
NBC Skimps on Report V.A. Paid $142 Million in Bonuses Amid Scandal

November 11th, 2015 11:43 PM
On Wednesday night, NBC Nightly News neglected to inform its viewers of a new report concerning the scandal-ridden Department of Veterans Affairs and the $142 million it paid out in bonuses to employees (including some who were facing discipline and/or recently fired). Compiled by the House Veterans Affairs Committee, the report stated that some of those who received bonuses still got them…

Morning Joe Throws Hardballs at Bill Nye, Climate Panic Guy

November 10th, 2015 12:21 PM
Morning Joe Tuesday featured a discussion with Bill Nye, known as the Science Guy from his television days, and his new book, “Unstoppable.” The book is about getting America to lead on fighting Climate Change, particularly in transitioning from fossil fuels to wind and solar energy. Scarborough on Climate Change, threw to Nye, about the signficance of China and other developing countries on…

CBS: Manning Part of 'Widespread Failure' in Security Clearances

November 7th, 2015 11:11 AM
Friday's CBS Evening News previewed an upcoming 60 Minutes exposé on the "widespread failures in the system that grants top-secret security clearance to federal employees and contractors." Scott Pelley pointed at Bradley Manning as a prime example of "how top-secret clearances fall into dangerous hands." Pelley featured several clips from his interview of Manning's former supervisor in Iraq, who…

Lefty Blogger: GOP Primary Process a ‘Travelling Medicine Show’

November 5th, 2015 6:18 PM
The heyday of patent medicine, medicine shows, and related phenomena has been over for more than a century, right? Yes and no, implied Esquire's Pierce in a Thursday post. While it’s true that (for example) Coca-Cola no longer is sold as a cure for impotence, political snake oil, Pierce asserted, has become the chief product of the Republican party. Pierce’s peg was Ben Carson’s involvement with…

Morning Joe Keeps Pounding Team Obama for Ignoring US Hostages in Iran

November 5th, 2015 1:54 PM
Thursday’s Morning Joe featured a discussion on the Iranian deal and hostages in Iran. Late into the segment, Mika Brzezinski inquired of Vali Nasr on whether he was surprised the hostages weren't part of the deal. Nasr, who served as a State Department official in the Obama administration, and Karl Vick, of Time Magazine, both expressed a lack of surprise for getting the hostages. Joe…

'Truth' Well on Its Way to Deserved Box-Office Oblivion

November 3rd, 2015 12:59 AM
Truth, the cinematic attempt to make heroes out of the agenda-driven journalists who produced and broadcast the fraudulent 2004 CBS News story about George W. Bush's Texas Air National Guard service, went into wide distribution this past weekend, with utterly disastrous box-office results. Readers, in between moments savoring the film's apparent descent into oblivion — though it will almost…

Obama-Clinton Emails Make His Related Kroft Interview Statements False

October 31st, 2015 11:58 PM
A Friday evening story at the New York Times covered the Obama administration's decision to "try to block the release of a handful of emails between President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton." In it, reporters Michael D. Shear and Michael S. Schmidt demonstrated that President Obama undoubtedly did not tell the truth in his interview with CBS News's Steve Kroft in a 60…

Arizona State Honors American Hero Pat Tillman with Jersey

October 29th, 2015 5:53 PM
Arizona State University, home of the Sun Devils and Alma Mater to American hero Pat Tillman, is going to have Tillman’s name on the back of the jersey of every player when they take on Oregon tonight.

Matthews Mocks Rubio: 'Little Mr. Firecracker of the Bombs-Away Set'

October 26th, 2015 9:12 PM
Can you imagine if in 2007 some conservative had dared call Barack Obama the "Little Mister" of anything?  The cries of racism would be ringing to this day. But on his MSNBC show this evening, Chris Matthews didn't hesitate to denigrate Marco Rubio as "the little Mister Firecracker of the bombs-away set."  For good measure, Matthews claimed that "Cruz hates as well as any Republican in modern…

Networks Sidestep Obama's Defense Spending Veto; ABC, NBC Air Nothing

October 26th, 2015 4:03 PM
On Thursday, October 22, 2015, President Barack Obama signed a veto message of the National Defense Authorization Act. The NDAA establishes budgets and policies for the Defense Department, and in the last 53 years it has only been vetoed four times. Coverage of the veto signing and its significance has been rather dismal despite Obama summoning the White House press for a public signing. ABC and…

AP Hides Hillary's Smoking-Gun Benghazi Admission to Chelsea

October 25th, 2015 12:45 PM
Those folks at the Associated Press sure are "clever." Those looking for information about Hillary Clinton's damning email to her daughter Chelsea indicating that Mrs. Clinton knew that a planned operation by Al Qaeda — and not an Internet video — was behind the Benghazi attacks which killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others trying to save him will find nothing at all at the AP's…

AP's Bauder Enlists As An Accomplice to the Cinematic Fraud of 'Truth'

October 24th, 2015 6:07 PM
The press has consumed many barrels of ink and gigs of bandwidth providing free promotion for the eminently misnamed movie Truth, thus far virtually for naught. On Thursday, the Associated Press's David Bauder did his part to generate interest by pretending, despite obviously forged documents and a virtually complete lack of anything resembling corroborating evidence, that what Dan Rather and…

Brokaw: We Really Needed Investigation of Iraq Invasion and WMD

October 23rd, 2015 10:06 AM
Say, Tom, maybe you could lead a movement to retroactively impeach George W. Bush . . . On today's Morning Joe, Tom Brokaw, downplayed the significance of Benghazi, suggesting instead that what we really needed was "a big congressional investigation about the decision to go to war in the first place in Iraq for weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist." Brokaw also underlined that more…

Lefty Blogger Charles Pierce: Dick Cheney, America’s Goering

October 22nd, 2015 9:52 PM
Not long before Joe Biden announced that he wouldn’t run for president, he drove Esquire's Pierce up a high wall (think the Green Monster) by saying, “I still have a lot of Republican friends. I don't think my chief enemy is the Republican party…I actually like Dick Cheney, for real. I think he's a decent man." Pierce opined that Biden’s comments on Cheney were disqualifying (“Anyone who thinks…