
CNN Frets ‘Someone Is Trying to Take’ Dem Win in Contested VA Race

December 27th, 2017 10:04 PM
During Wednesday’s edition of Anderson Cooper 360, fill-in host and former Obama administration flack Jim Sciutto highlighted a race that was a political junkie’s dream: A race so close it would be decided by drawing a name out of a hat. But the race for Virginia’s 94th district was consequential because a win for the Democrat would change the control of the House of Delegates. Of course, Sciutto…

Bitter AP Reporter Claims Tax Bill Betrays 'GOP's Tea Party Promises'

December 21st, 2017 5:56 PM
In a Wednesday "analysis" piece anticipating the tax bill's passage, Andrew Taylor at the Associated Press, apparently bitter at the impending outcome, framed that successful effort as a betrayal of the "GOP's tea party promises." Apparently, the AP reporter has forgotten what the T-E-A in "tea party" stands for.

ABC Hides the Truth, Claims Most Tax Cuts Going to the Wealthy

December 20th, 2017 9:15 PM
During ABC’s World News Tonight on Wednesday, the network demonstrated just how well they could stick to the Democratic Party’s talking points. “The biggest tax cuts will go to the wealthy, corporate America,” boldly declared sensationalist anchor David Muir as he was coming on the air. While he was quick to continue the liberal echo chamber, he cast doubt on the Republicans’ promise of economic…

S.E. Cupp Battles Dem Congressman for ‘Scaring’ Voters on Tax Reform

December 19th, 2017 11:47 PM
With Congressional Republicans and President Trump set to score a massive win before Christmas with their tax reform bill, Democrats and their liberal media lapdogs were letting loose with their smear and fear campaign. But During HLN’s Unfiltered, host S.E. Cupp called out California Democrat Ted Lieu for trying to recklessly scare voters into thinking the bill was going to hurt them when, in…

ABC Goes All-In on Trying to Sink GOP’s ‘Nightmare’ Tax Reform

December 17th, 2017 2:16 PM
After making completely false claims about the GOP tax reform bill on ABC’s Good Morning America earlier on Sunday, Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos spent most of This Week leading the discussion tearing it down. After spending a couple minutes smearing the bill in his opening monologue, Stephanopoulos interviewed Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn where one of his first questions involved…

Stephanopoulos Lies, Says SALT Deductions Being ‘Eliminated’ By GOP

December 17th, 2017 10:25 AM
Listening to the concerns of the average American, Congressional Republicans announced on Thursday that they planned to keep popular tax deductions for student loans and medical expenses while adding a $10,000 cap to state and local tax deductions (SALT) in their tax bill. But ABC’s prominent Clinton lackey, George Stephanopoulos either didn’t get the memo or was out to mislead the public during…

NBC Omits Popular Deductions Staying in GOP Tax Bill, Parrots Dems

December 14th, 2017 10:07 PM
Congressional Republicans were one step closer to realizing their hopes for tax reform on Thursday as it appeared as though the House and Senate had reconciled nearly all of the legislation. Hearing the recommendations and concerns of the public, the Republicans preserved the current tax code’s deductions for student loans, medical bills, and added a $10,000 cap for state and local taxes. But of…

CBS Celebrates Jones' Campaign Efforts, Predicts ‘GOP On the Ropes’

December 14th, 2017 12:27 AM
In the wake of Democrat Doug Jones winning the Alabama Senate race the previous night, many in the liberal media were celebrating Wednesday as analysts predicted dire days for the GOP in the near future. The same was true for CBS Evening News where they spent the first 7 minutes and 36 seconds (over three different segments) touting the result and hyping Democratic divination of future elections.

Nets Blackout Damning Text Messages from Pro-Hillary FBI Agents

December 13th, 2017 10:01 PM
On Wednesday, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was put through the wringer by House Republicans in an open hearing to discuss the derogatory text messages sent by anti-Trump/pro-Hillary FBI officials. The texts included name-calling directed at Trump but also included a cryptic message about an “insurance policy” for the “risk” of a Trump presidency. The coverage of the texts varied wildly…

Cheers Heard on CNN Set as Jones Takes the Lead in Alabama

December 12th, 2017 10:53 PM
In the early part of the 10:00 p.m. Eastern hour, and before the Alabama Senate race was called for Democrat Doug Jones, cheers could be heard on CNN’s live broadcast as Wolf Blitzer announced Jones had taken the lead. At roughly 10:19 p.m. Eastern, Wolf Blitzer exclaimed: “Look at this! Wow, look at this. All of a sudden, Doug Jones is taking the lead.” As he spoke, an audible whoop from off-…

CNN Commentator Calls Out ‘Radical’ Dem Position on Abortion

December 12th, 2017 9:25 PM
As the results were starting to come in from Tuesday's closely watched Alabama Senate election Tuesday, a CNN discussion during Anderson Cooper 360 got heated when Republican commentator Amanda Carpenter pointed out how Democratic candidate Doug Jones was in jeopardy because of his position on abortion.

Todd Frets to Sanders: Have Dems ‘Done Enough’ to ‘Stop’ Tax Bill?

December 10th, 2017 1:31 PM
During an interview with Vermont Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders on Sunday’s Meet the Press, moderator Chuck Todd exposed just where he stood on the GOP tax reform bills making their way through Congress. And after questioning Sanders about the Democratic Party’s efforts to halt tax reform, he wanted to know about the Democratic Party’s latest efforts to impeach President Trump.

ABC Spends More Time on Franken’s ‘Irony’ Than Actual Resignation

December 7th, 2017 9:25 PM
In a Thursday morning address on the Senate floor, Minnesota Democratic Senator Al Franken announced that he would step down from office as pressure mounted from his female colleagues. But he went down swinging, noting what he called “irony” in Donald Trump being president and Republican Roy Moore still running for Senate. ABC’s World News Tonight got his hint and spent more time harping on the “…

Nets Omit Embarrassing Failure to Impeach Trump By House Dem

December 6th, 2017 11:53 PM
In a brazen move on the floor of the House Wednesday, Texas Democratic Representative Al Green introduced Articles of Impeachment against President Trump. Citing accusations of racism and the mocking of Florida Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson, the Congressman was only able to rally 57 other members of his party to join him. The embarrassing failure of the impeachment went completely unreported…