Politico's Gerstein: Obama's 'No Strategy' Statement Just a 'Misfire

August 29th, 2014 1:06 PM
Politico's Josh Gerstein was in top keister-covering mode last night in dealing with President Barack Obama's latest stated indication that U.S. foreign policy is adrift. To him, the President's admission that “We don’t have a strategy yet” was just an "awkward choice of words" and an "inartful phrase." (By the way, over six years after after one of Obama's flaks first used it to defend the…

Networks Defend Obama as ‘Critics Pounced’ and Took 'Too Literally

August 29th, 2014 12:50 PM
On Friday morning, the major broadcast networks were out in full force to defend President Obama after his remarks at a press conference Thursday afternoon in which he said that “we don’t have a strategy yet” in how to militarily address the Islamic terrorist group ISIS in Syria. Leading the way was NBC’s Today, where co-host Matt Lauer told NBC News political director and moderator of Meet…

Scarborough Defends 'No Strategy' Obama: 'Straight Out of The Art of

August 29th, 2014 9:17 AM
Alexander the Great.  Stonewall Jackson. George S. Patton. To this list of some of history's greatest military strategists, a new name must be added: that of Barack Obama.  That is, if you agree with Joe Scarborough's take on President Obama's statement at yesterday's press conference that "we don't have a strategy yet" regarding possible attacks on ISIS in Syria. According to Scarborough,…

Following Obama's Lead, AP Story on Ukraine Avoids Describing Russian

August 29th, 2014 12:29 AM
On Thursday, an impatient Terry Moran at ABC News tweeted the following (HT Twitchy): "Say it: Russia has invaded Ukraine. Any other description is just weasel words." Clearly, both President Obama and the folks at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, haven't been sympathetic to Moran's plea, instead opting for "weasel words." Obama, when directly asked if he "considered…

AP Headline Describes 160 Syrian Soldiers Massacred by ISIS as 'Dozens

August 28th, 2014 11:03 PM
I struggle to come up with a reason, other than an irresponsible attempt to minimize the impact of the horror, why the headline at a Thursday evening Associated Press story by Zeina Karam and Ryan Lucas about "more than 160 Syrian government troops" massacred by ISIS is "JIHADISTS KILL DOZENS OF CAPTURED SYRIAN SOLDIERS." But that's how the wire service is presenting it:

'Americans Could Die!': Megyn Kelly Goes Off On Obama's Friday Fundrai

August 28th, 2014 9:31 PM
On Wednesday night, Megyn Kelly, perhaps the best host on the air today at adapting and responding to new information, did a double-take when Fox News White House correspondent Ed Henry told her that President Obama would be traveling to Rhode Island on Friday for a Democratic Party fundraiser. Having been so informed, she then made those plans the first topic of discussion with each of her…

AP, Politico, WashPo Reporters Fail to Completely Read Report on Phoen

August 28th, 2014 4:00 PM
As reported on Tuesday night, two of the three major broadcast networks covered a new report from the Office of the Inspector General at the Department of Veterans Affairs on the scandal-ridden agency and its Phoenix VA hospital that led to a nationwide investigation of delayed wait times and secret waiting lists.  While the coverage was mixed with ABC’s World News with Diane Sawyer…

NBC Touts Obama’s Promise to Fix the VA and IG Report Despite Concer

August 26th, 2014 9:35 PM
On Tuesday evening, NBC Nightly News offered a soft news brief on the scandal-ridden Veterans Affairs (VA) Administration by promoting President Barack Obama’s calls that the VA’s many issues will be fixed on his watch. In addition, substitute anchor Lestor Holt made quick mention of an inspector general’s report that the actions of the agency in delays in veterans waiting for care did not…

Unlike 'Mission Accomplished,' Press Barely Mentions Obama's 'JV Team

August 22nd, 2014 1:39 PM
The press never let George W. Bush forget about that "Mission Accomplished" banner on the USS Abraham Lincoln after Saddam Hussein was overthrown and his government's military was routed in Iraq. They often pretend that Bush said it, or adopted it. He did no such thing, saying only that “Our mission continues.” So while the press has come close to making a claim Bush 43 never made an article…

Ronan Farrow Concocts New Police Industrial Complex

August 15th, 2014 10:05 AM
Ronan Farrow is at it again. On the August 14 edition of Ronan Farrow Daily, MSNBC’s favorite Hillary Clinton prodigy tried to blame the outfitting of local police departments with military-style gear, as exemplified in the police reaction to the recent racially charged protests in Ferguson, Missouri, on evil “defense contractors.” He asked his guest Radley Balko, author Rise of the Warrior Cop…

Press Mostly Ignoring Feinstein's Warning That ISIS Wants 'To Attack U

August 9th, 2014 10:54 AM
Yesterday, Roll Call and The Hill both relayed Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein's call, in Roll Call's words, "for a broader military campaign against ISIL, not just the targeted missions authorized by the president." She believes it is needed because "It has become clear that ISIL is recruiting fighters in Western countries ... and possibly returning them to European and American cities to…

Big Three Networks Avoid Calling ISIS 'Terrorists;' Label Them 'Rebels

August 9th, 2014 12:30 AM
The Big Three networks steered clear of labeling the Islamist group ISIS "terrorists" on their evening newscasts on Friday. Instead, ABC's World News and CBS Evening News labeled the genocidal radicals "militants." NBC Nightly News used the more benign "rebels" in their coverage of the group's latest attacks on the Kurdish part of Iraq. The closest that a journalist at ABC, CBS, or NBC got…

Charles Pierce: Obama Dazed and Confused By GOP’s ‘Empowered Unrea

August 7th, 2014 7:45 AM
President Obama never saw battle or even served in the military, but according to Esquire political blogger Charles Pierce, Obama and his administration now suffer from something akin to shell shock, the result of "constant bombardment" from the Republican forces of “unreason,” “illogic,” and “fantasy.” Pierce argued in a Tuesday post that dealing with torqued-up craziness like that of the…

Israeli Spox's Super Response to Mohyeldin Claim That Hamas 'Very High

August 1st, 2014 9:17 AM
Do Gaza civilians support Hamas' military operations that use them as human shields and store weapons in their schools and mosques?  Ayman Mohyeldin would have you think so.  On today's Morning Joe, the NBC reporter claimed that among Gazans, Hamas' military wing is "very highly revered." To which Israeli spokesman Mark Regev had a stunning comeback: "I mean, if you walk down the street in…