
CBS Announces Harris Pick With Triumphant Music, Hope She Scares Pence

August 11th, 2020 11:09 PM

Interrupting Tuesday’s edition of Dr. Phil on D.C. affiliate WUSA-9, CBS News broke in to announce that their candidate for president, former Vice President Joe Biden, had finally made up his mind and selected Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) to be his running mate. CBS was so excited by the breaking news that they cued up triumphant music to celebrate the completion of their 2020 ticket…


‘Attempting to Commit Murder’: Nets Refuse Condemnation of Antifa

August 10th, 2020 11:29 PM

NewsBusters was among the first to call Antifa’s terroristic siege of the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon what it was: an attempt to commit murder by trapping federal agents inside and burning it to the ground. But last Thursday, Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler, who had joined the rioters on the front lines, backpedaled hard and echoed the obvious, saying, “You are attempting to commit…


CBS, NBC Telegraph Intent to Only Be Favorable to Biden’s VP Pick

August 10th, 2020 8:52 PM

In a pair of doting news reports from the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News on Monday, both of these defenders of Joe Biden tacitly admitted to viewers that they planned to only cover his pick for running mate favorably; refusing to be critical or vet them. They also suggested that being critical would be sexist and racist.


Stelter Claims Left-Wing Media Not Dedicated to ‘Tearing Down Trump’

August 9th, 2020 4:11 PM

CNN chief medial reporter Brian Stelter beclowned himself yet again during Sunday’s no-so Reliable Sources. Between raging at right-wing media and talk radio for questioning Joe Biden’s mental lucidity, and claiming left-wing hacks like himself weren’t dedicated to “tearing down” President Trump, Stelter was out to prove that he was willing to lie with impunity. And at one point, a…


CBS Dreams About ‘Unconventional’ First Lady Jill Biden, the Prankster

August 9th, 2020 12:06 PM

Letting her brush aside the allegations of unwanted touching against her husband and questions of “where is Hunter,” CBS correspondent Rita Braver conducted a gooey puff piece for CBS Sunday Morning featuring Dr. Jill Biden (Ph.D.). Between excited fawning over the idea of continuing to teach and playing pranks around the White House, it was obvious that Braver desperately wanted…


ABC Decries Trump's Executive Orders to Deliver COVID Unemployment Aid

August 9th, 2020 9:41 AM

If this was 2012, the liberal media would be worshiping President Obama for using his pen and phone to get around an obstructionist Congress to help hurting Americans during an election year pandemic. But after President Trump signed an executive orders to continue weekly unemployment checks and halt evictions Saturday, ABC’s Good Morning America was up in arms. They siding with…


Major Smear NBC: Expert Kook Sees Tyranny In Parades, Portland Arrests

August 2nd, 2020 3:54 PM

MSNBC's Brian Williams was joined by author and professor Timothy Snyder on Friday night where Williams used his guest's 2017 book On Tyranny to argue that the United States under President Trump is slipping into authoritarianism. The proof? Trump-named towers, military parades and federal law enforcement in Portland.


Confederate Coolers and Grifters: ABC Touts Anti-Trump Lincoln Project

August 2nd, 2020 1:18 PM

In a segment sponsored by an anti-Trump political ad from Americans for Limited Government, ABC’s This Week spent a portion of Sunday’s show swooning for the anti-Trump/pro-Biden political group The Lincoln Project. Celebrating how they and other former Republicans were “waging war against the President of their own party,” fill-in host Martha Raddatz and chief congressional…


Bought Referee: Chuck Todd Argues Only Dems Have 'Met This Moment'

August 2nd, 2020 10:05 AM

With the coronavirus relief benefits expiring last Friday, and Democrats and Republicans still in negotiations over what the next round of aid would look like, self-described political referee and NBC political director Chuck Todd showed what a bought off rules enforcer could do during his routine appearance on NBC’s Sunday Today.

Joe Scarborough Morning Joe 7-31-20

Scarborough Warns Republicans: Oust Trump or Face 'Ruin' 

July 31st, 2020 5:13 PM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough tells Republicans to oust President Trump or face "ruin," the end of the Republican party, and Democrat rule for the rest of their lives.


Nets Cheer Obama Using Lewis Funeral for ‘Forceful Attack’ on Trump

July 30th, 2020 8:49 PM

Though it often seemed more like a political rally, former President Barack Obama delivered the eulogy at late Congressman John Lewis’s (D-GA) funeral Thursday. Via the politicized address, the liberal media received their marching orders from their beloved leader: accuse President Trump of threatening the November the election and compare him to racist Alabama Governor George Wallace. And…

Joe Scarborough Katy Kay Morning Joe 7-30-20

Morning Joe Smirks and Gloats over Gohmert Contracting Coronavirus

July 30th, 2020 1:07 PM

The Morning Joe crew indulges in schadenfreude over the news that mask-skeptic Republican congressman Louie Gohmert has contracted the coronavirus. Joe Scarborough later suggests President Trump's continued support for hydroxychloroquine is a result of him somehow profiting from it.  Scarborough ends the segment by referring to "the party of Donald Trump" as a "dumbass" for his handling of the…


Cuomo: Courthouse Still Standing Means Defenses Aren’t Needed

July 29th, 2020 11:20 PM

The only reason the federal courthouse in Portland was still standing, and not a smoldering pile of debris, was because federal agents were keeping the radical leftists at bay. But during Wednesday’s Cuomo PrimeTime, the man who failed to correctly identify a rhino on a cognitive assessment test (calling it an elephant) argued that the fact the building still stood meant the defenses…


ABC Spikes Antitrust Tech Hearing, CBS Defends Censoring Conservatives

July 29th, 2020 9:13 PM

In a contentious antitrust hearing on Wednesday, four of America’s tech titans (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google) were grilled by Democrats and Republicans about their shady business practices. House Republicans came down hard on the issues of political bias and censorship of conservatives. But while ABC’s World News Tonight ditched covering the hearing altogether, CBS Evening…