
Fox News Diagnoses Liberal Media With ‘Kavanaugh Derangement Syndrome’

October 2nd, 2018 9:43 PM
As the Media Research Center has documented since his nomination earlier this summer, the liberal media’s seething rage over Kavanaugh’s seemingly inevitable confirmation has only grown more insane as they desperately try to kill the nomination. During Fox News Channel’s Special Report on Tuesday, chief national correspondent Ed Henry diagnosed the liberal media’s mouth foaming fits as “Kavanaugh…

Stelter Decries Raging Kavanaugh, ‘He Sounded Like Sean Hannity!’

September 30th, 2018 4:15 PM
While CNN media guy, Brian Stelter, normally puts on a kind of halfway-decent act when pretending to be an objective journalist, when the liberal media needs all hands on deck to help smear a Republican Supreme Court nominee, he drops the act it in a snap. That’s exactly what happened during Sunday’s so-called “Reliable Sources” where he actively teamed up with left-wing radicals to lob smears…

Combative Lindsey Graham Confronts Liberal Media Smears of Kavanaugh

September 30th, 2018 12:48 PM
During the show trial against Judge Brett Kavanaugh last Thursday, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham (NC) stood out as the Supreme Court nominee’s most ardent defender when he took on the liberal smear machine in a fiery speech that rallied many on the right. That fire was still present during an interview on ABC’s This Week where he took the liberal media head on and called them out for failing…

NBC Decries Viewers Having Different Opinions After Kavanaugh Hearing

September 28th, 2018 1:21 AM
Going into Thursday’s show trial, the liberal media were hopeful that the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and speeches from Democratic Senators would get the public against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. But Ford’s perplexing lapses in memory, dubious collusion with Democratic Senators, and Kavanaugh’s own impassioned defense had put their hopes in jeopardy. So much so, that NBC Nightly News…

What Reality Are You In? CNN Pretends Dems Not Out to Get Kavanaugh

September 27th, 2018 10:29 PM
For all of CNN’s incessant insinuation that President Trump was “divorced from reality,” they sure have a really hard time with staying grounded. During Thursday’s Anderson Cooper 360, the liberal panel just couldn’t believe that the Democrats were doing everything in their power to drag Judge Brett Kavanaugh through the mud. They even asserted that there were no problems with Dr. Christine…

CNN’s Toobin Lashes Out at Kavanaugh and Anti-Woman Republicans

September 27th, 2018 8:01 PM
As soon as Thursday’s Kavanaugh show trial in the Senate Judiciary Committee was wrapped up, the liberal media was off to the races with their breathless pontifications of how it went. From CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin came a stream of bitter attacks against the Supreme Court nominee and the Republican Senators.

CNN Panel Smears Kavanaugh: ‘Unhinged’, ‘Deeply Political’ at Hearing

September 27th, 2018 5:08 PM
Judge Brett Kavanaugh came out swinging against Senate Democrats during Thursday’s show trial at the Senate Judiciary Committee. He was angry and pulled no punches as he called out the bad faith actors trying to destroy his life. But to CNN liberals, he was acting “unhinged” and his comments were “deeply political”.

Todd Slams Kavanaugh as ‘Partisan Warrior’ for Defending Himself

September 26th, 2018 12:12 AM
There is nothing Judge Brett Kavanaugh can do to clear his name in the eyes of the ravenous liberal media. Even after his interview on Fox News in which he defended himself and his reputation from the dubious allegations, it drew the ire of those who wanted his nomination to fail. During Tuesday’s MTP Daily on MSNBC, host Chuck Todd slapped the Supreme Court nominee with a “partisan warrior”…

Whiplash: ABC Now Opposed to Senate GOP Hiring Outside Lawyer for Ford

September 25th, 2018 9:28 PM
It’s truly amazing to witness how fast the liberal narrative changes in a week. Last Tuesday, ABC’s World News Tonight was deeply frightened by the idea that the 11 Republican men on the Senate Judiciary Committee would be asking the questions to Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. This Tuesday, they did a complete 180 and were huffing about the panel hiring a female…

Rather: If GOP Confirm Kavanaugh, They’re ‘Extinct’ Like the Dinosaurs

September 25th, 2018 12:42 AM
Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been accused by two women of sexual misconduct and their claims are flimsy to say the least (particularly, the people the accusers claim were witnesses say he either wasn’t there or the parties didn’t happen). But for Lyin’ Dan Rather, the facts don’t matter, which explained why he pompously declared the Republican Party dead if they confirmed him.

NRO’s Goldberg Takes On Liberal Media’s Rush to Convict Kavanaugh

September 23rd, 2018 4:46 PM
Since the allegations of an attempted sexual assault by Judge Brett Kavanaugh first surfaced, very few on the right had been able to get onto the liberal media’s airwaves and give them the proper reality check they needed. During a Sunday appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press, National Review senior editor Jonah Goldberg burst their bubble by explaining how “the preponderance of the evidence that we…

ABC’s ‘This Week’ Can’t Understand How People Believe Kavanaugh at All

September 23rd, 2018 1:04 PM
With absolutely no evidence to speak of and no public testimony from the accuser (so far), the liberal media had found Judge Brett Kavanaugh guilty in their kangaroo court of public opinion. They’ve declaring his confirmation dead in water the calling for him to withdraw himself. During ABC’s This Week, none of their liberals could understand how people could believe Kavanaugh, and lamented that…

NBC’s Chuck Todd Predicts No Good Outcome for Kavanaugh from Hearing

September 23rd, 2018 10:17 AM
After Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and her Democratically connected legal team gave the Senate Judiciary Committee a week-long runaround, the parties finally agreed on a tentative hearing scheduled for Thursday. And despite all of Ford’s named witnesses telling the committee they had no recollection of the party where the alleged sexual assault took place, NBC Political Director Chuck Todd couldn’t…

Donny Deutsch: Republicans a Party of 'Ignorant White Men'

September 21st, 2018 7:39 AM
On Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch, discussing the Republicans' handling of the Kavanaugh confirmation, says: "you're seeing on display a metaphor of, like, what this party is, and just basically, just ignorant white men." Deutsch slurred of millions of decent, intelligent, Americans in the context of arguing that "the only move for the Republicans" is to dump Kavanaugh and "move on" because he is a "…