AP's Crutsinger Ignores All-Time Single-Month Spending Record in Repor

April 11th, 2012 11:40 PM
In his report on the February 2012 monthly federal deficit on March 12, Christopher Rugaber at the Associated Press (aka the Administration's Press) told readers that the month's deficit was $232 billion, but "somehow" forgot to tell readers that it was an all-time record for a single month in U.S. government history. Well, there's good news, much worse news, and an utterly predictable agenda…

ABC’s DC Drama ‘Scandal’ Rabidly Anti-Conservative, Celebrates G

April 6th, 2012 3:02 PM
ABC’s new drama set in Washington D.C. does nothing to encourage bi-partisanship. “Scandal” is another liberal product of the network, and is a blatant platform for lefty views and policies. The fledgling series is supposedly based on true events, and touts ruthless lawyer Olivia Pope, who was previously employed in the White House. The debut episode centered on a murder case involving…

Predictable: Katy Perry’s Patriotic Video Draws Lefty Ire

March 29th, 2012 2:33 PM
Some on the left have noted a disturbing trend – despite their best efforts, people keep seeing the U.S. military as admirable. When Seal Team 6 killed Osama Bin Laden on the orders of a liberal Democrat commander in chief, lefties had to endure the nation’s celebration of the special ops warriors. Then “Act of Valor” his theaters last month, and a variety of liberal outlets branded the…

NBC Sees Nuclear Plant as Job Creator for Vets...After Hyping It As Da

March 26th, 2012 4:51 PM
On Monday's NBC Today, Tom Brokaw reported on veteran Mike Wright returning from tours in Iraq and Afghanistan to continue work at New York's Indian Point nuclear power plant: "Entergy, Wright's employer, supported his deployments. Veteran hiring is a priority for the company, not out of sympathy, but as an investment in the bottom line....Mike Wright and Entergy, that's how it's supposed to…

Katy Perry Goes Pro-Military in New Music Video

March 22nd, 2012 11:45 AM
Pop star Katy Perry could teach the liberal media a thing or two about patriotism and appreciation for the U.S. military. For her new music video "Part of Me," the singer embraced her inner, gritty “GI Jane” and trained alongside female Marines to deliver an authentic performance in her new military-inspired video. Perry’s pro-military video is a breath of fresh air in a lefty media culture…

CNN Host Blisters GOP Field With Dem Talking Points

February 27th, 2012 4:12 PM
CNN's Don Lemon launched a heavy defense of President Obama's apology for the Koran burnings in Afghanistan, in lieu of criticism Obama has received from GOP presidential candidates. In his Sunday night segment entitled "No Talking Points," Lemon ironically threw Democratic talking points at the Republicans. Lemon claimed neutrality over Obama's apology before offering all the reasons why it…

Chris Hayes's Curious Advice To Conservatives: Call Bush's Iraq War 'C

February 26th, 2012 9:30 AM
This could go down as some of the worst political advice ever.  Then again, consider the source.  Chris Hayes isn't exactly in the business of helping conservatives lead . . . or win elections. On his MSNBC show this morning, Hayes advised conservatives to call the war that President Bush led against Iraq "criminal."  Yeah, that's the ticket. Video after the jump.

Flashback to May 2009: Media Ignored U.S. Military Burning Bibles to A

February 24th, 2012 5:00 PM
As violent, deadly demonstrations have broken out in Afghanistan following the recent accidental burning of Korans, it's interesting to look back nearly three years ago when the U.S. military burned a shipment of Holy Bibles written in the Pashto and Dari languages. The military destroyed the Bibles rather than ship them back stateside apparently out of fear the American church that sent them…

Tamron Hall Decries Use Of Military As Pawns . . . . While Standing In

February 23rd, 2012 9:44 AM
In an MSNBC "Lean Forward" promo aired on today's Morning Joe, Tamron Hall says she's been upset and saddened by the use of patriotism and military families as political pawns. So where did Hall station herself for purposes of the spot?  Why, in front of an A-4 Skyhawk military jet!  As she so often does during her on-air appearances, Hall also spoke of her background as member of a military…

Fact-Checking AP 'Fact Checker' Woodward: Bush Did Not 'Keep the Cost

February 15th, 2012 12:20 PM
On Monday, Calvin Woodward, with help from Martin Crutsinger and Pete Yost, produced a "Fact Check" on the budget proposal the White House released earlier that day. After properly criticizing the administration's plan to use "about $850 billion in savings from ending the wars and steers some $230 billion of that to highways" (and actually quoting someone knowledgeable, who pointed out that "…

Wolf Blitzer Pulls Quote From Liberal Political Activist to Grill Sant

February 10th, 2012 7:05 PM
Pressing Rick Santorum on his opposition to women serving in combat, CNN's Wolf Blitzer quoted a liberal veteran who harshly criticized Santorum's policy. Blitzer did not identify the veteran or his group as "liberal," thus failing to address the critic's possible political motives against the conservative candidate. "A very angry response from one veteran," Blitzer noted, before quoting the…

NBC's Curry Grills Santorum on Negative Campaigning, Women in the Mili

February 10th, 2012 1:07 PM
In the only network morning show interview with Rick Santorum in the wake of his three-state victory on Tuesday, NBC Today co-host Ann Curry on Friday pestered the former Pennsylvania senator on whether he would "commit" not to do any negative campaigning and attempted to portray his recent comments on women serving in military combat roles as a gaffe. Curry put this question to Santorum…

As Most Liberals Now Want Guantanamo Kept Open, NYT's Rosenthal Shifts

February 9th, 2012 3:13 PM
A new Washington Post/ABC News poll with a striking finding has New York Times Editorial Page editor Andrew Rosenthal in dismay: 53 percent of self-described liberal Democrats support keeping Guantanamo Bay open. Does this mean their previous virulent opposition was not based on concern for civil liberties, but was just partisan Bush-hatred? Of course not. Rosenthal’s Thursday morning post “…

Obama Contradicts Holder and Others on Iran's in-U.S. Terror Capabilit

February 7th, 2012 9:26 PM
In his pre-Super Bowl interview with Matt Lauer on Sunday, President Obama was asked the following question about Iran in light of the heightening tensions over its nuclear program and the possibility of an Israeli air strike: "(In repsonse) Do you fear that they will wage attacks within the United States on American soil?" Obama responded as follows: "We don't see any evidence that they have…