
ABC’s Raddatz: How Do Dems ‘Counter’ Voters Who Like Trump's Policies?

July 29th, 2018 12:16 PM

We’re more than halfway through the summer and with the midterm elections drawing closer, the liberal media have been desperate to continue the Democratic Party’s “blue wave” narrative despite a booming economy and improving poll numbers. And during Sunday’s This Week on ABC, host Martha Raddatz wondered how the Democrats planned to “counter” the voters who approved of the conservative things…


Great Display: CNN’s Blatant Double Standard for Lying Politicians

July 29th, 2018 10:24 AM

During Sunday’s edition CNN’s Inside Politics, host John King was frustrated with President Trump’s supporters, both in the media and elsewhere, for what he suggested was their double standard on lying politicians. But in doing so, he exposed CNN’s own shifting standards for what they would and wouldn’t hold Democratic leaders accountable for.


Nets Uninterested in Twitter ‘Shadow Banning’ Conservatives [UPDATED]

July 26th, 2018 9:18 PM
The liberal media love to pretend that their news cycles are dictated entirely by President Trump’s Twitter feed. It’s their number one excuse when average Americans complain they’re not covering other and arguably more important topics. But oh how quickly their fascination with his account fades when he mentions something they rather keep hidden. For Thursday’s evening broadcasts on ABC, CBS,…

Tinfoil Hats: ABC Becomes a Home for Trump/Russia Conspiracies

July 22nd, 2018 11:27 AM
Following President Trump’s meeting with Russia President Vladimir Putin last Monday, ABC was the first broadcast network to boost hysterical cries of “treason” from loony leftists. During Sunday’s This Week, the network appeared to be getting their employees fitted for their tinfoil hats as they kicked up the lunacy with incessant suggestions that the President was under the direct control of…

Nets Skip Democrats Wimping Out on Their Chance to Oppose ICE

July 18th, 2018 9:31 PM
House Republicans gave Democrats a chance to walk-the-walk on Wednesday when they put on the floor a nonbinding resolution in support of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the agency many liberals had been declaring should be abolished. The opposition to ICE failed spectacularly as only 34 were willing to vote “no.” It was an embarrassing turn of events that went completely unreported on…

CNN's Phil Mudd Calls for ‘Shadow Government’ to Rise Up, Oppose Trump

July 16th, 2018 5:50 PM
In a disturbing declaration during Monday’s CNN Newsroom following President Trump’s controversial press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, CNN analyst and former CIA/FBI official Philip Mudd called for a self-appointed “shadow government” to step forward and counter the democratically elected one. He then had the audacity to complain about “Trumpianism” fighting Americanism.

NBC Praises ‘Spectacular’ Anti-Trump Protests at His Scotland Resort

July 15th, 2018 10:48 AM
If there’s one thing the anti-Trump resistance members in the liberal media love more than themselves, it’s praising other like-minded people protesting the President. And if it’s people from another country, that’s even better. NBC demonstrated that love during Sunday Today when White House correspondent Kelly O’Donnell praises a dangerous aerial stunt at Trump’s Scotland resort as “spectacular…

ABC Comes to Strzok’s Aid, Touts His ‘Searing Defense’ Against GOPers

July 12th, 2018 9:34 PM
Sparks flew on Capitol Hill Thursday as House Republicans grilled anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok about his bias and its possible influence on the high-profile investigations of Hilary Clinton and President Donald Trump. The hearing was basically a zoo between Democratic outbursts, Strzok’s righteous indignation, and Republicans holding them back. Of course, liberal media outlets like ABC…

Chuck Todd Suggests Trump and GOP Are Out to Empower Vladimir Putin

July 12th, 2018 6:32 PM
Immediately following a dinnertime break in the marathon grilling of anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok in a joint House committee hearing on Thursday, MSNBC host Chuck Todd kicked off MTP Daily by siding with the former FBI agent and argued that President Trump and the GOP were empowering Russian President Vladimir Putin. And it was more than just baseless speculation, he insinuated it was their…

ABC Worries About Prosecuting Trump If Kavanaugh Becomes a Justice

July 10th, 2018 8:41 PM
During Tuesday’s World News Tonight, ABC revealed their key concerns with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court. Along with speculation of him helping to overturn Roe v. Wade, the network boosted Democratic worries that efforts to prosecute the President via the special counsel would end.

CNN Host Badgers Trump SCOTUS Adviser, Picking ‘Right-Wing Extremists’

July 9th, 2018 8:56 PM
With just a couple hours before President Trump announced his nomination to the Supreme Court, CNN’s Erin Burnett brought on SCOTUS selection adviser and Federalist Society head Lenard Leo to discuss the criteria for the pick. Of course, she only focused on their positions regarding Roe v. Wade and parroted Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) who proclaimed all the possible candidates just “right-wing…

Liberal Magazines Funded Far More Than Conservative Publications

July 6th, 2018 11:49 AM
Friday, a joint study was released by the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy. Also contributing were members of the Northeastern University’s School of Journalism. In short, the researchers poured over five years of philanthropic data only to discover that conservative magazines receive less than a quarter of what liberal magazines bring in.

MSNBC Promotes Website that Connects Democrats With Swing Districts

July 6th, 2018 12:09 AM
The liberal media love to pretend they don’t play favorites between the parties. But that’s really hard to defend when you’re praising a liberal organization called Swing Left that connects Democrats with swing districts they can volunteer in. That was exactly what happened during Thursday’s MTP Daily on MSNBC when Chris Jansing filled in for host Chuck Todd.

CNN Boasts About People 'Not at All Proud' to Be American

July 3rd, 2018 11:14 PM
On the eve of America’s Birthday, CNN played up a Gallup poll that suggested only 47 percent of Americans were “extremely proud” to be an American during Tuesday's edition of OutFront. To get their own unofficial tally on the mood of the country, the network found it amusing to send out reporter Jeanne Moos to interview New Yorkers about their level of patriotism. Of course, they highlighted the…