Rand Paul on Sequester Fearmongering: 'Balderdash' - 'President Is Mak

February 22nd, 2013 6:55 PM
Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) had some harsh words Friday for all the fearmongering going on around the country concerning the looming sequester next week. Appearing on Fox News's Happening Now, Paul said, "Balderdash. It’s untrue, unfair, dishonest, disingenuous. The president is making stuff up" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Bozell: Media Simply Won't Report on Sequester Accurately, the GOP Has

February 21st, 2013 12:25 PM
The media don't care about the fact the the sequester was President Obama's idea in the first place, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell noted on the February 20 edition of CNBC's Kudlow Report. What's more, the media certainly don't care that the sequester will impose a mere two percent reduction in federal spending, hardly a "meat cleaver" approach to reducing spending. The media are "beyond…

Krauthammer on Sequester: 'Most Ridiculously Hyped Armageddon Since th

February 20th, 2013 7:17 PM
While the President and his media minions are trying to scare everyone into thinking that if the sequestration on federal spending goes through on March 1 it will be the end of the world, conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer had a different view Wednesday. Appearing on Fox News's Special Report, Krauthammer said, "This is the most ridiculously hyped Armageddon since the Mayan calendar…

Audience Cheers and Applauds When Leno Says Obama 'Doesn't Understand

February 20th, 2013 9:26 AM
It appears not everyone in America is as enthralled with Barack Obama's economic policies as his fans in the media. When NBC Tonight Show host Jay Leno made a joke about the president not understanding economics, the studio audience cheered, applauded, and whistled (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Matthews: Republicans Are Using 'Cold War CIA Tactics To Destabilize O

February 19th, 2013 6:37 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews is starting to get completely unhinged. On Tuesday's Hardball, he accused Republicans of using "Cold War CIA tactics to destabilize our own country" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NBC’s David Gregory Thinks Republicans Are ‘Just Trying to Jam the

February 19th, 2013 9:55 AM
NBC continues to lead the way in belittling any and all Republican attempts to stand up to President Obama. On Sunday’s Today, David Gregory rehashed the common left-wing talking point that Republicans are opposing Obama at every turn merely for the sake of being obstructionist.  Commenting on Republican opposition to the Chuck Hagel nomination, Gregory said, “There’s no question that…

Fox's Juan Williams on Liberal Sequester Panic: 'I Think the News Medi

February 18th, 2013 3:09 PM
During yesterday’s edition of Fox News Sunday, Washington Post editor Bob Woodward, who wrote the book "The Price of Politics" on how Obama handled the debt-ceiling fiasco in 2011, explained again to his media colleagues that it was a White House initiative to use a hatchet with these budgetary matters in the form of sequestration. When Fox host Chris Wallace suggested the news media would…

AP's Sidoti Bemoans 'Collective Obsession With the Trivial' as Its Bus

February 18th, 2013 12:33 PM
Liz Sidoti's offering this morning at the Associated Press, which is clearly a serious competitor for Worst AP Item Ever, carries the "column" label. As such, I suppose we're expected to accept the idea that the "analysis" offered is hers alone. But you would think that the self-described "essential global news network" would have enough business judgment to review a reporter's work to make…

George Will: Sequester Needed to Curb Washington's Contemptuous Treatm

February 17th, 2013 5:28 PM
Syndicated columnist George Will appears all for Congress allowing sequestration to reduce spending on March 1. Appearing on ABC's This Week Sunday, Will said it would be appropriate given the "utter contempt with which Washington treats taxpayers' money."

NY Times ‘News Analysis’ Promotes Myth Obama Is Cutting Spending

February 15th, 2013 10:32 AM
On Wednesday, the New York Times published a News Analysis of the President’s State of the Union address entitled “In Age of Spending Cuts, Making a Case for Government.” While the author, Richard Stevenson, makes a correct argument for how the President is pushing for larger government despite a shrinking federal budget, he ignores how there is no actual reduction in federal spending. In…

Kirsten Powers Rips Obama's State of the Union Speech, Fawning Press i

February 13th, 2013 8:49 PM
Kirsten Powers is definitely liberal, but not blind. Here's her take on President Obama's State of the Union speech last night as expressed in her Wednesday USA Today column, with an added bonus of a delicious potshot at the sycophantic press: "It was so hackish, so devoid of any theme or purpose, that it makes one wonder whether part of Obama just wants to see how bad he can be before his…

Maher: Rubio's a 'Shameless Liar' for Saying Obama Created More Debt T

February 13th, 2013 10:56 AM
NewsBusters readers know that one of my guilty pleasures is exposing Bill Maher's lack of knowledge on subjects he pompously pounds the table about. On Tuesday evening, Maher gave me a doozy when he wrote on Facebook, "Wow, what a shameless liar this Marco Rubio guy is - Obama created more debt than Bush? Well, if you don't believe in science, why not math too?"

Krauthammer on State of the Union: 'This Speech Is About Spending Your

February 12th, 2013 10:43 PM
Charles Krauthammer had some harsh words for President Obama's message during Tuesday's State of the Union address. Moments after its completion, Krauthammer said on Fox News, "He says you can’t cut your way to prosperity. This speech is about spending your way to prosperity" (photo courtesy AP).

Standard AP Boilerplate (e.g., 'Bush Also Ran Annual Deficits') Reappe

February 12th, 2013 5:35 PM
In all too predictable fashion, the Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger, in his first and perhaps only report (saved here for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes) on January's Monthly Treausry Statment which showed a small surplus, pulled out the old "Bush ran deficits too" bromide to minimize the historically outsized deficits the Obama has overseen. Crutsinger also…