
ABC’s Raddatz Disgusted By Skeptics of Allegations Against Roy Moore

November 12th, 2017 10:29 AM
Last week, The Washington Post reported that Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore allegedly pursued relationships with teenagers when he was in his 30s and that he allegedly molested a 14-year-old girl. And while many believed the claims, others took them with a grain of salt, citing the timing as suspicious. On Sunday’s Good Morning America, ABC’s Martha Raddatz used her analysis to express her…

Identity Politics: CBS Fawns Over Winning Democratic Candidates

November 8th, 2017 11:33 PM
CBS was still in a state of euphoria Wednesday evening after Democrats won big on Election Day the previous night. During CBS Evening News, the network ran two different segments glorifying Democratic victories in Virginia and elsewhere. “Across the country, the 2017 elections saw big wins for a highly diverse group of candidates,” announced anchor Anthony Mason at the start of the second segment…

MSNBC’s Katy Tur Claims Background Checks Not Used in All States

November 7th, 2017 12:40 AM
It’s not often that an MSNBC host gets critical with a Democratic lawmaker, but they do when the lawmaker supports the Second Amendment and their district just had a mass shooting. That exact scenario played out during MTP Daily on Monday when host Katy Tur, back after a long vacation, got irritated with Texas Democratic Congressman Henry Cuellar. In their argument, Tur claimed background checks…

Nets Demand Gun Control, ABC Pushes Fake News on Mental Health/Guns

November 6th, 2017 10:00 PM
After chastising President Trump for ‘politicizing’ lottery visas after the New York City terror attack last week, the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) spent time during their Monday evening broadcasts pushing for more gun control while slamming Trump for saying the Sutherland, Texas mass shooting was a mental health issue.

Dickerson Grills Sen Warner on Dem Party Corruption Exposed by Brazile

November 5th, 2017 5:22 PM
The recent revelations exposed by former Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile were given a surprising amount of airtime on Sunday on the Big Three Networks. While some were trying to defend Hillary Clinton or attack Brazile, others were trying to get Democrats to answer serious questions about it. One of those was CBS’s Face the Nation moderator John Dickerson, who grilled Virginia…

Brokaw Slams Brazile for ‘Beyond Counter-Productive’ Clinton Exposure

November 5th, 2017 2:03 PM
The portion of former interim Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile’s book exposing ethically questionable behavior by the Clinton campaign surprisingly got a lot of play on the network Sunday morning shows. But during NBC’s Meet the Press, former anchor Tom Brokaw was not pleased with Brazile for shedding light on how the Clinton campaign bought the DNC and added it to their campaign…

Stephanopoulos: 'Do You Think This Helps' by Exposing Clinton?

November 5th, 2017 11:34 AM
After exposing how the Hillary Clinton campaign bought out the Democratic National Committee for her own gain at the expense of a fair election, former interim DNC Chair Donna Brazile appeared on ABC’s This Week with Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos. While at times Stephanopoulos was cordial, he often hit his guest with Clinton talking points. “But do you think this helps for the book to come…

Fiery Closing Arguments in Menendez Bribery Trial Draw Yawns from Nets

November 3rd, 2017 12:01 AM
“This is what bribery looks like,” declared federal prosecutor J.P. Cooney on Thursday as the closing arguments in the long-running corruption trial of Democratic New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez took place. The trial had seen contentious exchanges between the defense and the judge, claims of a lack of impartiality, and requests for the case to be thrown and for a mistrial to be declared. The…

Nets Refuse to Report Revelation Dem Primary Was ‘Rigged’ for Clinton

November 2nd, 2017 9:26 PM
In an essay for Politico on Thursday, former interim Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile dropped a bombshell on the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign. In the piece, Brazile exposed how “the DNC was rigging the system to throw the primary to Hillary” through an ethically questionable financial arrangement. Even though it seemed like a plot in House of Cards, the Big Three networks…

MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Demands Dossier Facts and Rejects Them

November 2nd, 2017 12:47 AM
Things got very heated Wednesday evening in a taped interview between former Trump campaign chairman Cory Lewandowski and MTP Daily Moderator Chuck Todd when the MSNBC host refused to hear the facts behind the Clinton-DNC connection to the Russians. “If you're going to speak in facts, at least speak in facts,” Todd shouted, but he just didn’t want to hear them.

After They Pushed Gun Control, Nets Irked Trump Pushing Visa Changes

November 1st, 2017 10:24 PM
In the wake of the New York City truck attack, President Trump called on Congress to eliminate the Diversity Visa Lottery Program since the terrorist used the program to enter the United States in 2010. It was an idea that had bipartisan support in the past, but on Wednesday the broadcast networks claimed the President was exploiting a tragedy for political gain. Yet they themselves have a long…

Stelter Decries Right Wing ‘Campaign of Confusion’ With Hillary-Russia

October 29th, 2017 5:11 PM
Over the past two weeks, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats had been under increased legal scrutiny following the revelations that the FBI had been monitoring Russian spies trying to influence the Uranium One deal, and that Clinton’s campaign and the Democrats had paid a firm to use foreign agents for opposition research. But according to CNN’s Brian Stelter, there really wasn’t any news there and…

Disgusting Behavior: ABC Panel Shouts Down Truth of Dossier Collusion

October 29th, 2017 2:12 PM
Fox and Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade walked into a lion’s den during his book tour on Sunday when he appeared ABC’s This Week as a part of a panel that was stacked 5:1 against him. A fairly large segment of their roundtable discussion was about the infamous Trump dossier. Everything got extremely heated when the liberal panel began to shout Kilmeade down and ludicrously claim there was no…

ABC: Indictment May Go ‘Straight to the Top,’ NBC Notes Other Reasons

October 29th, 2017 10:52 AM
Since Friday, when CNN first reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team had secured an indictment, the liberal media had been running rampant with speculation about who it was for and how it would topple President Trump. And during ABC’s Sunday Good Morning America, they appeared giddy that the indictment could go all the way up. Yet, on NBC’s Sunday Today, they noted how the indictment…