MSNBC's Chuck Todd: WWII Memorial, Reid Cancer Stories Driven by 'Manu

October 4th, 2013 10:44 AM
On Thursday, MSNBC's Chuck Todd, in the introduction to his "Daily Rundown" program, characterized both the response to the Obama administration's barricading of the World War II Memorial and Harry Reid's response to a question about helping children with cancer by funding the National Institutes for Health ("Why would we want to do that?") as "manufactured outrage." World War II ended in 1945,…

AP Tries But Fails to Find a WWII Veteran Who Only Blames Congress for

October 2nd, 2013 2:14 PM
Brett Zongker, the reporter the Associated Press assigned to cover the World War II Memorial story yesterday in Washington, apparently felt compelled to try to find someone who would exclusively blame Congress for the memorial's closure. He failed, but pretended that he succeeded. For those unfamiliar with the story, in an overrecation to the partial government shutdown, the White House,…

New Republic's Advice to Obama: Roll in the Tanks and Blow Up 'Intrans

October 2nd, 2013 11:28 AM
On Tuesday, Julia Ioffe, senior editor for the liberal New Republic publication, all but suggested that President Obama needed to use military force against Tea Party conservatives in Congress. Ioffe likened the current federal government shutdown to the 1993 constitutional crisis in Russia, where then-President Boris Yeltsin ultimately ended the impasse by dissolving the parliament, and had…

Chuck Norris Column: Spare the War Memorials

October 1st, 2013 7:10 PM
While gridlock is the game in Washington, pilfering and degradation apparently are the pastime of some unpatriotic thugs at war memorials across the country. For me, that is about as low as a nation and its people can go. This past week in Natick, Mass., veterans and other law-abiding citizens were stunned to discover that a soldier's helmet — from one who died in battle — had gone missing…

NYT Bemoans August Al Qaeda Plot Leak After Blowing Open Bush Admin Fi

September 30th, 2013 8:17 PM
Isn't this rich? The New York Times, in a Sunday story placed on the front page of Monday's print edition, took shots at another news organization for leaking sensitive intelligence. The Old Grey Lady must think we all have short memories. Unfortunately, Dylan Byers at the Politico does have a short memory — either that, or he's protecting the sacred Times and its history-challenged reporters…

TIME 'Ideas' Blogger: Stop Military Recruiters From 'Infiltrat[ing]' A

September 17th, 2013 6:46 PM
American kids are woefully behind the curve when it comes to courses of study in the STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math] fields, liberals love to tell us. To prepare our kids for success in a global economy, we need more federal involvement in education, they argue. But heaven forbid the U.S. military be part of that solution, that might lead to a "militarization of young minds…

Andrea Mitchell: Can You Blame Obama For Not Calling On Congress In Sy

September 11th, 2013 5:47 PM
President Obama has been facing an unusual amount of criticism lately for his handling of the Syrian crisis, so it was only a matter of time before someone in the mainstream liberal media tried to cut him some slack for his weak leadership. On Wednesday’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC, the host-turned-apologist asked if Obama could really be blamed for not calling on Congress to authorize a…

Politico's Budoff Brown Dutifully Translates Obama's Head-scratching S

September 11th, 2013 2:01 PM
Apparently we can't grasp the full brilliance and nuance of Barack Obama's speeches without having someone from the establishment press telling us what he really meant to say when he said what he really said. That's the impression one gets from reading "What President Obama said, what he meant" early Wedesday at the Politico. In it, along with an accompanying video dedicated to the same idea…

AP 'Fact Check' Tells Readers 'Obama's Syria Case Still Lacks Proof

September 11th, 2013 10:20 AM
For well over two weeks, the Obama administration has been urging military action against the Assad regime in Syria for its use of chemical weapons. At the Associated Press, in a "Fact Check" item at its "Big Story" site, Calvin Woodward told readers that "President Barack Obama voiced his conviction Tuesday night that Syrian President Bashar Assad was to blame for deadly chemical attacks…

Politico Pair Puzzled How GOP, 'Party of Hawks,' Has Gone 'Dovish' on

September 9th, 2013 9:45 AM
No website outdoes the Politico when it comes to looking at the world through Beltway-stereotyping glasses. A post this morning on Republican congressmen and senators' views towards attacking Syria exemplifies that outlook. Apparently, in the fevered minds of Alex Isenstadt and James Hohmann, a GOP lawmaker learning about any idea to intervene militarily automatically salivates at the…

13 Relevant Reports at AP's National Site Fail to Quote Obama's 'I Did

September 5th, 2013 7:07 AM
Yesterday in Stockholm at the G20 summit, President Barack Obama said the following in regards to the use of chemical weapons in warfare: "I didn't set a red line. The world set a red line." For years, the press obsessed over the alleged untruthfulness of President George W. Bush's "16 words" ("The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of…

Rangel Calls Obama-Syria Situation 'Embarrassing'; Press, Other Than P

September 3rd, 2013 2:28 PM
Monday morning, 22-term Democratic Congressman Charlie Rangel of New York, as reported by Tal Kopan at the Politico, said that President Barack Obama's drawing of a "red line" on Syria is "embarrassing," and that he is against "putting our kids in harm’s way to solve an international problem." Rangel is the third most-senior House member of either party. If a senior Republican congressperson…

Yahoo's Shapiro Sings Praises of 'Obama's History-Defying Decision to

September 2nd, 2013 6:45 PM
Walter Shapiro's column at Yahoo yesterday might as well be called, "My Hero -- xoxo." Its actual headline is, "Obama's history-defying decision to seek Congressional approval on Syria." As Instapundit's Glenn Reynolds noted a short time ago: "You can read this entire article about Obama going to Congress over Syria without seeing any mention that Bush went to Congress over Iraq and…

NBC's Mitchell: Trust Obama, He's Going to Bomb Syria 'From A Very Cau

August 30th, 2013 4:42 PM
On her Friday MSNBC program, host Andrea Mitchell tried to ease the concerns of Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Lee and other members of Congress calling for a congressional vote on military action in Syria: "Barack Obama, as you know better than I do, was one of the leading Democratic politicians against the Iraq War. So if he says that this is different, that the evidence is there....does…