ABC Hypes Obama 'Talking Tough' on V.A. Scandal, But Devotes More Air

May 21st, 2014 11:35 PM
Wednesday's World News on ABC minimized any sense of the Obama administration's responsibility in the ongoing V.A. scandal, and spent the least amount of air time on the issue among the Big Three networks' evening newscasts. The program actually aired segments on pickpocketing and custom mobile homes than lasted about a half a minute longer each than their report on the scandal. Diane Sawyer…

MSNBC Panel Admits VA Scandal A 'Political Problem' for Obama, 'Confid

May 21st, 2014 4:41 PM
During a panel discussion on her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Wednesday, host Andrea Mitchell wondered why President Obama chose to make a statement on the Veteran's Affairs scandal without having any significant reforms to announce: "Why send the President out to say something about the VA when he's not ready to take bolder action?" [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump]…

Daily Beast: Many Intel Officials Disagree With Obama That al Qaeda

May 21st, 2014 2:45 PM
The Daily Beast may be a liberal outlet, but sometimes they report important news that doesn’t favor the Obama administration. A case in point: a Wednesday article by Eli Lake which reported that many U.S. intelligence officials oppose President Obama’s push to scale back the war on terror.

Sam Stein Wonders Whether Liberalism Works at VA

May 21st, 2014 9:05 AM
Red Alert at the White House! How bad is the VA scandal? Bad enough to make even such as Sam Stein question liberalism. The VA scandal is getting so grievous for the Obama admin and for the liberal project at large that it has led even liberals to reconsider their most cherished ideological beliefs. On today's Morning Joe, Sam Stein of the Huffington Post wondered "is liberalism, is…

ABC Ignores Own Scoop on White House Distorting VA Scandal

May 20th, 2014 7:15 PM
ABC has failed to cover exclusive reporting from its own Jonathan Karl, ABC News’ Chief White House Correspondent, when he caught White House Press Secretary Jay Carney distorting the American Legion’s position on the VA controversy.  For the second night in a row, ABC’s World News with Diane Sawyer ignored the latest in the scandal engulfing the Veterans Administration. On Monday, May 19,…

ABC Offers 12 Minutes on Strippers, Models and TV Shows, Skips New Vet

May 20th, 2014 12:20 PM
The idea that Good Morning America is a superficial show is not in doubt. On Tuesday, the show's hosts devoted 12 minutes and 22 seconds to full reports on a college student stripper, a super model trying to lose weight and Dancing With the Stars. But the frivolous nature of the program often masks its liberal bias. GMA on May 20 completely ignored the revelation that Barack Obama was warned five…

ABC Ignores Correspondent Grilling Carney Over VA Scandal; Exalts Walt

May 16th, 2014 11:15 PM
Friday's World News on ABC mentioned the ongoing scandal surrounding the Veterans Administration only in passing, despite the fact their own chief White House correspondent, Jonathan Karl, hounded Press Secretary Jay Carney at the regular White House press briefing on the issue. Meanwhile, they set aside two full segments totaling seven minutes and 54 seconds of air time to Barbara Walters'…

Dem Congressional Campaign Cmte Mocks Iraq Vet As 'Cowardly Lion,' He

May 16th, 2014 5:18 PM
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee recently portrayed Republican U.S. House candidate Lee Zeldin as a "coward" on its website for refusing to oppose Paul Ryan’s budget. To illustrate this they posted a picture of Zeldin’s face on the body of the cowardly lion from The Wizard of Oz. [Video below. MP3 audio here.] But it just so happens that Zeldin is an Iraq War veteran, hardly…

Networks Devote 71 Minutes to Veterans Scandal, But Just 5 Seconds of

May 16th, 2014 3:35 PM
Since a massive scandal involving the Veterans Affairs department became public, the three networks have devoted a combined 71 minutes and 55 seconds (or 38 stories) to investigating a secret list delaying treatment to military personnel. That total time included a scant five seconds of criticism for Barack Obama. Instead, ABC, CBS and NBC focused their stories on Secretary Eric Shinseki and to…

CNN Hounds Bernie Sanders on VA Scandal: 'You Sound Like a Lawyer Defe

May 15th, 2014 3:50 PM
Chris Cuomo sparred with Senator Bernie Sanders on Thursday's New Day on CNN over the left-wing politician's scheduled hearing with Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki regarding the V.A. hospitals scandal, where scores of veterans died as they waited for care. Cuomo pointed out that "the mandate for Shinseki when he was put in...was that we knew there were big lapses at the V.A. that had…

Contemptible: AP Story Again Keeps Lois Lerner's Name Out of Headline

May 8th, 2014 2:07 PM
Once again, as it did a month ago in two separate stories, the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, left the name of Lois Lerner, the former IRS official who ran its section on tax-exempt organizations, out of its headline and opening paragraph. This time, for good measure, AP reporter Stephen Ohlemacher didn't reveal Lerner's name until Paragraph 3. Before getting to Ohlemacher'…

Politico Mag Natl. Editor Frets Benghazi 'Pseudo-Scandal' May Keep Hil

May 5th, 2014 1:12 PM
Michael Hirsh is the recently named National Editor at Politico Magazine, an effort which turning is out to be to the left of the crumbling Time Magazine and the for-now defunct Newsweek. One of Hirsh's career lowlights — he probably thinks it's a highlight — is his December 2008 contention that President George W. Bush having a shoe thrown at him in Iraq "was somehow appropriate." Lest there…

Politico's Hounshell: No One 'Credible' or 'Authoritative' Has Shown T

April 30th, 2014 11:15 AM
NewsBusters commenter "bkeyser" at my Benghazi-related post last night pointed to a tweet from Politico Magazine Deputy Editor Blake Hounshell that is at the same time breathtakingly ignorant and astonishingly insolent. Reacting to the contents of Benghazi-related emails finally obtained and published by Judicial Watch, Hounshell asked, "Can you point me to a credible, authoritative story…

Not News at AP, NYT or Politico: Benghazi Emails Showing WH Orchestrat

April 29th, 2014 11:07 PM
This afternoon (late morning Pacific Time), Roger Simon at PJ Media had several reactions to the latest developments in the Benghazi saga, as new evidence surfaced of a White House "effort to insulate President Barack Obama from the attacks that killed four Americans." Simon's press-related assertion: "We will now see if there is even a figment of honesty in our mainstream media ..." Though…