
Networks Dodge Obama Linking ISIS Terror to Events in Ferguson

September 24th, 2014 8:59 PM
During his speech to the United Nations (U.N.) General Assembly on Wednesday, President Barack Obama made a striking, unusual and ridiculous comparison between the reign of terror taking place in the Middle East at the hands of the brutal Islamic terrorist group ISIS and the unrest that took place in Ferguson, Missouri last month after the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. As far as the any of…

Kerry Tells MSNBC: Islamic State Not Driven By... Islam

September 22nd, 2014 9:19 AM
Could the "Islamic" in "Islamic State" be a clue?  Not for John Kerry.  Appearing on today's Morning Joe, our clueless Secretary of State insisted that what drives ISIS is a "radical, extremist, cultish" philosophy, but not—perish the thought!—a "religious attitude." Kerry was of course echoing the analysis of that noted theologian, Barack Obama, who two weeks ago declared that ISIS is "not…

Will Press Notice Panetta's Contention That U.S. Left Iraq Too Early?

September 20th, 2014 10:48 PM
On Sunday, CBS's "60 Minutes" will broadcast Scott Pelley's recent interview of former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. In CBS's promotional tease, which was broadcast on Friday, in response to Pelley's question about whether he was confident that the U.S. troop withdrawal "was the right thing to do" at the time it was done, Panetta said, "No, I wasn't." That's big news. How big? So big that,…

Shepard Smith: Admin's 'Coalition' Claims 'Something of a Fantasy'

September 19th, 2014 11:23 PM
When White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest made his first Fox News appearance in that role, he may have thought that having Shepard Smith interview him would make the exercise a relative cakewalk. It didn't happen. Even though Smith, as Matt Sheffield observed last year at NewsBusters, is "not known as any sort of conservative," he was clearly critical of Earnest's breezy claims about the…

Vets Walking 300 Miles to Demand Action on Jailed Marine; Nets Ignore

September 19th, 2014 9:35 AM
On Wednesday night, it was reported that two Marine Corps veterans are walking from northern North Carolina to Washington D.C. and the White House to demand that President Obama take action to ensure the release of Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi from a Mexican prison. However, none of the major broadcast networks have stepped up and covered the actions of the these veterans. One of the two…

Tapper to Jay Carney: Be 'Frank' About Middle East; Carney Blames Bush

September 18th, 2014 6:01 PM
On Wednesday's The Lead, CNN's Jake Tapper tried to pull former White House Press Secretary Jay Carney out of acting like an apologist for President Obama. Tapper turned to his guest, who had just spent an entire segment defending his former boss's ISIS policy, and asked, "What is the difficulty in getting Arab allies to kick in with military assistance? Jay, you don't work for the White House…

CBS/NYT Ignore Own Poll Showing Obama Job Approval at 40%

September 17th, 2014 9:13 PM
On Wednesday, CBS and The New York Times made the point of omitting results from their own poll which show President Obama’s job approval at 40 percent and his approval on foreign policy at only 34 percent from the newscasts and print newspaper, respectively. CBS This Morning and the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley only mentioned the latest CBS News/New York Times poll in regards to how 57…

Will Media Report How Obama Now Sees America As, Well, 'Unique'?

September 17th, 2014 3:29 PM
President Obama cited American exceptionalism at least ten times in his speech at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa today. Early in his administration, Obama went out of his way to downplay the nature of U.S. exceptionalism, claiming that it was really no different than how any other nation's citizens saw their own country's uniqueness. So his speechwriters knew better than to use that word. But…

CBS Covers Latest V.A. Scandal Report, ABC. NBC Ignore

September 17th, 2014 10:40 AM
On Wednesday, September 17, the House is scheduled to hold a hearing on the latest surrounding the scandal plagued Veterans Administration, specifically questions about the inspector general’s recent report on patient deaths at VA facilities. Despite the new revelations from a VA whistleblower that the VA changed its final report to downplay any connection between patient deaths and long wait…

Largely Ignored Yesterday, Code Pink Got Page-One Photos in 2002

September 17th, 2014 9:58 AM
Both Old Media and Old Medea were at it again yesterday. Old Medea is Medea Benjamin, the head of Code Pink, who led the disruption of a Senate hearing on ISIS and was eventually hauled away. Old Media demonstrated its double standards by giving Ms. Benjamin's temper tantrum little attention. That treatment sharply contrasts with that seen in September 2002, when, with a Republican in the White…

Dempsey Opens Chance of Troops In Iraq; Nets Rush to Cover For Obama

September 17th, 2014 12:55 AM

On Tuesday night, the major broadcast networks worked to quickly remind viewers that President Barack Obama has promised that no United States combat troops will be on the ground in the Middle East to fight the Islamic terrorist group ISIS despite congressional testimony by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, on Tuesday that U.S. troops returning to Iraq could…


Hayes: Concerns Over Terrorist Border Infiltration Just 'Girl Talk'

September 16th, 2014 9:42 PM
Paging the MSNBC PC police! On his All In show this evening, Chris Hayes used some indubitably un-PC language to dismiss concerns that ISIS or other terrorist groups might be infiltrating across our porous southern border. Huffed Hayes: "in the years since September 11, there have been occasional stories of this type. Sort of, a kind of girl talk mash-up of the fear about the border and the fear…

Harris-Perry Show Spat: US Soldiers 'Forced In' by Poverty

September 13th, 2014 2:02 PM
Phyllis Bennis is a defender of Iran and its nuclear ambitions, and wants Israel wiped off the map, to be replaced by a single Palestinian state. So naturally she's a Melissa Harris-Perry fave. Appearing yet again today on Harris-Perry's MSNBC show, Bennis put her radical views on display, arguing that many US soliders aren't truly volunteers, but are "forced in by poverty and lack of other…

NBC’s Jansing: Midterms Could Change if Americans ‘Rally Around' Obama

September 11th, 2014 10:23 PM
On Thursday’s NBC Nightly News, senior White House correspondent Chris Jansing provided not only spin favorable to President Obama a day after his prime time speech on ISIS, but also suggested that this could help the President in the midterm elections. At the conclusion of her report, Jansing told viewers that: "It's a war the President inherited with decisions made now shaping his legacy and…