
Nate Silver Blames Midwest Republicans for Polling Industry Failures

November 22nd, 2020 1:11 PM

One of the big takeaways from the 2020 election cycle was that the polling industry had no idea what it was doing and was gaslighting the American people with lies about a massive groundswell for Democrats at all levels. And few in the polling industry has the ears of more liberal prognosticators that Nate Silver, the founder of analytical firm FiveThirtyEight. In his Sunday appearance on ABC’…


MSNBC's Capehart Praises Obama: He 'Wouldn't Get Down in the Mud'

November 20th, 2020 6:49 PM

The media fawning over former President Obama and his new memoir continued on MSNBC Live on Friday as Jonathan Capehart joined host Craig Melvin to talk about his interview with Obama. Capehart effectively re-wrote the history of the Obama era as he was amazed at the former president's unwillingness to "get down in the mud."


Cuomo: GSA Boss ‘Smiling While You’re Dying,’ McConnell Killing People

November 19th, 2020 11:44 PM

Continuing his crusade of hate and rage against all Republicans Thursday’s PrimeTime, CNN host Chris Cuomo set his sights on Emily Murphy, the head of the General Service Administration, claiming she was “smiling while you’re dying” of coronavirus. On top of that, he accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) of “playing with the pandemic” and getting people killed.

Jessica Huseman CNN New Day 11-19-20

CNN to MSM: Refuse to Report on Trump Election Challenges!

November 19th, 2020 10:48 AM

On CNN's New Day, the idea is seriously propounded that the media should refuse to report on, or examine the merits of, Republican challenges to election results. CNN has concluded that the challenges are not "serious," and thus that reporting on them would only serve to do the Republicans' work for them.


Nets Cover-Up Dem Newsom’s Elitist Dinner Party Breaking COVID Rules

November 19th, 2020 12:03 AM

While the liberal media painstakingly monitor and denote every moment in which President Trump, members of his administration, and supporters at rallies fail to wear a face mask or attend a public gathering, they were noticeably non-hawkish when their Democratic buddies were caught red-handed breaking their own edicts. Such was the case as ABC, CBS, and NBC covered up California Democratic…


NBC Blames Trump Backers for COVID Deaths, Tells People to Be ‘Angry’

November 18th, 2020 8:44 PM

In a disgusting closing lecture Wednesday in which NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt thought was an intellectual pontification, he told people to get angry at how the U.S. had surpassed 250,000 coronavirus deaths. And as he was telling them that, images of Trump supporters marching through Washington, D.C. and other anti-lockdown protesters flashed on the screen in grim black and…


Obama's Echo Chamber at MSNBC Worries About Trump Echo Chambers

November 18th, 2020 12:54 PM

The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg and PBS White House reporter Yamiche Alcindor joined MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Monday to long for the days of Barack Obama because those were the days when the president cared about the truth.


Quarantine Dodging, Maskless Cuomo Attacks Sen. Cruz as ‘COVIDiot’

November 17th, 2020 11:36 PM

What makes naked hypocrisy worse than it already was? When the perpetrator was loud, pompous, and self-righteous. That was the nasty mixture brewing on the set of CNN’s PrimeTime Tuesday as roid-raging Chris “Fredo” Cuomo attacked Harvard-educated Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) as a “COVIDiot,” because he dared to call out Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) for virtue-signaling with his mask.


Nets Censor Grilling of Big Tech at Conservative Censorship Hearing

November 17th, 2020 9:20 PM

At a contentious Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, Senate Republicans torched the liberal CEOs of Facebook and Twitter for their sleazy censorship of conservatives on their platforms. Ironically, the events at the hearing were subsequently censored by ABC, CBS, and NBC as they refused to share the news during their evening newscasts. Instead, they chose to fear-monger about…


Cuomo Admits Threatening GOP Lives, Warns Atlas of ‘Old School’ Visit

November 16th, 2020 11:01 PM

Last week, NewsBusters reported on how CNN’s Chris Cuomo threatened the lives of GOP lawmakers in Congress when he said “they are going to lose way more than this election,” and then doubled down the following night. Well, Cuomo kicked off a new week on Monday by admitted that he was “targeting” those lawmakers in that way. He then expanded that his threats to include Dr. Scott Atlas of the…

Mika Brzezinski Jeffrey Goldberg MSNBC Morning Joe 11-16-20

Mika Nudges Guest to Urge Facebook to Censor More Conservatives

November 16th, 2020 3:00 PM

On Morning Joe, playing off Barack Obama's 60 Minutes interview in which he blamed social media in part for "truth decay," Mika and The Atlantic editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg bemoaned social media's supposedly insufficient censoring of conservatives. Mika Brzezinski and Goldberg fretted that conservatives being left "unchecked" leads to " serious problems."


CBS’s King Discouraged By 73 Million Trump Votes, Predicts Violence

November 15th, 2020 12:59 PM

In a pre-recorded interview for CBS Sunday Morning, Obama family vacation buddy and CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King conducted a gooey interview with former President Obama regarding his new memoir about his time in office. Aside from whining about Republican opposition to his agenda, King lamented the state of the country seeing as almost 73 million people voted to…

Joe Scarborough Michael Steele MSNBC Morning Joe 11-13-20

No One Invited You, Joe: Scarborough Not Coming Back to GOP

November 13th, 2020 5:02 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough says he's often asked whether he will now become a Republican again. He responds: "why the hell" would I?  carborough couched his answer in a condemnation of President Trump for declining to concede to Joe Biden and make daily intel briefings available to him. But given that Scarborough firmly believes that Trump will be leaving office on January 20th, his…


Cuomo Doubles Down on Dangerous Rhetoric, Stirring Hatred of GOP

November 12th, 2020 11:14 PM

President-Elect Biden’s calls for unity may be hollow, but CNN’s Chris Cuomo wouldn’t even have that much. In his opening diatribe for Thursday’s PrimeTime, Cuomo doubled down on his previous night’s hatred of the GOP where he appeared to threaten their lives. This time, he stirred up the hatred against them with false claims and suggested the GOP were the ones with it in them to kill…