Darcy Is MAD Outlets Aren’t Like AP Fighting Trump on Gulf of America

March 24th, 2025 6:30 PM

Former CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcy suggested Sunday on his newsletter site Status American democracy was teetering and a descent into authoritarianism was afoot. Even though his unhinged outlook on life appears permanent, this new reason was legacy media outlets having refused to join the Associated Press in using “Gulf of Mexico” instead of Gulf of America (and instead vague uses…


CBS Is Latest Outlet To Change Tune On 'Stuck' Astronauts Due To Trump

February 8th, 2025 11:36 AM

Recently, NPR shamed President Donald Trump for pledging to rescue two stranded astronauts on the International Space Station because, according to them and despite months of their own reporting to the contrary, they are not stranded. On Friday CBS Evening News host John Dickerson became the latest media personality to do the same thing.

NPR Labeled Stuck Astronauts 'Stranded' Until Trump Came Along

January 30th, 2025 12:47 PM

One of the media’s worst habits is its urge to contradict everything President Donald Trump says simply because he says them. NPR had a rather comical example of this phenomena on Wednesday as it ran a headline saying Trump was wrong to say two astronauts on the International Space Station are stranded despite three previous NPR articles saying they were stranded.

Budget Gimmicks: D.C. Labels Everything an ‘Emergency’ to Spend More

September 25th, 2023 11:51 AM

Did you survive the budget cuts from the last debt ceiling fight? President Joe Biden called them “draconian,” while Republicans praised the deal’s “historic reductions in spending.” But both parties conned us, as my new video explains. What they call “cuts” were just a reduction in their planned spending increase. Instead of raising spending by 7.8%, they increased it by “only” 3.9%. Only…


Sinking Ship: Nets Avoid Kamala Hiring Child Actors to Pose With Her

October 12th, 2021 8:57 PM

Just as they were ignoring her mishandling – or lack of handling – of the southern border crisis (amid a litany of other duties), the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) avoided covering Vice President Kamala Harris’s latest embarrassment: hiring child actors to play the role of kids interested in going to space and careers in the sciences for a YouTube video. Funnier yet, the kids were…


Psaki Doesn't Apologize for Mocking Space Force, Lies About Cabinet

February 3rd, 2021 10:50 PM

On Thursday’s episode of the White House press briefing, Press Secretary Jen Psaki refused to apologize for having mocked the Space Force a day earlier and skimped on funding schools that teachers unions have kept shuttered, and falsely claimed that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was the first openly gay cabinet secretary.

The Private Space Race

July 29th, 2020 5:09 PM

This week, American astronauts will return to earth. Their trip to the space station was the first manned launch from the U.S. in 10 years. By NASA? No. Of course, not. This space flight happened because the government was not in charge. An Obama administration committee had concluded that launching such a vehicle would take 12 years and cost $36 billion. But this rocket was finished in half…


Netflix ‘Space Force’ Parody Puts AOC in Her Place

June 5th, 2020 2:30 PM

Netflix is airing Space Force, a parody of the United States Space Force, the space warfare service branch of the U.S. Armed Forces established by President Trump. The ten episodes began streaming on May 29. The series is not being very well-received because there is little to make it a worthwhile binge, despite a good cast. Liberals are particularly irritated that what could have…

Apollo 11 at 50

July 16th, 2019 4:55 PM
You had to be there 50 years ago, and I was. As a young reporter for a local TV station in Houston, I frequently visited NASA (“the space base,” we dubbed it), met many of the astronauts and reported on their exploits. Along with people from around the world, I watched the lunar landing on television, July 20, 1969, fulfilling President Kennedy's goal of putting a man on the moon by the end of…

Sneaky Ways Sean Penn’s New Sci-Fi Show Pushes a Liberal Agenda

September 20th, 2018 6:00 PM
Hulu’s latest original series The First, which debuted on September 14, is an interesting, non-partisan science-fiction series set in the 2030s surrounding the trials of NASA astronauts on the first mission to Mars …most of the time. Starring raving lefty lunatic Sean Penn, you might be surprised to learn the series manages to keep politics out of the main plot. Sadly, it fails to leave its…

Neil Armstrong Biopic Skips Patriotism, Flag on the Moon

August 31st, 2018 9:12 AM
Sheila Jackson Lee was right! The astronauts must have planted an American flag on Mars because, according to Hollywood, they didn’t put one on the moon. The new Neil Armstrong biopic First Man starring Ryan Gosling records the astronaut’s iconic small step, but ignores the other iconic moment from the 1969 moon landing: Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planting the American flag.

Not News: Study Claims It Invalidates EPA's Global Warming 'Finding'

July 6th, 2017 6:06 PM
A peer-reviewed research report published last week by three highly qualified researchers with the agreement of seven others similarly accomplished charges that the entities reporting historical and current worldwide temperatures have adjusted their data to show global warming which has not actually occurred. The trio has concluded that this data is "not a valid representation of reality," and…

PBS Touts ‘Interconnection’ Between Climate Change, Hurricane Matthew

October 6th, 2016 8:55 PM
On the heels of my Drudge Report-linked post about NBC’s Ron Allen informing MSNBC on Wednesday that the Paris climate change deal “is designed to stop” weather events like Hurricane Matthew, Thursday’s PBS NewsHour joined ranks of the absurdity as Judy Woodruff and guest Gavin Schmidt from NASA pondered the “interconnection” between the two.

IBD Notes Three Global Warming Stories The U.S. Press Has Ignored

December 27th, 2015 10:17 AM
Yesterday, I noted that Associated Press reporter Karl Ritter actually wrote, and AP actually published, a story about how complying with the Paris climate agreement would require greenhouse gas emissions "To Drop Below Zero." Perhaps Ritter, whose beat includes "cover(ing) climate change, from UN negotiations to Arctic melt," looked around and realized that if he didn't put out something…