As Expected, CNN's YouTube Debate Skews Leftward

July 23rd, 2007 11:25 PM
In the lead-up to Monday night’s YouTube debate with the Democrat presidential candidates, CNN ran prime-time specials previewing videos that might be featured during the debate, and most of those featured came from the liberal side. It should be no surprise then that video clips featured left-wing clips by almost a 3 to 1 margin versus the conservative clips - 17 liberal clips to 6 conservative…

Media Help Keep Power Supply Switched Off

July 11th, 2007 5:02 PM

Global Warming CO2 Curbs Could Cripple Airline Industry and Cost Thous

June 7th, 2007 10:11 AM
Here’s an inconvenient truth the media aren’t likely to share with citizens as they continue to spread global warming alarmism: schemes currently being debated to reduce CO2 emissions likely will destroy the airline industry while diminishing new job creation.So suggested a Seattle Times article Wednesday (h/t Chris Horner, emphasis added): European airlines claimed say the European Union' plan…

Washington Post Glorifies ‘Progressive’ PR Man

May 31st, 2007 6:02 PM

Robert Who? Global Warming Skeptic CEO Virtually Ignored

May 20th, 2007 10:00 AM

Media Ignore European Energy Politics to Advance Global Warming Alarmi

May 19th, 2007 4:54 PM
There was a summit between Russia’s Vladimir Putin and the leaders of the European Union on Friday that yielded as little results as it did attention from America’s media.One of the issues on the table was whether Russia is going to provide more energy resources to EU nations starved for such.Didn’t hear about this?Well, that’s not surprising, for in the midst of the media’s ongoing attempts to…

Liberal Columnist Slams Al Gore, the U.N. and ‘Greenhouse Fearmonger

May 13th, 2007 4:28 PM
Would you expect a former writer for the Village Voice and The Nation to be harshly critical of soon-to-be-Dr. Al Gore and his band of not-so merry manmade global warming alarmists?Neither would I. Yet there it was in the leftwing newsletter CounterPunch, written by editor Alexander Cockburn.*****Critical Update: Cockburn's article published by The Nation.Entitled “Hot Air, Cold Cash; Who are the…

CNN’s Situation Room Asks ‘What If the World Took Climate Change

May 11th, 2007 11:14 AM
The mainstream media’s promotion of climate change hype continues unfettered. A segment on Thursday’s "The Situation Room" wholeheartedly embraced the theory of human-caused global warming, and the International Panel on Climate Change’s recent "action plan" to do something about it.Video (1:27): Real (2.37 MB) or Windows (2.79 MB), plus MP3 (996 kB).During his actual report, CNN correspondent…

‘Inconvenient Truth’ Producer Laurie David Attacks Rush Limbaugh

April 13th, 2007 11:59 AM
The arrogance of Hollywood liberal elites is truly astounding, folks. After embarrassing herself on CNBC Tuesday, and following it up with an absurd rebuttal Thursday, the producer of Al Gore’s global warming schlockumentary “An Inconvenient Truth,” Laurie David, went for a dubious hat-trick by taking on talk radio host Rush Limbaugh.I kid you not.In what was presented as a letter to El Rushbo at…

CNBC Anchor Challenges Sheryl Crow and Laurie David Over Global Warmin

April 12th, 2007 11:49 AM
Most people are probably not familiar with Joe Kernen, a morning anchor for the financial network CNBC. On Tuesday, he invited singer Sheryl Crow and “An Inconvenient Truth” schlockumentary producer Laurie David on to discuss their “Stop Global Warming College Tour.”As Kernen tried to present the skeptics’ side of this debate, the ladies clearly got uncomfortable and, to say the least, a bit…

Paging Paris Hilton: Ahmadinejad Looking for 'New Ways to Love

February 13th, 2007 8:30 AM
Should Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ever make it to America, he will feel right at home in the faculty lounges of America's universities and the executive suites of the MSM. For this morning, he gave the Iranian version of a slogan near and dear to the hearts of the aging campus activists of the 60s and 70s who are to be found there: Make Love Not War!In segments broadcast on today's Good Morning…

NBC Declares Israel's Attack Plans 'Alarming' -- But What of Iran's

January 7th, 2007 8:49 AM

N. Korean General to Sawyer: We Have Ways to Deliver Nuclear Weapons

October 19th, 2006 9:24 AM

Iranian President Calls for TV Debate with Bush

August 29th, 2006 11:41 AM