
AP Fails to Report Obama's Claim That 'Our War in Afghanistan' Is Over

May 25th, 2015 4:58 PM
Today at Arlington Cemetery, President Obama said — not kidding — "For many of us, this Memorial Day is especially meaningful; it is the first since our war in Afghanistan came to an end." He immediately added: "Today is the first Memorial Day in 14 years that the United States is not engaged in a major ground war." At the White House's twitter account, one finds the first of those two sentences…

Salon: ‘The U.S. Military Is a National Security Threat’

May 25th, 2015 12:57 PM
In the early 1990s, politicians floated the term “peace dividend” regarding a hoped-for post-Cold War reduction in the U.S. defense budget, and Pentagon spending indeed fell somewhat in the mid- and late ‘90s. Sean McElwee, a research associate at the lefty think tank Demos, argues that America now needs a post-9/11, post-Afghanistan, post-Iraq peace dividend which would allow greatly increased…

Blogger: Current GOP Lawmakers ‘Dumbest We've Ever Had’

May 24th, 2015 1:36 PM
Today’s conservative legislators may not be as dumb as a box of rocks or so dumb it takes them an hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes (HT: Rodney Dangerfield) but Daily Kos writer Hunter is willing to claim that they’re “the dumbest we've ever had. You have to credit the tea party Republicans for that one—they know what they want, and by golly if it can ooze its way into a suit and tie they'll…

Krauthammer, Special Report Panel Clobber Obama Over Spread of ISIS

May 22nd, 2015 10:40 AM
The Thursday panel on Fox News Channel’s Special Report with Bret Baier took on the issue of the Obama administration’s so-called policy in addressing ISIS and blasted the President for maintaining that the U.S. and its allies are not losing the fight against the Islamic extremist group despite the seizures this week of Ramadi in Iraq and Palmyra in Syria. Leading the way was FNC contributor…

As Press Ignores Soldiers Who Won at Ramadi, Debbie Lee Speaks Out

May 20th, 2015 11:57 PM
Web and news searches at Google, as well as a search at the Associated Press's national site, indicate that there is very little interest in the establishment press in getting the reactions of current and former U.S. soldiers who defeated enemy forces in Ramadi during last decade's Iraq War to the loss of that city to Islamic State forces. Sadly, that's not surprising. As usual, Fox News is…

Slate's Saletan: 'ISIS and the GOP Are in Perfect Harmony'

May 20th, 2015 10:14 PM
On Tuesday, I wrote that "Every day seems to bring in at least one new example of alleged journalists who are really propagandists insisting that what is obviously false is true." Today's entry into that category will be extremely hard to beat, and may well stand as one of the worst attempts at an argument ever made by a leftist hack. Before I excerpt William Saletan's column at Slate and his…

CBS, NBC Again Refuse to Criticize Obama on ISIS After Fall of Ramadi

May 18th, 2015 8:54 PM
CBS and NBC continued their refusal on Monday evening to criticize the Obama administration’s handing of Iraq and so-called policy on ISIS as the Islamic terror group seized control of Ramadi over the weekend. While those two networks continued to spin for the White House, ABC bucked the trend from the network morning newscasts by providing a blunt critique of the Obama administration for “…

Chris Matthews: 'There Was No Intelligence Saddam Had WMD. Never'

May 15th, 2015 8:53 PM
It's easy for people--with the possible exception of Jeb Bush--to say that they would not have supported the invasion of Iraq knowing what we know now about WMD there. But Chris Matthews took things a foolish step further on this evening's Hardball, actually claiming that "there was no intelligence they had a weapon. Never was."  Really?  So Hillary, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Al Gore, Ted…

NBC Touts Jeb 'In Damage Control' on Iraq; Skips Hillary Ducking Press

May 12th, 2015 9:44 PM
NBC News continued hitting possible Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush as being “in damage control mode” on Tuesday’s NBC Nightly News regarding comments he made to the Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly in an interview that aired on Monday night. In a change from a similar segment that aired earlier Tuesday on Today, correspondent Kristen Welker made no mention of Democratic presidential…

Lefty Blogger: Jade Helm Protesters ‘Punking the National Media’

May 12th, 2015 10:28 AM
Mainstream pundits generally have seen the protests over Jade Helm 15 as an embarrassment to conservatives, but blogger Leslie Savan of The Nation suggested in a Friday post that looking silly now may benefit the right in the long run. The Jade Helm uproar, opined Savan, “is like Obamacare death panels, or Sharia law coming to a court near you, or fluoride in the water supply. It doesn’t matter…

CNN’s Baldwin Blames Vets Becoming Cops for Violence [UPDATED]

April 28th, 2015 5:46 PM
CNN’s Brooke Baldwin suggested during the Tuesday afternoon edition of CNN Newsroom that U.S. military veterans who become police officers were to blame for the recent string of violence involving police officers in that they return home “from war” and are “ready to do battle.” Baldwin recalled a conversation with a Baltimore City councilman about police officers not living “in the communities”…

Mitchell Makes Excuse for Baltimore Mayor's Delay in Calling for Guard

April 28th, 2015 1:20 PM
Let's begin by answering Andrea Mitchell's question. "How would it have appeared" if Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake had called the Maryland governor to request National Guard troops just afer Freddie Gray's funeral? It would have appeared that she was doing her job, protecting people and property, rather than being overly concerned with photo-op politics. On her MSNBC show today,…

Press Ignores Gold Star Mom Demanding, Getting General's Apology

April 21st, 2015 11:13 PM
A decade ago, a Gold Star Mom who had lost her son in Iraq gained national attention when she staged a protest against the Iraq War near George W. Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas. Leftist PR flaks took control of Cindy Sheehan's every move, keeping her in the headlines for months on end as a symbol of supposedly strong opposition to the war which toppled Saddam Hussein. In August 2005, New York…

Minn. Star Trib Reporter Bemoans 'Youth Exodus,' Doesn't Mention Taxes

April 20th, 2015 10:54 PM
Minneapolis Star Tribune reporter Jackie Crosby's writeup on how "Minnesota has been losing residents to other states" since 2002, and that it's especially troubling because "young adults are leaving in the greatest numbers," contained an enormous blind spot. The Gopher State, aka the Land of 10,000 Lakes, is also sardonically known as the Land of 10,000 Taxes by many residents, and with good…