mass Killers’ Deadlier Than ISIS

November 24th, 2015 11:25 AM
Liberals sometimes say that law enforcement’s approach to the Mafia offers a model for how to deal with jihadists, even though the latter tend not to limit their demands to protection money. This past Sunday, Egberto Willies claimed that if terrorist attacks were “treated as they should be, like organized crime, it would neuter ISIS. After all…the group is no more powerful than a large band of…

NY Daily News Tags NRA As De Facto Jihad Enablers Twice in Six Days

November 23rd, 2015 3:50 PM
New York Daily News covers on November 18 ("NRA'S SICK JIHAD" — noted at the time by NB's Kristine Marsh) and today ("NOWHERE TO HIDE, JIHADI WAYNE") have accused the NRA of placing the right to purchase guns ahead of public safety from terrorist attacks. The paper's bogus claim is based on the NRA's opposition to legislation prohibiting anyone on the government's "terror watch list" from…

Scarborough Rips GOP on Gun Laws: You Pick the NRA Over Public Safety

November 23rd, 2015 1:55 PM
On Monday's Morning Joe, the crew discussed New York Police Commissioner William Bratton's appearance on Sunday's Meet the Press. Joe Scarborough played a clip of Bratton begging Congress to pass a law preventing people on the government's terrorism watch list from buying guns. Scarborough echoed the plea as well.

'Madam Secretary' Turns Hardened Military Men Into Nerdy, Cyber-Wusses

November 23rd, 2015 7:09 AM
I suppose there was nothing overtly biased or overly offensive that went down on Sunday night’s episode of Madam Secretary. Unless, you actually have a normal and good understanding for what real tough-talk and inspirational military speech-making is.

Really? Media Meme: U.S. Does Not Face Same Terrorism Risks As Europe

November 22nd, 2015 10:38 AM
In the wake of the Paris terrorist murder sprees, a media narrative that the U.S. is somehow less vulnerable to terrorist attacks than countries in Europe has arisen. The reasons given for this contention would be uproariously funny if the stakes weren't so serious: "Geography and strict travel restrictions." Additionally, according to the report where the meme appears to have originated, there…

Blogger: On ISIS, GOPers Make Obama ‘Look Like Alexander the Great’

November 21st, 2015 11:56 AM
President Obama deserves high marks for his ISIS policy only if you’re grading on a curve and the other students are Republicans who “can't be bothered to take any of this seriously,” suggested Kevin Drum in a Thursday post. Drum charged that GOPers “blather about Obama being weak, but when you ask them for their plans you just get nonsense…Obama's ISIS strategy has [not] been golden. But…

Sally Kohn: Christian Fundamentalists, ISIS, Perpetually Hostile

November 20th, 2015 3:07 PM
On Friday, Sally Kohn took to The Daily Beast to argue that we should all be heartened by the fact that  “The Religious Fundamentalists Are Losing.” In making her case, Kohn compared Christian ‘hardliners’ – you social conservative ones who are pro-life and pro-traditional marriage – with DAESH, or ISIS as many in the West know it.

Attkisson: Obama Won't Read Intelligence on U.S.-Recognized Terrorists

November 19th, 2015 10:48 AM
Several times in the past, we've heard President Barack Obama, and occasionally his press secretary, tell America that the nation's commander-in-chief learned about certain events the same way many of the rest of us did: by seeing them on TV or reading newspaper accounts. A Republican or conservative president hauling out this excuse even once would face endless outrage and ridicule, respectively…

Muscular Matthews? Chris Calls Obama Terror Response 'Dainty'

November 18th, 2015 9:35 PM
I took some flak awhile back for saying that--his liberalism notwithstanding--Chris Matthews had a patriotic streak. More evidence for that notion on this evening's Hardball, as Matthews twice derided President Obama's response to ISIS as "dainty," and kvetched that "I don't see us doing anything."  

President's Mudslinging Confuses Joe, Ignatius 'GOP Governors Worse'

November 18th, 2015 11:27 AM
Morning Joe on Wednesday discussed the recent remarks by President Obama on Republicans who are “afraid of orphans and widows.” When the discussion turned to David Ignatius for commentary, he gave a defense of Obama. Scarborough would press Ignatius with on using "the widows and orphans" to antagonize Republican governors. While Ignatius conceded there is always room to correct the words used, he…

Hasselbeck Grills W.H. Spokesman Over Obama Calling Paris a ‘Setback’

November 18th, 2015 8:55 AM
On Wednesday’s Fox & Friends, co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck pressed White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest over language used by Secretary of State John Kerry and President Obama following last week’s ISIS terrorist attack in Paris. 

Halperin: Kerry 'Tired' When Speaking of 'Legitimacy' of Charlie Hebdo

November 18th, 2015 7:09 AM
Suggestion for John Kerry: if traveling makes you so tired that you say things undermining the war against radical Islamic terrorism, do us all a favor—stay home on Nantucket and conduct your diplomacy by Skype . . .  On today's Morning Joe, here's how Mark Halperin explained Kerry's despicable statement about the "legitimacy" and "rationale" of the Charlie Hebdo attacks: "Secretary Kerry has a…