Time's Carney Joining Team Obama As Biden Gaffe Goalie

December 16th, 2008 4:26 PM
Was Time magazine's Jay Carney hired by the Obama transition as Joe Biden's director of communications in order to keep a tight lid on the Beltway's greatest gaffe machine? Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz reports, you decide:Time magazine's Jay Carney, who said over the summer that Joseph R. Biden Jr. is "incredibly prone to say the wrong thing," will soon be in charge of ensuring that…

WaPo Highlights Dem Donors Gushing Over Obama's Railroad Route to Inau

December 16th, 2008 12:27 PM
According to the Washington Post's Michael Ruane and Nikita Stewart, President-elect Barack Obama's gimmick of tracing part of Abraham Lincoln's route to his 1861 inauguration is merely a sign of how much he esteems the 16th president: Barack Obama has evoked Abraham Lincoln ever since launching his campaign at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Ill. Now he plans to arrive in Washington the…

AP's Probing Double Standard: Obama vs. Palin Ethics Questions

December 16th, 2008 10:49 AM
With apologies to the creator of the famous evangelical Christian bumper sticker, "Obama said it. The media believe it. And that settles it."Get a load of the first two grafs from AP's December 15 article, "Obama: Probe shows no contact in Illinois gov scandal.": President-elect Barack Obama said Monday a review by his own lawyer shows he had no direct contact with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich…

Obama's New School Chief Supported Creating Gay High School in Chicago

December 16th, 2008 10:26 AM
**UPDATE** Duncan also tied to Chicago Annenberg Challenge organization employing terrorist William Ayers So, how often do you think that the Old Media will mention that Barack Obama's choice for Secretary of Education, Chicago schools chief Arne Duncan, supported to be opened in Chicago a gay, lesbian and transgender high school? Any takers? I have looked over many of the stories on Obama's…

CNN Used Hannity to Highlight How Blagojevich Scandal is a 'Distractio

December 15th, 2008 1:27 PM
During a report on Monday morning’s Newsroom program, CNN correspondent Jim Acosta used a clip of Sean Hannity from Fox News Channel, along with clips from two of their resident Obama defenders, to outline how Blagojevich corruption scandal was a “distraction” for President-Elect Barack Obama. The graphic on-screen throughout the report even stated how the scandal was “Distracting Obama.”Acosta…

ABC Hails Obama’s ‘Green Team,’ Slams GOP Climate Change ‘Cens

December 15th, 2008 11:11 AM
Less than a week after a new report from the ranking Republican on the Senate Environment and Public Works committee showcased hundreds of scientists who disagree with the United Nations' alarmist take on global climate change, ABC’s World News Sunday featured a report devoted solely to cheering Barack Obama’s new “green team” — the promotional term was embraced by ABC News — and laying the…

GMA Hails Obama's 'Green Dream Team

December 14th, 2008 9:25 AM
An environmentalist's dream might be a businessman's nightmare. But when it came to describing the the environmental team Pres.-elect Obama has assembled, it was sugar plum fairies for GMA this morning.  Rachel Martin, who came to ABC from NPR, narrated the segment.RACHEL MARTIN:  They are calling it the "Green Dream Team."  Which invites the obvious question: who's "they," kimosabe?  Running…

Stoddard: Death Threats Keeping Rahm Away From Pressers

December 12th, 2008 5:09 PM
Which would be the safer place to be for a political figure who's received death threats?:a. A school concert in a public venue.b. A press conference in the company of the President-elect of the United States of America.If you answered 'b,' you're thinking like me and presumably most people. If you answered 'a,' you're A.B. Stoddard.  The associate editor of "The Hill" offered up the strange…

Lefty Talker Ed Schultz Wary of Obama Team Claims on Blagojevich

December 12th, 2008 11:34 AM

WaPo: 'Obama Worked to Distance Self From Blagojevich Early On

December 12th, 2008 10:42 AM
Several mainstream media accounts suggest that about the only thing Barack Obama and Rod Blagojevich have in common is they both live in Illinois. Today at the Washington Post's Web site, for example, we learn that "Obama Worked to Distance Self From Blagojevich Early On." The article begins by noting that the Illinois governor, unlike other major state Democratic politicians, wasn't allowed to…

USA Today Shifts Corruption Focus from Illinois - to North Dakota

December 12th, 2008 12:25 AM
You can just see the scene from the Wizard of Oz, where the wizard says ‘Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.' When it comes to diverting attention from a scandal plagued home state, don't worry Senator Obama, USA Today has your back. In a bizarre demonstration of spinning numbers with the sole purpose of getting people to look away from the recent Blagojevich scandal, John…

CNN’s Jessica Yellin Does a 180 on Obama's 'Transparency

December 11th, 2008 10:18 PM
CNN correspondent Jessica Yellin reversed course concerning her take on President-Elect Barack Obama’s “transparency” on the issue of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and the appointment of his successor in the U.S. Senate. During a segment on Wednesday’s Situation Room, Yellin criticized the outgoing Illinois senator for “not starting off on the foot he promised he’d start off on, which is more…

No Live Coverage of Obama Blagojevich Press Conference on CBS & NBC

December 11th, 2008 1:23 PM

Obama's Transition Website Censoring Questions About Blagojevich

December 11th, 2008 10:54 AM
President-elect Barack Obama's transition website Change.gov is censoring questions offered by readers about disgraced Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.Although the "Open for Questions" page was launched Wednesday stating "The Obama-Biden Transition wants to hear from you," readers have been quick to shelter the president-elect from inquiries relating to Blago.  I guess this is change you can…