
ABC Backs Poisoning Students With CRT, Ignored Parents Rising Up

June 23rd, 2021 8:46 PM

In a disturbing segment of Wednesday’s World News Tonight, ABC came out in support of poisoning the minds of students with Critical Race Theory. And instead of showing the parents of Loudoun County, Virginia rising up against their radical school board who wanted to teach it to their kids, the network promoted Joint Chiefs Chairman, General Mark Milley defending the teaching of the…

Jeffrey Toobin CNN New Day 6-23-21

CNN Goes Nuts Over GOP Filibuster of S1: 'Life or Death for Democracy'

June 23rd, 2021 10:15 AM

Reacting to the Republican filibuster of S1, the so-called "For the People Act" which would largely federalize elections, CNN New Day co-host John Berman fumes: "Senate Republicans are afraid to even discuss voting rights . . . Of course Mitch McConnell likes the status quo because status quo is Republican-led states rigging the system.   CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin then claims that the…

NYT Hypes Soros-Funded Org’s $20M Fight Against Voter Integrity Laws

June 23rd, 2021 7:30 AM

The New York Times acted as the public relations arm for a leftist group funded by far-left billionaire George Soros and its multimillion-dollar efforts to fight voter integrity laws.


Fredo Screams at Democrats: 'Are You Ready to Play to Win, Now?!'

June 22nd, 2021 11:33 PM

CNN’s Chris “Fredo” Cuomo was irate when he kicked off Tuesday’s Prime Time, screaming at Senate Democrats after Republicans saved the country to the left’s machination of the federal takeover of our election systems. He even went on to use Martin Luther King Jr. to bash Republicans, and liberal activist Van Jones claimed leftists had “bled and died” trying to stop Republican election…


Misinformation: Nets LIE as GOP Saves Country from Election Power Grab

June 22nd, 2021 8:53 PM

On Tuesday, Senate Republicans saved the country of the Democratic-led federal takeover of the county’s election via the For the People Act. But the liberal broadcast networks were out in force that evening to gaslight their audiences and suggest Republicans had shot down an effort to “expand voting rights” that would have “overhauled” the system. And, of course, they spewed their false claims…

Nets Blackout Whitehouse's Membership in 'All-White' Elite Beach Club

June 21st, 2021 10:44 PM

On Monday, the country was again reminded of the hypocrisy of Democratic Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse who was discovered to be a long-time member of an “all-white” private elitist beach club, Bailey’s Beach Club. And as usual, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) deemed a race scandal involving a Democrat too unimportant to give it airtime on their evening newscasts.


ABC Boosts Dems Lashing Catholic Bishops Denying Communion to Biden

June 20th, 2021 10:11 AM

On Friday, conservative Catholic Bishops drew the wrath of the liberal media and the radical left when they called on all bishops to deny the Eucharist to President Joe Biden because of his support for abortion. Things culminated on Sunday after 60 Democrats, who don’t really practice Catholic doctrine, got a boost from ABC’s Good Morning America after they signed a letter lashing out…

Natasha Alford Stacey Abrams William Barber CNN New Day 6-18-21

Radical Lefty at CNN: Juneteenth Must Mean HR 1, Critical Race Theory

June 18th, 2021 3:47 PM

Juneteenth, a day that celebrates the ending of slavery in the United States is now a national holiday. The move to make it one had wide bipartisan support, passing unanimously in the Senate. Republicans, Democrats, conservatives and liberals have hailed it as a day of unity for America. CNN, however, has other ideas. The network on Friday brought in Natasha Alford, a CNN analyst, to twist the…


Nets Skip Anniversary of GOP Baseball Shooting, CNN Muddies Motive

June 15th, 2021 10:12 PM

Four years ago Monday (June 14), a leftist extremist who was a fan of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow carried out a mass assassination attempt against Republican lawmakers in Alexandria, Virginia as they practiced for the congressional baseball game. It was a heinous act that the FBI had only just gotten around to calling domestic terrorism, but it was of no interest to…


ABC Gives Boost to Demings' Campaign Against Rubio, Before Dem Primary

June 13th, 2021 10:30 AM

Despite the fact that the Democratic primary in Florida doesn’t happen until near the end of NEXT summer, Sunday’s Good Morning America was already looking ahead and trying to boost the Senate campaign of Florida Congresswoman Val Demings, who’s looking to unseat Republican Marco Rubio. And Deming’s press team seemingly couldn’t have done any better than ABC in pitching their…


CNN Wonders How Dems Will 'Settle Their Differences' With The Squad

June 12th, 2021 10:55 AM

The Inside Politics panel discussion led by host John King on Thursday about Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar comparing the U.S. and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban was less interested in Omar's actual comments, than how the "Democratic family" will learn how to live with its differing opinions.


ABC, CBS Ignore Rep. Omar Comparing U.S., Israel to Terrorist Groups

June 10th, 2021 10:16 PM

Over the course of the week, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) had been drawing bipartisan outrage after comparing the United States and Israel to terrorist organizations like the Taliban and Hamas. She accused them of “unthinkable atrocities,” was rebuked by a group of Jewish Democrats, and she was forced to “clarify” her comments Thursday. But ABC and CBS news completely skipped the…


Nets Obsessed With GOP 'Civil War' Can’t Be Bothered By Dem Divide

June 9th, 2021 12:13 AM

For the past couple of days, moderate Democratic Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona were experiencing the full wrath of the far-left wing of their party after the pair refused to do away with the filibuster and pass the deceptively titled “For the People Act.” But the same evening newscasts that were obsessed with stoking the so-called “Civil War” in the…


Are Democrats Superheroes Now? CNN Wants Them to Save Democracy

June 8th, 2021 5:30 PM

Yahoo News national correspondent Brittany Shepherd joined Tuesday's CNN Newsroom to discuss what Democrats plan to do to save democracy. She noted that Republicans won't do anything on the matter, "so now it is squarely on Democrats."