Obama Sends Man Linked With Terror Group AND George Soros to Deal With

November 11th, 2008 4:07 AM
News services in Israel are on fire with talk that Barack Obama has just sent a supporter of the terror group Hamas as his envoy to Syria and Egypt to relay news of his policies to come. Last September Israel's suspicions were heated up about "former" Obama advisor Robert Malley being sent to Syria with a George Soros funded group. It was then claimed by Egyptian sources that Malley was still…

Obama-backing Financial Times Reporter Starting to Show Buyer's Remors

November 10th, 2008 4:34 PM
A Financial Times reporter who endorsed Obama but worried about his economic policies has taken a fresh look at the President-elect's post-election economic policy ideas, and doesn't like some of the big ticket items he sees. [See related blog entry by Jeff Poor here] In his November 10 op-ed "The choices that confront America," British journalist Clive Crook reserved some of his harshest…

Wash Post: Pro-Life Policies are 'Ideologically Offensive

November 10th, 2008 1:32 PM
"Controversial." "Onerous." "Ideologically offensive."  These are the words used by Washington Post reporters Ceci Connolly and R. Jeffrey Smith to describe the pro-life policies of President George W. Bush.  The liberal slam came in an article about some of the early actions President-elect Obama will take when he is inaugurated next year."Obama Positioned to Quickly Reverse Bush Actions" was…

Barnicle Wants More 'Jokes' Like Obama's Nancy Reagan Line

November 10th, 2008 6:55 AM
Mike Barnicle, come on up here and accept this morning's Lanny Davis Award for shameless defense of the indefensible.  You've earned it.  Not merely did the Morning Joe panelist excuse Barack Obama's nasty jab at Nancy Reagan, he actually claimed that we need more of those kind of "jokes" from our presidents.Joe Scarborough began the discussion by asserting that whereas mayors, governors and…

Obama Spokesman Says 'Obama Ready to RULE on Day

November 10th, 2008 2:02 AM
**Video Below the Fold** The co-chair of Barack Obama's Transition Team, Valerie Jarrett, appeared on Meet the Press this weekend and used, shall we say, an interesting word to described what she thinks Barack Obama will be doing in January when he's officially sworn into office. She told Tom Brokaw that Obama will be ready to "rule" on day one. It's a word that reflects the worst fears that…

Media and Academia, Historical Illiterates du Jour

November 9th, 2008 8:26 AM
To show how foolishly hyperbolic the Old Media and the ignorati in our universities are, the Associated Press issued a dire report that breathlessly informed us all that Barack Obama is facing a "nation in crisis" and it's all "just like Lincoln and FDR." The AP even gets an historically illiterate university professor to sonorously declare how Obama is "one step away" from Lincoln and FDR. But…

McClellan: Obama's Nancy-Mocking Presser Mistake-Free

November 7th, 2008 9:33 PM
Message to Scott McClellan: when your guy's gaffe merits a screaming headline at Drudge [see after the jump] about how he's had to apologize for what he said, he's messed up. Big time.  But that didn't stop Pres. Bush's former press secretary—turned Soros-paid scrivener—from going on TV and proclaiming that Obama turned in a flawless performance in his debut presser today as president-elect.…

ABC and NBC Fail to Correct Obama's 'Seance' Gaffe

November 7th, 2008 8:47 PM
Friday night stories on ABC's World News and the NBC Nightly News ran a clip of President-elect Barack Obama's gaffe at his press conference in which he related he had talked to all of the “living” former Presidents, as “I didn't want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about, you know, doing any seances.” But both newscasts failed to note it was Hillary Clinton, not Nancy Reagan, who reportedly had…

CNN’s Joe Johns: Rush Limbaugh ‘Breathing Fire

November 7th, 2008 7:03 PM
On Friday’s Newsroom program, as CNN awaited Barack Obama’s first press conference as president-elect, correspondent Joe Johns outlined how Rush Limbaugh was apparently "back on the radio breathing fire, taking Obama and his now-named Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to the woodshed." He then played a clip of Limbaugh labeling Emanuel a "good old-fashioned Chicago thug, just like Obama is a good old-…

Obama Uses Press Conf To Mock 87-Yr. Old Widow

November 7th, 2008 5:53 PM
Say what you will about President George W. Bush, but I don't recall him ever mocking an elderly widow in his pronouncements.  But Barack Obama couldn't get through his first press conference as president-elect without doing just that.Answering a question from Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun-Times as to the presidents he has consulted during the transition, Obama took a gratuitous jab at Nancy…

Bozell on 'America's Newsroom' Discusses Meeting on Conservatism's Fut

November 7th, 2008 5:20 PM

CNN's Sanchez Urges Obama to Bring Back FDR's WPA & CCC

November 7th, 2008 5:07 PM
President-elect Obama's economic plans aren't left-wing and government-centered enough for CNN anchor Rick Sanchez, who about 20 minutes after Obama's Friday afternoon press conference shared his personal suggestion for another WPA (Works Progress Administration) and/or CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps), two government make-work programs from the 1930s. To a guest who lived through the Depression…

MRC/NB's Bozell on FNC Discussing Oprah and Palin

November 7th, 2008 4:33 PM
MRC President and NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell appeared during two segments on Fox News Channel's "Fox & Friends" Friday morning to discuss the "O effect," or Oprah Winfrey's impact on the election of Barack Obama, and how the media has helped spread rumors about Sarah Palin from anonymous McCain campaign consultants. Bozell repeatedly called these nameless sources for the rumors "…

CNN’s Campbell Brown: ‘Right-Wing Rage’ at Obama Victory

November 7th, 2008 1:26 PM
CNN anchor Campbell Brown introduced a segment on Thursday’s Election Center program by contrasting the "[p]eople all over the world dancing in the streets" over the election of Barack Obama to the "really, really angry" reaction of conservatives, which she then labeled "right-wing rage." A graphic with the same label flashed on-screen, accompanied by a picture of Obama smiling. During the…