UK Headline: 'Britain Can’t Afford to Fall for the Charms of the Fal

May 25th, 2012 10:53 AM
Leave it to America's strongest ally in the world to speak the truth. On Thursday, England's Telegraph published an article with the absolutely glorious headline "Britain Can’t Afford to Fall for the Charms of the False Economics Messiah Paul Krugman":

WaPo Busts White House for Citing Bogus Report Claiming 'Obama Spendin

May 25th, 2012 10:02 AM
As NewsBusters reported Thursday, White House press secretary Jay Carney during the previous day's press gaggle cited a bogus MarketWatch report hysterically claiming "Obama Spending Binge Never Happened." Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler looked at Carney's comments as well as Rex Nutting's article Friday and gave their assertions three Pinocchios:

White House and MSNBC Cite Bogus Report Claiming 'Obama Spending Binge

May 24th, 2012 10:47 AM
A bogus report published by MarketWatch Tuesday claiming "under Obama, federal spending is rising at the slowest pace since Dwight Eisenhower brought the Korean War to an end in the 1950s" has been all the rage at the White House and MSNBC. Conservative columnist Ann Coulter correctly observed Wednesday:

'No Option but to Raise Taxes,' Say All the 'Budget Veterans' Selected

May 23rd, 2012 3:50 PM
New York Times White House reporter Jackie Calmes on Saturday once again nodded along to the wisdom of the liberal priorities of the Obama administration and its supporters, this time as they're pushing the necessity of raising taxes: "As a Debt Battle Looms, Budget Veterans See No Option but to Raise Taxes." It depends on which "budget veterans" you talk to, of course, and Calmes only talked…

Krugman Falsely Claims Romney Wants to Enact Greece's Failed Economic

May 20th, 2012 7:30 PM
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman on Sunday continued his campaign to get Barack Obama reelected by misinforming the public about the economy. Appearing on CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS, the Nobel laureate falsely claimed Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney wants to enact Greece's failed economic policies here in America (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Question for Chris Matthews: How Many Lies Are You Willing to Tell to

May 19th, 2012 10:42 AM
I have a serious question for MSNBC's Chris Matthews: How many lies are you willing to tell on national television to get Barack Obama reelected? On Friday's Hardball, the host gave viewers a plethora of falsehoods and half-truths to giving us an idea of just how far he's prepared to go this election cycle to make sure the objection of his affection remains in the White House (video follows…

Fareed Zakaria Asks 'Is Democracy Part of Europe's Economic Problems

May 13th, 2012 10:44 AM
CNN's Fareed Zakaria asked a question this weekend guaranteed to raise some eyebrows not only on both sides of the aisle but also on both sides of the Atlantic. On the program bearing his name, Zakaria amazingly asked Sunday if the economic problems in Europe are caused by democracy and not austerity (video follows with transcript and commentary):

IBD Calls Out Establishment Press For Promoting 'Myth' of European 'Au

May 8th, 2012 10:47 AM
In one of a virtually endless stream of such examples, a Monday Associated Press report by Elaine Ganley and Greg Keller on challenges facing newly elected French Prime Minister, Socialist Francois Hollande, described him as "the leftist who has pledged to buck Europe's austerity trend." What a deceptive joke. Europe's attempt at "austerity" can't be a "trend," because it hasn't even started…

Chris Matthews Compares Mitt Romney to 'Wall Street' Villain Gordon Ge

May 7th, 2012 7:30 PM
Last August, Politico revealed that the Obama campaign intended to make Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney "a sort of political Gordon Gekko" if he won the nomination. Right out of that playbook, MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Monday compared Romney to the financial villain of the '80s movie classic "Wall Street" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NewsBusters' Sheppard Debates Media Firestorm Over Gay Romney Adviser

May 7th, 2012 11:34 AM
An openly gay adviser to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney resigned last week, and the Obama-loving media interested in discussing anything but the poor economy jumped all over it. NewsBusters associate editor Noel Sheppard discussed this with Don Lemon on CNN Newsroom Saturday (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Krugman's TV Blitz: 100% Debt OK, Paul Ryan's Budget Is 'Nonsense,' Wa

May 3rd, 2012 7:43 AM
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is doing a television tour for his book "End This Depression Now!" Charlie Rose interviewed him twice, once on CBS This Morning Monday, then that night for the full hour of Rose's PBS talk show. Krugman appeared on Bloomberg TV Tuesday debating Ron Paul, and the friendlier confines of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow show that night. Krugman's economic recovery plan…

Bashir Falsely Claims British and Spanish Recessions Are ‘Romney-Rya

April 30th, 2012 5:31 PM
There ought to be a law against newscasters blatantly lying to the public. On Monday, MSNBC's Martin Bashir falsely claimed the economic plans put forth by Great Britain and Spain are "the Romney-Ryan budget in action...almost exactly, word for word" without informing his viewers that those countries raised taxes to fight their deficits (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Google Chairman Schools Krugman: 'Surely You're Not Arguing Government

April 29th, 2012 12:51 PM
Google Chairman Eric Schmidt gave a much-needed economics lesson to New York Times columnist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman on ABC's This Week Sunday. During a lengthy discussion about liberal and conservative views on how to stimulate the currently soft recovery, Schmidt - a known Barack Obama supporter - marvelously said to his left-leaning co-panelist, "Surely you're not arguing that the…

Fareed Zakaria Shocker: Buffett Rule Is 'Bad Politics' for Obama

April 29th, 2012 10:28 AM
A truly shocking thing happened on CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS Sunday. The perilously liberal host - with journalistically corrupt ties to the current White House - came out against the millionaires' tax known as the Buffett Rule calling it "bad politics in the long run for Obama" (video follows with transcript and commentary):