Matthews Picks Wrong Day To Mock Joe The Plumber on Ghostwriter

December 1st, 2008 8:17 PM
Note to Chris Matthews: when mocking someone for using a ghostwriter, it's best to avoid doing so on a day when Hillary Clinton is prominently in the news . . . On this evening's Hardball, Matthews went out of his way to mock Joe The Plumber for his use of a ghostwriter on his just-released book.  This on the day Hillary Clinton was in the headlines, having been named Barack Obama's Secretary of…

CBS’s Couric: Cabinet Picks ‘Inoculate’ Obama From Criticism

December 1st, 2008 4:40 PM
Following coverage of a Monday morning news conference in which President-elect Barack Obama announced his national security team, CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric observed: "...two initially surprising centrist choices for his so-called team of rivals. Senator Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, and of course Bush Defense Secretary Robert Gates." She then asked political analyst Jeff…

No Raining on Obama’s Parade, As Nets Fail to Remember Attacks on Hi

December 1st, 2008 3:32 PM
Less than nine months ago, the Obama campaign was slamming Hillary Clinton as utterly unqualified on foreign policy, having had no substantive experience during her husband’s administration and being dreadfully wrong in her judgment as a Senator when it came to “the most critical foreign policy judgment of our generation,” the war in Iraq.A March 11, 2008 memo by Obama ally (and now incoming…

MSNBC Anchor Frets: Why Hasn’t Obama’s Election Ended Terrorism

December 1st, 2008 10:53 AM
File this one under “Deluded Expectations.” During MSNBC’s coverage of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, on Thursday, daytime anchor Alex Witt seemed frustrated that the election of Barack Obama 23 days earlier — and the accompanying “global outpouring of affection, respect, hope” — had not caused an end to terrorist violence.Talking with correspondent John Yang, who was covering the Obama…

NOW CNN Warns That we 'Barely Know' Obama

December 1st, 2008 3:49 AM
CNN is warning Americans that already making Barack Obama into one of America's greatest "heroes" may not be a good idea. Despite the fact that Barack Obama has yet to take office, despite that he has yet to really do anything to earn that status, CNN is saying that "already, he's being compared to the most remarkable leaders." It might make one amazed that now, after cheerleading for him for…

Walters Put Bush on Defense in 2001, But Tosses Softballs to Obama

November 30th, 2008 10:07 PM
In the interview for Wednesday’s Barbara Walters Special on ABC with Barack and Michelle Obama, excerpts of which were also shown on Wednesday’s World News with Charles Gibson, Walters asked few questions that put the Obamas on the defensive, in contrast with her January 2001 interview, aired on 20/20, with then-President-elect Bush in which she challenged him on a number of fronts. Most notably…

Brian Williams: 'Could We Use a Little FDR Right About Now

November 29th, 2008 6:30 PM
Working on the day after Thanksgiving, Brian Williams used Friday's NBC Nightly News to promote a new book from FDR's grandson, providing Williams with an opportunity to propose: “In your estimation, could we use a little FDR right about now?” Though Franklin Delano Roosevelt's policies failed to end the Depression, Williams hailed him as “the man who led this nation out of financial disaster.”…

Derrick Z's Recipe For A Depression

November 29th, 2008 6:21 AM
At this time of year, columns like Derrick Z. Jackson's of today condemning the materialism of the Christmas shopping season are as traditional as Budweiser's Clydesdale-drawn sleigh commercial.  And part of me is sympathetic with Jackson's call for people to spurn the malls and curtail their gift-giving budgets.  But this of all years, did the Boston Globe columnist consider the disastrous…

Walters Hits Bush & Obama from Left, Frets Obama Won't Tax the Rich So

November 27th, 2008 2:51 PM
In the interview for Wednesday’s Barbara Walters Special on ABC with Barack and Michelle Obama, excerpts of which were also shown on Wednesday’s World News with Charles Gibson, there was an obvious contrast with Walters’s interview with then-President-elect Bush in January 2001. After having pressed Bush with complaints from liberals about his choice of John Ashcroft as Attorney General, as she…

Walters-Obama Odd Thanksgiving Message Exchange

November 27th, 2008 9:58 AM
Barbara Walters invites Great Leader to "give" Thanksgiving message to "the people."  Great Leader obliges: be inspired by . . . me. Check out the clip of Barbara Walters's interview of the Obamas, aired on GMA today, and tell me whether you find something off-putting in the way Walters poses what is, after all, a very banal question. And then there's the President-elect's self-centered answer…

Has Media Let Obama's Reversal Pass Unnoticed

November 26th, 2008 7:06 PM
Obama is starting to feel a bit of pressure from members of the far left of his own party who are beginning to raise their eyebrows over the fact that he hasn't shown any desire to institute any "change" thus far with his staff and cabinet picks even though they had "hope" that he would. Obama went so far as to address the situation today as MSNBC reported on its FirstRead blog. Obama explains…

Barbara Walters on the Obamas: 'I Don't Want to Gush. They're Very Cut

November 26th, 2008 5:31 PM
ABC’s Barbara Walters couldn’t contain herself as she previewed her upcoming interview with Barack and Michelle Obama on Wednesday’s Good Morning America: “[T]hey’re very -- I don’t know how to put it. I don’t want to gush. They’re very cute, and very -- and very funny in this interview together.” Walters played two clip of the interview, which is set to air on ABC’s 20/20 on Wednesday night, in…

Barbara Walters: Obamas 'So Smart...The Most Appealing Couple

November 26th, 2008 12:43 PM
Like clockwork Barbara Walters successfully landed an interview with President-elect Barack Obama and his wife Michelle. Channeling Lee Cowan, Walters claimed on the November 26 edition of “The View” she is “supposed to be neutral” then heaped praise on the Obamas. Barbara painted the soon to be first couple as “so smart” and “the most appealing couple” and then passed on a White House invite to…

CBS Highlights Criticism of Obama’s Cabinet ... From Liberals

November 25th, 2008 8:11 PM