Oil & Gas Prices

Not Hard, Libs: Conservative Media Push Leavitt on DOGE, Gangs, Tesla
For only the second time since the week of January 26, White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt held a second briefing of a week. Along with our friend Katie Pavlich of Townhall having the chance to sit in the “new media seat,” she and other conservative reporters showed the liberal reporters it’s not that hard to ask real questions of your own “side” on issues ranging from crime to the…
Retroactive Tax: States Fine Fossil Fuel Companies Decades Later
Climate activists have found a new way to force us to pay more for energy. New York and Vermont passed laws that will raise the price of oil, gas and electricity by taxing the past. New York’s new law demands fossil fuel companies pay $75 billion for carbon emissions dating back to the year 2000. Other Democrat-controlled states plan to follow suit.

Weir Gives Lame Correction After Claiming Repealed EPA Rule Was a Typo
One night after he incorrectly accused EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin of incompetence by claiming he put out an incomplete press release, CNN climate correspondent Bill Weir returned to The Source with Kaitlin Collins on Thursday to admit he got it wrong and what he thought was a typo or placeholder was a real EPA regulation, but not before he suggested that he had good reason to…

ARE YOU HIGH? NY Times Claims Trump Ruining Biden’s 'Solid' Economy
It must have taken a hefty amount of acid dropping for the detached journos at The New York Times to psych themselves into believing the abject falsehood that President Joe Biden’s economy was just a booming spectacle of awesome.

Politico’s Anti-Trump Energy Prices Agitprop Barely Mentions Biden
Ah, old habits die hard. Politico apparently learned nothing after being exposed for being a government-funded lefty propaganda mill and is already trying to pin energy inflation on President Donald Trump.

BASED: Jeff Bezos Orders Free Market Shift to WashPost Opinion Section
Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos announced a dramatic ideological shift for his newspaper’s opinion section toward free markets, and staff are predictably having a nervous breakdown over it.

Oh, So Now Axios Suggests the US Inflation Outlook Actually Sucks?
What a joke. The same outlet that tried to paint America’s inflation situation before the 2024 election as Yankee Doodle Dandy! is doing the backstroke now that Donald Trump is president.

Politico Calls Out Dems for ‘Dramatic Swerve’ on Economy to Get Trump
Politico either advertently or inadvertently just exposed the Democrats’ grotesque hypocrisy in trying to yoke President Donald Trump to the inflation-plagued economy that his predecessor's insane spending policies created.

EXCLUSIVE: Leftist Media Falsely Blamed Trump for Q4 GDP Slowdown
The media didn’t even wait for the first quarter of President Donald Trump’s second term to blame him for GDP events that transpired before he was even elected to office.

Nutsy CNN: Jury Is Out on If Spending Caused ‘Inflation — If At All’
CNN, to no one’s surprise, tried to play Gotcha! by claiming President Donald Trump was “bucking” his campaign promise to cut prices immediately upon taking office, and ended up making the network look more idiotic than it already does. That is a feat unto itself.

Blow It Out Your Nose! Krugman Tries to Make ‘Trumpflation’ a Thing
Amazing. Just amazing. The consummate Bidenomics simp and former New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is trying to make “Trumpflation” a thing in the public discourse.

EUREKA! Politico Admits ‘Voters Were Right About’ Biden Economy
Politico may be trying to re-ingratiate itself with the American public after its government funding scandal by finally admitting what voters already knew about the Biden economy: It sucked.

Paging Daniel Dale! CNN and Others Have No Idea What a ‘Treaty’ Is
In an ideal world, words have meaning. But if you’re CNN and others who are just mindlessly gnashing their teeth at President Donald Trump for leaving the Paris Climate Agreement, words and facts fly straight out the window because, muh, rage! The agreement is NOT a “treaty,” regardless of whatever the dense climate dweebs at the UN choose to call it.

DINGBATTERY: NBC News Declares Trump Getting Economy ‘In Solid Shape’
NBC News senior business correspondent Christine Romans is already laying the groundwork for how the stupid media narrative will be spun if the supposedly stellar Biden economy nosedives: blame President Donald Trump.