CNN Barely Covers Release of Gitmo Detainees; Airs 19-Second Brief

January 15th, 2015 6:13 PM
As of 6 pm Eastern on Thursday, CNN has devoted just 19 seconds of air time to the release of five prisoners from Guantanamo Bay detention facilities – a news brief during the New Day program. This is still more coverage than CBS and NBC, as both Big Three networks ignored the story on their Thursday morning newscasts. ABC gave a 16-second news brief on Good Morning America.

Andrea Mitchell Fears France Could ‘Go Too Far’ Following Attack

January 12th, 2015 2:25 PM
Andrea Mitchell, NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent and host of MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports, sat down with Gerard Araud, France’s Ambassador to the United States, on Monday afternoon to discuss the fallout from last week’s terrorist attack on a French satirical newspaper. While the majority of the interview focused on the intelligence risks facing France following the attack, the…

NBC Reporter Blames U.S. Foreign Policy For Islamic ‘Radicalization’

January 11th, 2015 2:18 PM
On Sunday, NBC’s Meet the Press spent the majority of its program discussing the fallout of the terrorist attack in Paris, France and how the world should respond. While much of the program focused on the challenges associated with identifying and stopping such attacks, NBC News reporter Ayman Mohyeldin chose to partially blame American foreign policy for Islamic extremism. Speaking during a pre-…

Code Pink Gets Reuters Coverage — For a Protest Group of 20

January 11th, 2015 10:02 AM
The ability of tiny numbers of far-left fringe group demonstrators to get undue press attention virtually any time they want continues to be intensely annoying. In mid-2007, Barack Obama made closing the prison at Guantanmo Bay a core promise of his 2008 campaign. That was 7-1/2 years ago. Obama has been in office six years. Gitmo is still open. So naturally, the aggrieved professional…

Politico's Byers at 4 PM: Paris Murderers May Be Islamic Terrorists

January 7th, 2015 9:28 PM
In an item time-stamped 4:11 p.m. ET at his "On Media" blog at the Politico, Dylan Byers wrapped up a post primarily about the Associated Press removing its "Piss Christ" photo from its image library by claiming, in reference to the Charlie Hebdo Magazine murders in Paris, that "Though there (sic) identity is as yet unknown, the masked gunmen are believed to be Islamic terrorists." Here's most… Editorial Refutes Editor Who Criticized Magazine's 'Baiting'

January 7th, 2015 6:14 PM
This afternoon, Matt Balan at NewsBusters covered Tony Barber's disgraceful evening (London Time) column at the Financial Times. In the wake of the terrorist attack at the French satirical publication Charlie Hebdo which killed 12, Barber argued that "some common sense would be useful at publications such as Charlie Hebdo, and Denmark’s Jyllands-Posten." In other words, after sifting out the…

Rangel Says Dead Soldiers Didn't Move Him Unless They 'Looked Like Me'

January 6th, 2015 10:23 PM
Let's imagine a white Congressman saying that when he served in Vietnam, he was never moved at the sight of a dead U.S. soldier unless he was white. His career would be over, and deservedly so, within about five minutes of his statement. If he was a conservative or a Republican, even if he resigned instantly and was roundly and unanimously condemned by his colleagues, the press would remind us of…

Film Critic: ‘American Sniper’ a ‘Republican Platform Movie’

January 3rd, 2015 3:02 PM
Edelstein gripes in New York magazine that “the native population are portrayed as invaders of our sacred space instead of vice versa,” and that “the people [Chris] Kyle shoots always represent a ‘savage, despicable evil,’ and the physical and mental cost to other Americans just comes with the territory.”

Nets Skip Gruber, ObamaCare, Hong Kong During Year in Review Roundups

December 31st, 2014 11:33 AM
Each of the network morning shows devoted some time on Wednesday to looking back at the biggest news stories of year and, while they certainly could not have included every story in the allotted time, they all failed to spend even a few seconds on topics such as Jonathan Gruber, pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, President Obama’s unpopularity, and the Hobby Lobby case to name a few. In…

AP's Lederman Pretends Afghan War Is Over, Gets Gooey Over Obamas

December 30th, 2014 4:03 PM
At the Associated Press on Christmas Day, reporter Josh Lederman carried out what might as well be his official administration stenographer duties with special aplomb. Three paragraphs will illustrate how Lederman glossed over realities relating to the 13-year war in Afghanistan and went all gooey over Barack and Michelle Obama's vacation:

CNN: Optics of Obama Forcing Couple to Move Wedding 'Hilariously Bad'

December 29th, 2014 5:24 PM
On Monday afternoon, CNN’s Wolf covered the controversy surrounding President Obama’s playing of golf on a Hawaii golf course that forced an Army couple about to be married there to move their wedding during which CNN’s Chris Moody called the optics of the move “hilariously bad.” Following a panel discussion on the 2016 presidential campaign, substitute host Brianna Keilar introduced the topic…

AP's David Crary Perpetuates Michael Brown 'Hands Up' Myth

December 23rd, 2014 10:43 AM
Establishment press reporting has all too often been about perpetuating a narrative, even long after it has been proven false, than conveying facts and truth. Anyone arguing that 2014 has been one of the worst years ever for this growing trend won't get an argument here. An Associated Press poll about the top stories of the year got responses from 85 editors at subscribing AP outlets. Although…

Jon Stewart Accuses Cheney of Having A ‘Bronsonlike Torture Boner’

December 16th, 2014 2:41 PM
On Monday night, Daily Show host Jon Stewart mercilessly attacked former Vice President Dick Cheney’s defense of the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program after 9/11. During his opening segment, the Comedy Central host accused Cheney of loving “torture” and asked “what if, hypothetically, this treatment was perpetrated on someone who had been detained wrongly, surely that would soften Cheney’s…

Vox: Asking Muslims to Condemn Terror Is 'Bigoted and Islamophobic'

December 16th, 2014 1:51 PM
Today, the world has learned that terrorists with the Taliban, the group of Islamic fundamentalist jihadists who have rained terror on Afghanistan and Pakistan for nearly two decades, "attacked a school in Peshawar, killing 141 people, 132 of them children." The death toll will almost certainly rise as some of the 114 children the BBC has reported are injured fail to survive. But don't ask…