It's WaPo Official: Sequestration Was A Dud

July 1st, 2013 3:05 PM
Well, it’s Washington Post official: the sequestration wasn’t all that bad after all.  In fact, you could classify it as a dud, according to none other than Ezra Klein, a favored pet pundit of many a liberal MSNBC panel. In a June 30 item at his Wonkblog, Klein concluded that the experts were “mostly wrong” concerning the impact of the cuts.  At the same time, conservatives saw from the…

LAT Story on UCLA Study Relayed By AP: 'It's Not a Recovery. It's Not

June 5th, 2013 11:45 PM
The most interesting thing (to me, at least) about Wednesday's report in the Los Angeles Times by Ricardo Lopez on how the author of an economic report out of UCLA has said that the U.S. economy's performance since the recession officially ended in June 2009 stinks -- "It's not a recovery. It's not even normal growth. It's bad" -- is how the Associated Press relayed it to its readers and…

Martin Bashir: 'Paul Krugman Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize'...For Adv

May 29th, 2013 1:07 AM
Martin Bashir on Tuesday said New York Times columnist Paul Krugman "deserves the Nobel Peace Prize." Yes, the MSNBC host said Peace Prize - not one for economics - all because the perilously liberal economist has advocated more deficit spending and even more federal debt to stimulate the economy (video follows with partial transcript and commentary):

NBC: U.S. National Parks 'Under Stress' and 'In Trouble' Following Seq

May 28th, 2013 5:41 PM
On Monday's NBC Today, correspondent Tom Costello fretted over the impact of modest reductions in government spending: "401 parks, battlefields, monuments, seashores, volcanos, and deserts make up the National Park System....But the parks and their future are under stress....The Park Service budget hasn't changed since 2006....Now the sequester is forcing another $153 million in cuts just as…

Gayle King to Tom Coburn: Deficit-Neutral Disaster Relief Risks 'Alien

May 22nd, 2013 8:16 PM
On Wednesday's CBS This Morning, open Obama supporter Gayle King strongly hinted to Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn that he would face voter backlash for seeking cuts in the federal budget to pay for tornado disaster relief: "You voted against relief plans for Hurricane Sandy, and it sounds that you would do the same if it was raised in Oklahoma. Do you worry about alienating your constituents…

Three Labor Unions, Including Teamsters, Want ObamaCare Repealed; When

May 21st, 2013 6:01 PM
As the media, by and large, ignores the train wreck that is on the horizon with ObamaCare, yet another union has jumped ship on the president’s health care overhaul.  Back in April, you may recall, the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers, and Allied Workers officially said thanks but no thanks to the president’s plan. Well, now, a major labor union in the grocery industry is balking at the…

Maher: 'If You’re Rich You Should be Begging the Government to Redis

May 11th, 2013 2:09 PM
Bill Maher is one extremely confused person. Having two months ago said that his high taxes were leading him to consider dumping liberalism, HBO's Real Time host said Friday, "If you’re rich you should be begging the government to redistribute your wealth" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

The Revolving Door Spins Again: Obama Adviser Plouffe Joins Bloomberg

April 27th, 2013 10:46 PM
The left's media-echo chamber just got louder. On Thursday morning in a claimed exclusive, the Politico reported that "(Former presidential adviser and campaign official David) Plouffe will appear regularly on Bloomberg Television to offer analysis and commentary on political and business issues as they impact the intersection of Wall Street, Main Street and K Street and will lend his expertise…

Politico's Donovan Slack Makes Up Boehner's Reaction to Obama's Budget

April 10th, 2013 6:59 PM
Any time you see an establishment press reporter fail to use quotation marks in characterizing something said by a subject of his or her report, be on the lookout for misdirection, misinterpretation, and downright distortion, especially if the person is a conservative or Republican. A story at Politico by Donovan Slack early this afternoon about the reactions of House Speaker John Boehner and…

Gov't Loan Recipient Fisker Auto Accelerates Toward Bankruptcy; Media

April 4th, 2013 4:25 PM

ABC's Stephanopoulos Hypes 'Net Benefit For the Treasury From Gay Marr

March 28th, 2013 6:26 PM
On Thursday, George Stephanopoulos touted how legalizing same-sex "marriage" would supposedly bring in additional revenue into the federal government's coffers. The former Clinton administration official claimed that "the Treasury would actually take in more money if gays and lesbians were allowed to get married and get federal benefits." Stephanopoulos cited an eight-plus year old study…

Krauthammer: Senate Democrats Budget 'Marches Us Off a Cliff Into Gree

March 23rd, 2013 1:19 PM
Senate Democrats on Saturday narrowly passed their first budget in four years. Appearing on PBS's Inside Washington Friday before the vote, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer called it "the most appalling document you have ever seen" claiming, "It marches us off a cliff into Greece and perhaps into Cyprus" (video follows with transcript and absolutely no need for additional commentary):

Poll Shows Democrats Skeptical of ObamaCare; Media Mostly Silent

March 22nd, 2013 4:03 PM
On March 20, the Washington Examiner’s Philip Klein reported that it seems Obamacare’s true costs are starting to sink in with its most ardent supporters: Democrats.  Despite years of the liberal media reporting that this new trillion dollar health care entitlement will save money over the next decade, that outcome is, to be generous, highly dubious, especially with the possibility of eleven…

NB's Noyes: A True 'Watchdog Press' Would Hold Obama to Account for Bu

March 18th, 2013 11:45 AM
A true "watchdog press would be all over" President Obama's "moving the goalposts" on the federal budget, NewsBusters senior editor Rich Noyes told Fox Business Network's Stuart Varney on Monday's Varney & Co. Instead, the media are falling down on the job, failing to note how the president has broken promise after promise on federal spending, both from his 2008 campaign and subsequently…