
NBC Ignored GOP Role in Justice Reform, Now Boosting Warren’s Plan

November 11th, 2019 8:52 PM
A week ago to the day, NBC Nightly News along with their broadcast competitors (ABC and CBS) ignored the lead role GOP lawmakers played in reforming the criminal justice system in Oklahoma. Now, on this Monday, the network’s flagship evening news program was helping to promote Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) criminal justice reform plan as part of their pre-debate series where they only address…

Joy Reid Guest Blames White Media Execs, Voters, for Kamala Flop

November 11th, 2019 10:36 AM
On Joy Reid's MSNBC show, regular guest Tiffany Cross blames white media executives and the voters for Kamala Harris's poor performance in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. On Joy Reid's MSNBC show, Sunday, regular guest Tiffany Cross announced that she was going to ignore the taboo against blaming the voters. She proceeded to blame them, citing the reaction of listeners to…

ABC, NBC Excited to Learn ‘Centrist’ Bloomberg Might Run in 2020

November 7th, 2019 9:34 PM
As one radical, anti-gun Democrat (Robert O’Rourke) drops out of the 2020 race for president, another appeared set to take his place. And the liberal media were loving it. In that vein, both ABC’s World News Night and NBC Nightly News kicked off their Thursday evening newscasts by hyping reports former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was readying documents to get on the Democratic primary…

CBS Advertises Televised Impeachment Hearings Like Fight Entertainment

November 6th, 2019 10:55 PM
By her excitement and choice of words, one could easily think failing-CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell was promoting a pay per view boxing or pro-wrestling match during Wednesday’s newscast. But no, she was hyping the televised impeachment hearings that would start next week. In addition to that, NBC Nightly News chided Republicans were wanted the public to know the identity of the…

Only ‘What Matters’ to Dems: NBC Pushes for Strengthening Unions

November 6th, 2019 8:46 PM
As part of their new “What Matters” series, the segment they admitted was only meant to gauge the interests of Democratic voters, Wednesday’s NBC Nightly News sat down with Senator and 2020 hopeful Amy Klobuchar (MN) and asked her how she would help to strengthen unions in America.

Scarborough Taunts: 'Donald, Son'—You're to Blame for Bevin Loss

November 6th, 2019 8:13 AM
Joe Scarborough goes on a sneering rant, claiming President Trump's rally in Kentucky caused the incumbent Republican governor, Matt Bevin, to lose. Scarborough repeatedly refers to the president as "Donald," at one point calling him, "son."

New NBC Series Only Looks at ‘What Matters’ to Democratic Voters

November 5th, 2019 10:49 PM
As an apparent sequel to their biased “My Big Idea” series, where they aided 2020 Democrats in pushing their liberal policy proposals to the public, NBC Nightly News kicked off a brand new series Tuesday dubbed “What Matters” where they only talk to Democratic voters and pitch their comments to Democratic candidates.

UPDATE: Evening ABC Refuses to Address Their Epstein Scandal

November 5th, 2019 9:18 PM
ABC News found itself embroiled in a dark scandal Tuesday, after a leaked video of network anchor Amy Robach was released showing her admitting ABC had killed her story, which would have exposed additional pedophile allegations against investor Jeffrey Epstein. The network’s only response, so far, was to release a week statement on Twitter claiming the story was not ready for airtime. And come…

Nets, Which Touted Jeering Nats Fans, Ignore Players Praising Trump

November 4th, 2019 11:33 PM
A week ago, CBS and NBC were enthralled by footage of Washington Nationals fans booing President Trump and chanting “lock him up” at game five of the World Series. But when Nationals players visited the White House on Monday, they praised the President for making the country great with one sporting his “Make America Great Again” hat. Those same networks ignored the event while hyping the release…

Nets Praise Oklahoma Criminal Justice Reform, Ignore Large Role of GOP

November 4th, 2019 9:10 PM

Oklahoma held the title for the highest lockup rate in the country (1 in every 100 residents), but that began to change on Monday after some 500 non-violent offenders had their sentences commuted by sweeping criminal justice reform. ABC, CBS, and NBC celebrated the move during their evening newscasts but ignored the role of the heavily Republican-control legislature and the Republican governor…


Todd Frets: Dems Have 'Higher Hurdle' for Removing President Trump

November 3rd, 2019 10:25 AM
As part of their political coverage on Sunday Today, NBC News showed off a new poll they did (in conjunction with The Wall Street Journal) that claimed 49 percent of Americans supported impeaching and removing President Trump from office. But all was not well for political director and Meet the Press moderator, Chuck Todd. He worried that the “higher hurdle for the Democrats” was convincing the…

Former GOP Chair on MSNBC: Trump Supporters are 'Pathetic Sycophants'

November 3rd, 2019 6:28 AM
Michael Steele's got a good gig going as an MSNBC political analyst. And if that means that the former RNC Chairman must throw fellow Republicans under the bus, well, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do. And thus there was Steele on Joy Reid's MSNBC show on Saturday morning. Steele said American Conservative Union leader Matt Schlapp and other supporters of President Trump are "embarrassing,…

Chuck Todd Surprisingly Skeptical About Impeachment

November 2nd, 2019 12:33 AM
Don't get Chuck Todd wrong: his heart is definitely in the right [i.e., left], liberal place about President Trump. On his MTP Daily show today, Todd made clear that he believes there is "damning" evidence against the president that supports his impeachment. But on a pragmatic political level, Todd expressed surprising skepticism about the wisdom of proceeding with impeachment, instead of letting…

CBS Anchor O’Donnell Rolls Over for Schiff to Spew Talking Points

October 31st, 2019 10:56 PM
There’s a reason CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell was absolutely failing to boost ratings for CBS’s flagship evening newscast. Following the partisan passage of the House’s impeachment procedures on Thursday, O’Donnell sat down with, or rather rolled over for House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA). She lobbed marshmallow-like questions at him so he could effectively…