CNN's Tom Cohen Baffled by the Obama Popularity 'Disconnect,' Holds Re

July 4th, 2014 8:04 PM
A prominent exhibit explaining why the nation's trust in its media establishment has dropped to precipitous lows would likely include Tom Cohen's Thursday afternoon column at CNN expressing befuddlement over President Barack Obama's unpopularity. After all, Cohen's headline crows that under Obama we have "more jobs" and "less war" (!), so there's a "disconnect" which must be explained. To…

ABC, CBS Ignore SCOTUS Ruling Against Unions And New V.A. Chief Nomina

June 30th, 2014 8:15 PM
On Monday, June 30, the Supreme Court dealt a blow to labor unions seeking to obtain more control over public employees who do not want to join the union. Despite the setback for union bosses, NBC Nightly News was the only network evening news broadcast to cover the ruling on Monday evening. In addition, President Obama nominated Robert McDonald to be the next Secretary of Veterans Affairs…

On Saturday, Nets Gloss Over 'Scathing' Report on V.A. Scandal, ABC Ig

June 29th, 2014 4:56 PM
After Friday's World News on ABC ignored the White House report on the infamous problems with the Department of Veterans Affairs, Saturday's Good Morning America on ABC also ignored the scandal, while CBS This Morning Saturday and NBC's Today show -- both of which are two-hour programs - only ran short briefs, the one on CBS totaling 25 seconds and the one on NBC 19 seconds. By contrast, the…

ABC Ignores 'Scathing' New Report on V.A. Scandal; CBS and NBC Cover

June 27th, 2014 9:48 PM
Friday's World News on ABC glossed over the release of Deputy White House Chief of Staff Rob Nabors's report on the scandal at the Veterans Administration. President Obama had sent Nabors to look into the long wait times at veterans hospitals nationwide. Instead, the evening newscast set aside almost two minutes of air time to a woman, who is eight months pregnant, competing in a track and…

Rose Soft-Pedals Obama Talking Points, Asks Cheney: 'Give the Presiden

June 25th, 2014 4:05 PM
On Tuesday night’s edition of his PBS show, Charlie Rose interviewed former Vice President Dick Cheney and pushed him to “give the president some credit for trying” to negotiate for a contingent of American troops to stay in Iraq after the status of forces agreement expired in 2011.  Cheney reminded Rose that, in his mind, Iraq “was in pretty good shape” when he and then-President George W.…

Flashback: Droned U.S. Citizen Once ‘Moderate Islam’s’ Media Dar

June 24th, 2014 9:33 AM
Who was Anwar Al Awlaki and why did the U.S. government kill him in a 2011 drone strike, despite his U.S. citizenship? The latter question has been answered with the court-ordered release of a Justice Department memo justifying the action. Awlaki, held “operational and leadership roles” in Al Qaeda in Yemen and “continue[d] to plot attacks intended to kill Americans.” The first question –…

Chris Matthews: Foreign Policy Hawks Want Military Action in Every Cou

June 20th, 2014 1:12 PM
In a screed against an interventionist foreign policy, Hardball’s Chris Matthews virtually insisted that there is a sinister plot among those initial supporters of the Iraq war to dictate the political life of nations throughout the Middle East. For Matthews, simply being wrong on the Iraq war–to the extent that anyone can make a claim like that with any certainty at the present time–is not…

Iran's Anti-American Quds Force Already on the Ground Helping Iraqis

June 19th, 2014 8:42 PM
Anti-American commandos from Iran are already helping the Iraqi military by doing the sort of logistical coordination that President Obama promised from the U.S. Army today, NBC's Richard Engel noted in a June 19 Nightly News report from Baghdad. "The image I've had in my head all day, Brian, is of this driver's ed car with two steering wheels, with one with the U.S. Army now about 300 people…

MSNBC's Russert: Is the West ‘Better Off’ With Dictators in Middle

June 19th, 2014 5:35 PM
Reacting to the announcement from President Obama that the United States will be sending approximately 300 special forces to Iraq in non-combat “advisor” roles, the panel on MSNBC’s The Cycle was skeptical that the move would accomplish anything significant. It’s fair to say that the panel was not exactly erring on the side of more intervention, however. After reading a quote from Time…

MSNBC Gives Platform to Dem to Spew About Cheney ‘How Dare He... Rai

June 19th, 2014 3:20 PM
On the June 19 edition of NewsNation With Tamron Hall, the MSNBCer and Today news desk anchor interviewed Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) on American intervention in Iraq. When Hall asked the congressman what he believed would be the consequences if Maliki refused to meet American demands for reform, Meeks’s answer morphed into a rant against former Vice President Dick Cheney. Meeks snarled, “how…

Mother of Benghazi Victim on CNN: 'All I've Asked for' From Hillary Is

June 17th, 2014 5:22 PM
In a passionate interview with host Brooke Baldwin on the June 17 edition of CNN Newsroom, Patricia Smith – mother of slain U.S. diplomat Sean Smith – voiced her frustrations about the lack of answers she has received from the Obama administration regarding Benghazi. Smith had one basic request for Hillary Clinton, a simple phone call [MP3 audio here; video below]:

AP Pair Continues the 'No WMDs' Lie, Defines Anyone Who Doesn't Suppor

June 17th, 2014 4:23 PM
The Obama administration doesn't have a plan for dealing with the crisis in Iraq. The left apparently believes it's up to obviously out of power "neocons" to have a plan. Though he has dispatched 275 military advisors to that country, his virtual ultimatum to that Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki — no angel by any stretch, but still a better alternative to a civil war or an ISIS-run…

Ed Schultz Contradicted By Own Guests: Republicans Not Just Fear Monge

June 17th, 2014 11:40 AM
Ed Schultz, never one to be left behind in radical left wing rhetoric, followed suit with the rest of MSNBC in condemning an intervention in Iraq on the June 16 edition of The Ed Show. Within the first 10 minutes, he had already blamed Republicans for using “dirty scare tactics,” claimed that they were calling for “troops on the ground,” and asked viewers to text in their answers to the utterly…

CBS Holds Obama Accountable for Iraq Chaos, NBC and ABC Avoid

June 17th, 2014 10:55 AM
While all three network morning shows covered the ongoing terrorist invasion of Iraq on Tuesday, only CBS This Morning made the connection between President Obama's foreign policy and the chaos in the country. In an interview with former U.S. ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker, This Morning co-host Charlie Rose wondered: "Has the United States and the Obama administration failed to pay sufficient…