Stop the Presses! AP's Important Story: Obama Had Corned Beef Sandwich

November 22nd, 2008 5:40 AM
Ya gotta hand it to them. The Associated Press knows how to cut out all the extraneous background noise and get right to the important issues of the day. Barack Obama will surely be in the center of the vortex of some of the most important decisions in the world during the next four years and even his preparations for taking office are vitally important as a marker to what he might do in office.…

Mitchell Impressed by Obama's 'All-Star Cabinet' of 'Smartest People

November 21st, 2008 8:37 PM
While ABC, CBS and NBC on Friday night all touted how news that New York Federal Reserve President Tim Geithner will be nominated for Secretary of the Treasury fueled a market rebound, NBC was the most excited with Andrea Mitchell, sounding completely in the tank, hailing President-elect Obama's “all-star cabinet” as she maintained “Obama is determined to pick the strongest, smartest people he…

Chris Matthews Praises 'Magnanimity' of Obama's Hillary Nod

November 21st, 2008 2:54 PM
Is Chris Matthews having more thrills about Obama? The "Hardball" anchor appeared on the November 21 edition of "Today" sounding more enthused about the incoming Obama administration than Obama’s own spinmeisters. With the news of Hillary Clinton as the incoming secretary of State, Matthews called it "an astounding gesture of magnanimity." Taking a swipe at the outgoing Bush administration,…

In Awed and Hushed Tone, Diane Sawyer Reads Aloud From Obama Essay

November 21st, 2008 11:34 AM
In an odd, non-sequitur of a segment, co-host Diane Sawyer kicked off the 8:30 hour of Friday's "Good Morning America" by reading aloud from an essay that President-elect Barack Obama wrote about Abraham Lincoln for a 2005 issue of Time magazine. Stopping the show cold for a minute and 22 seconds, she solemnly began, "...There was something that made us all stop and think. And you know, it's 60…

LAT Writer: Obama Defense Picks are 'Centrists'; Peace Activist: You

November 20th, 2008 2:25 PM
Well, isn't this a hoot?As Barack Obama appears to be appointing less than totally pro-surrender officials to his inner circle, far leftists are feeling constrained in their criticism by Obama Mania.A Los Angeles Times article by Paul Richter with an amusing title ("Antiwar groups fear Barack Obama may create hawkish Cabinet") notes that Obama has appointed or is considering many people who…

CBS: Barack Obama’s Non-Controversial Cabinet

November 20th, 2008 1:39 PM
On Thursday’s CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Jeff Glor discussed Barack Obama’s latest cabinet picks with New York Times editor Marcus Mabry: "We'll start with Tom Daschle, potentially, secretary of Health and Human Services." Mabry approved of the choice: "...he's going to be the czar for over -- for overhauling the American health care system. That is a huge job and incredibly important. He…

Forget Auto Bailouts, Can Michelle Obama Save the Fashion Industry

November 20th, 2008 11:22 AM
Finding Michelle Obama to be the "First Lady of Fashion,"'s Luchina Fisher wondered if the president-elect's wife could save the fashion industry.:Michelle Obama will soon be the nation's first lady and mom in chief, but others are expecting even grander things from her, like saving the fashion industry. And who in their right mind would think that?: "We're all obviously trying to…

Couric Pushes Lieberman to Atone for Attacking Obama

November 19th, 2008 8:35 PM
With “Any Regrets?” as the on-screen heading, Katie Couric pressed “independent Democratic” Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut to atone for campaigning with unsuccessful Republican presidential candidate John McCain and criticizing eventual winner Barack Obama. Couric's first question in the interview excerpt aired on Wednesday's CBS Evening News: “Do you feel as if you owe President-elect…

MRC/NB's Bozell: Media In Bed on the Obama Honeymoon

November 19th, 2008 5:52 PM

Wash Post’s Milbank Compares Obama Team to the North Vietnamese

November 19th, 2008 1:14 PM
During Tuesday evening’s “No Bias, No Bull” program, Washington Post national political correspondent and CNN contributor Dana Milbank implied, perhaps inadvertently, that the incoming Obama adminstration was like the North Vietnamese advancing on Saigon in 1975. Host Campbell Brown asked Milbank about the “backlog of at least 2,000 pardon applications” to the Bush administration before the…

CBS: Obama Inauguration Tickets ‘Almost Impossible to Get

November 19th, 2008 11:57 AM
At the top of Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Julie Chen declared: " may be the hottest ticket in the country right now, a ticket to Barack Obama's inauguration in January. Millions are expected to try and watch the swearing in. But we're going to show you why tickets are almost impossible to get." The 2008 April Fool’s edition of the Media Research Center’s Media Reality Check featured…

Matthews: 'We've Got Too Much Time Between Elections and Taking Over

November 19th, 2008 1:26 AM

Holder Hailed, But in 2000 Ashcroft Marked as Sop to 'Far Right

November 18th, 2008 9:12 PM
Eight years ago when incoming President George W. Bush named Senator John Ashcroft as his choice for Attorney General, the broadcast network evening newscasts applied ideological labels and highlighted opposition to him from liberals, but Tuesday night with President-elect Barack Obama's pick of Eric Holder for the same position, the anchors avoided any ideological tags or controversies and…

Eagleburger Unloads on Obama, Hitchens and Richardson

November 18th, 2008 3:14 PM
At 78, Larry Eagleburger hasn't lost his fastball.  Since leaving government, he might actually have added some MPH.  Appearing on MSNBC this afternoon, the former Secretary of State in George H.W.'s administration warmed up with some rough words for Barack Obama and Christopher Hitchens . . .  then absolutely rubbished Bill Richardson.Andrea Mitchell had invited Eagleburger on to assess the list…