Networks Allow a Scant Two Minutes for Obama's 'Dramatic' Reduction of

February 24th, 2014 12:10 PM
  The plan by Barack Obama's government to "dramatically" shrink the size of the Army to its lowest level since World War II warranted a scant one minute and 56 seconds of total coverage on Monday's morning shows. Yet, CBS, NBC and ABC devoted 19 and a half minutes to such topics as TV shows, makeup and viral videos. [See video of ABC's coverage below. MP3 audio here.] None of the networks…

Outrageous: Russian TV Anchor Mocks Iwo Jima Memorial As Homoerotic In

February 16th, 2014 7:38 AM
The London Daily Mail reported this week that “CNN caused a firestorm when it included a war monument in Brest, a city in the former Soviet republic of Belarus, in an article on the 'world's ugliest monuments' published last month.” This isn’t Ted Turner’s CNN, where a reporter would be disciplined for saying the word “foreign” in a sentence. The online article from a travel-piece contributor…

Maddow Praises Obama’s SOTU Tribute to Afghan War Vet; Witt Tries to

February 3rd, 2014 6:00 PM
How do MSNBC hosts feel about the war in Afghanistan? Well, it may depend on who’s in the White House at the moment. On Saturday morning’s Weekends with Alex Witt, Ms. Witt talked to fellow MSNBC host Rachel Maddow about President Obama’s tribute to Army Ranger Sgt. 1st Class Cory Remsburg at last Tuesday’s State of the Union address. [Video below the break. MP3 audio here.] Maddow, who is…

PBS Star Tavis Smiley Argues Snowden's Historic Enough to End Up on a

January 19th, 2014 6:31 PM
Tavis Smiley is known for making extreme statements that make even his fellow liberals cringe in fear. Whether he is comparing the Tea Party to Jihad or saying Republicans only oppose ObamaCare because they hate the president, the PBS host never stops making inflammatory comments. Appearing on This Week w/ George Stephanopoulos on January 19, Smiley asserted that, “I think very quickly that…

CBS’s Schieffer Questions Robert Gates’s Loyalty to President Oba

January 19th, 2014 4:28 PM
CBS’s Bob Scheiffer had some harsh words for former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on his Sunday show Face the Nation surrounding the release of Gates’ new memoir “Duty.” Schieffer fretted over whether or not Gates should have released his memoir before President Obama left office. He had  "problems" with it. The CBS host complained that, "Making the criticism at this point while the…

Melissa Harris-Perry Pronounces Marine Corps Motto Semper 'Fee

January 19th, 2014 12:24 PM
Call it Melissa Harris-Perry's "corpse-man" moment . . . In a segment on the role of the US military during her MSNBC show this morning, Harris-Perry, quoting the Marine Corps motto, pronounced it Semper "Fee."  Marines of course pronounce it "fye" [scroll over phrase at link to hear pronunciation.]  Harris-Perry surely meant no disrespect. But it is a mark of just how detached she and so…

PBS’s Woodruff Lectures Gates, Asks Him If He’s Worried About Hurt

January 16th, 2014 11:52 AM
Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates has been facing criticism and scorn from some media members for having the audacity to mildly criticize President Obama and some administration officials while Obama is still in office. On Tuesday, Gates appeared on the PBS NewsHour to face another round of questioning about his newly released memoir. Midway through the interview, anchor Judy Woodruff…

Katie Couric to Bob Gates: Was Your Book 'In Bad Form'? Will it 'Tarni

January 15th, 2014 8:06 AM
In an interview with former Defense Secretary Robert Gates for Yahoo News on Monday, newly-named global anchor Katie Couric urged him to express regret for criticism of President Obama in his new memoir: "Do you think in any way, shape or form that this was the wrong thing to do? It was just bad form?" [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Gates replied: "No, I don't. The…

10 Best ‘Lone Survivor’ Takedowns of Liberal Media

January 13th, 2014 5:01 PM
CNN’s Jake Tapper would have done well to read “Lone Survivor,” rather than just seeing the new movie, before interviewing former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell last week. If he had, Tapper might have been more careful than to describe the deaths of Luttrell’s SEAL comrades in Afghanistan as “senseless.” And he would have been wary of Luttrell’s contempt for the liberal media. The film “Lone…

CBS Hounds Gates on Book 'Turmoil'; Wonders Why He Didn't Follow Advic

January 13th, 2014 4:32 PM
Rita Braver badgered former Defense Secretary Robert Gates on the January 12, 2013 edition of CBS's Sunday Morning over his new memoir which, in her words, "has created such turmoil in Washington." Braver even used Gates's own words against him: "In your book, you say that one of your favorite adages is, never miss a good chance to shut up. And I wonder if you think, maybe, you violated your…

Liberal 'Meet the Press' Panel Shouts Down Lone Conservative to Defend

January 13th, 2014 4:21 PM
In a panel packed with Obama sycophants on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, lone conservative Rick Santorum was shouted down the moment he observed that Robert Gates's new memoir showed "that the President puts domestic politics before international concerns." Amid the wailing and gnashing of teeth, MSNBC host Chris Matthews declared: "But that's not what the book says. Rick, it didn't say that." […

While NBC Frets Over Gates's 'Dishonorable' Criticism of Obama, It Hyp

January 13th, 2014 11:33 AM
While Matt Lauer worried that Robert Gates's criticism of President Obama was "dangerous or dishonorable" on Monday's NBC Today, when disgruntled ex-Bush administration officials wrote memoirs bashing the former president in 2004 and 2008, the network morning show happily cheered them on. On January 13, 2004 – exactly ten years prior to Lauer's Monday interview with Gates – then-Today co-…

NBC's Lauer Grills Bob Gates on 'Dangerous or Dishonorable' Criticism

January 13th, 2014 9:18 AM
During a live interview with former Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer suggested that criticism of President Obama in Gates's new memoir was endangering American troops overseas: "As this criticism is leveled by you in the book of the commander-in-chief, the acting commander-in-chief, at a time when some 40,000 U.S. troops are in harm's way, do you think that…

Politico's Jose DelReal Calls Tasteless, Offensive 'BridgeGhazi' Hasht

January 13th, 2014 1:41 AM
Leave it to the left to trivialize the deaths of a U.S. ambassador and other Americans and congratulate themselves on their cuteness while doing so. Leave it to a Politico "fellow", who describes himself as a "reporter" at his LinkedIn profile, to try, along with his conscience-free employer, to promote the effort as a "a new recipe" for "naming scandals" (HT Twitchy):