NYTimes Hits 'Trump-Inspired Conspiracy Mongering,' Ignores Lefty Kind

February 11th, 2020 4:39 PM
New York Times reporters Mike McIntire and Kevin Roose went after the “pro-Trump” QAnon cult, which spread the discredited “Pizzagate” conspiracy and a myriad others, on Monday’s front page, and tried hard to tie it to Donald Trump in “Web Delusion Oozes Offline To Real World.” But what of the wide world of left-wing conspiracists? For the Times, it either doesn’t exist or is treated…

Chuck Todd Dumps on Democrat Field: 'B-Level, No Star'

February 11th, 2020 7:52 AM
Democrats and their Hallelujah chorus in the liberal media are in full meltdown mode. Monday morning, we noted James Carville warning that it would be the "end of days" if current frontrunner Bernie Sanders got the nomination. Now, even devoted Democrat Chuck Todd has admitted that the Democrat field lacks a "star" and is "B-level."

Todd Compares Trump Supporters to Bernie’s Online 'Brownshirt Brigade'

February 10th, 2020 11:29 PM
Just two days after a man drove a van through a group of Trump supporters registering people to vote in Florida, MTP Daily host and NBC political director Chuck Todd took a vicious swipe at Trump’s backers, which he noted were gathering just across the street for a rally, by comparing them to the Nazi Brownshirts who enforced Adolf Hitler’s rule.

Top 4 Liberal Donors Dwarf Top 39 Conservative Donors’ Spending

February 10th, 2020 4:54 PM
Liberal outlet The Guardian reported Feb. 10 that conservative donor Sheldon Adelson is allegedly gearing up to spend $100 million to help boost President Donald Trump and Republican candidates this fall. The outlet used its reporting (citing “three Republican fundraisers familiar with Adelson’s initial plans”) to suggest later that “The president’s courting of the Adelsons contradicts his claims…

Panicky Carville: 'End of Days' If Democrats Nominate Bernie Sanders

February 10th, 2020 11:40 AM
On Morning Joe, James Carville claims that the Democrat party is "the only thing standing between the United States and the abyss." He says that if the Democrats nominate Bernie Sanders, it will go the disastrous way of the Corbynite British Labour party and it will be the "end of days."

Joy Reid Admits: Trump Ads Hitting Bernie's Socialism Would Be 'True'

February 9th, 2020 3:26 PM
On her MSNBC show, Joy Reid tells Bernie Sanders campaign manager Faiz Shakir that the ads President Trump will run against Sanders should he be the nominee, hitting him on socialism and showing him praising Castro and the Soviet Union, will be "true."

‘Not Up to Us': New MSNBC Anchor Begs Colleagues Not to Whip Dem Votes

February 9th, 2020 2:38 PM
During Sunday’s Meet the Press on NBC, newly hired MSNBC anchor Joshua Johnson (formerly with NPR) had a candid moment when he admitted the media took part in helping the DNC whip votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and implored his colleagues not to lobby for certain candidates in the 2020 Democratic primary.

ABC, CBS Uninterested in Van Attack Against Trump Supporters

February 9th, 2020 10:14 AM
Though the apparent attempt to rundown multiple Trump supporters registering voters in Florida happened Saturday afternoon, and drew outrage from both of the state’s senators and President Trump himself, the evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC completely ignored the vicious attack. Come Sunday morning, only NBC’s Sunday Today thought it was worth some airtime, but only 25-seconds worth.

CNN: Uninspiring Biden Brought 'Get Off My Lawn' Energy to Debate

February 8th, 2020 12:16 AM
Following the ABC Democratic debate in New Hampshire on Friday, CNN’s panel of liberal journalists and activists were mostly in agreement when panning the performance and campaign strategy of former Vice President Joe Biden. Between them, the panel painted an image of an “angry” old man shouting “get off my lawn” across the stage, while failing to “inspire” people to donate to his campaign.

NBC Lauds Romney: ‘President of the Republican Resistance’ to Trump

February 5th, 2020 9:36 PM
Following his vote to convict President Trump on the impeachment charge of abuse of power, which ultimately failed, NBC Nightly News made their feelings clear and gave Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) a hero’s welcome. In back-to-back segments, they praised him for “voting his conscience over his party” and dubbed him “the president of the Republican resistance to Donald Trump.”

'Double Jeopardy Does Not Apply': CNN Looks for More Impeach Charges

February 5th, 2020 6:10 PM
Moments after the Senate acquitted President Trump of the impeachment charges against him, CNN’s The Lead looked to the future and to House Democrats who were zealously trying to drum up more impeachment charges. “Double jeopardy does not apply in politics,” chief national correspondent John King proclaimed to the rest of the panel, clearly looking for Trump to be retried on the charges he was…

Scarborough Seethes: MSM Too Supportive of Trump on Strong Economy!

February 5th, 2020 10:41 AM
Joe Scarborough accuses the press of "feeding into [President Trump's] hype that somehow, his economy is so much better than former economies. It's a lie."

CNN’s Tapper Decries Trump’s ‘Reality TV’ SOTU, Divisive ‘Red Meat’

February 5th, 2020 12:09 AM
Moments after President Trump wrapped up his eventful State of the Union address Tuesday night, CNN host Jake Tapper took to ripping into; much like the petty Speaker of the House did in ripping up the advanced copy Trump gave her. According to him, the address bore a striking resemblance to mindless “reality television,” and, with very few exceptions, it was nothing but divisive “red meat” for…

Morning Joe, CNN Dig Through Rubble of Democrat Iowa Caucus Disaster

February 4th, 2020 9:56 AM
Debacle. Disaster. Fiasco. There's no shortage of descriptors for the colossal cock-up that were the Democrat Iowa caucuses. We present a mashup of comments on Morning Joe and CNN's New Day regarding the Democrat Iowa caucus disaster.