
Capehart Mourns GOP Voters Being Fed a 'Anti-Biden Family Diet'

August 12th, 2023 10:03 AM

Reacting to the news that David Weiss has been appointed special counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation, Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart lamented to Friday’s PBS NewsHour that Fox News has feed its viewers a “anti-Biden family diet” over the past few years.


Brooks: GOP Position On Oil Drilling 'Is a Way to Offend The Elites'

August 5th, 2023 9:52 AM

PBS NewsHour’s weekly recap with New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart began with a discussion on, of all things, Republican attitudes towards climate change. During the discussion, Brooks, the supposedly conservative half of the duo, reduced oil drilling to a simple way of Republicans to offend elite…


Psaki: Talking About Hunter 'Is a Tactic That Vladimir Putin' Uses

August 3rd, 2023 2:20 PM

Former White House Press Secretary and current weekend MSNBC host Jen Psaki joined the network’s Thursday coverage of President Trump’s third indictment and arraignment to discuss the GOP’s reaction, specifically their attempts to equate the situation with Joe and Hunter Biden’s problems. Psaki was not thrilled with the comparison, claiming to do so in reminiscent of Vladimir Putin.


MSNBC Blames 'Chaos Created By The GOP' U.S. Credit Downgrade

August 3rd, 2023 10:05 AM

During a discussion on former President Donald Trump’s latest indictment related to January 6, MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle went on a bit of a digression on Wednesday’s The 11th Hour to discuss Fitch downgrading the U.S.’s credit rating, which according to her was caused by “was the chaos created by the GOP” including January 6. Of course, Fitch’s own explanation was a little bit more…

Media Attack Florida Education Rules, Whitewash Dems' Race History

July 29th, 2023 4:00 PM

Ya can’t make it up. 


MSNBC Compares Socially Conservative Italian PM to Stalin

July 29th, 2023 3:30 PM

The liberal President of the United States recently invited the conservative Prime Minister of Italy to the White House to discuss matters of mutual concern including the war in Ukraine. Such pairings are not exactly new or uncommon, but MSNBC’s Friday edition of The Last Word used the opportunity to compare Giorgia Meloni to Joseph Stalin for her social conservatism.


IRONY: MSNBC Gloats Over Hillary 'Smiling' At New Trump Indictment

July 28th, 2023 9:53 AM

With the Thursday news that former President Trump now faces an additional charge of obstruction of justice related the deletion of security camera footage, the cast of MSNBC’s The 11th Hour with Stephanie Ruhle managed to completely miss the point as they basked in the news that Trump is now charged with the very thing he condemned Hillary Clinton for.


CNN Host Fights With GOP Rep. On Burisma: 'I Don't Have A Base'

July 27th, 2023 10:00 AM

Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett returned to CNN for Wednesday’s CNN Tonight to once again go head-to-head with an anchor who denied the network has a liberal bias. This time the anchor was Sara Sidner who, while playing defense for Joe and Hunter Biden, insisted “I don’t have a base. I’m a journalist.”


MSNBC's Big Takeaway On Hunter: Republicans Are Hypocrites

July 26th, 2023 12:30 PM

Before Hunter Biden’s plea deal fell apart on Wednesday, MSNBC’s Ana Cabrera and political chameleon Kurt Bardella offered up what their big takeaway from all of the drama surrounding him: Republicans are hypocrites.


CNN Relies On Fake News To Label Biden-Burisma Allegations 'Debunked'

July 26th, 2023 10:25 AM

The revolving door between CNN and the White House was spinning at great speeds on Tuesday’s edition of The Source with Kaitlan Collins as former communications director turned talking head Kate Bedingfield claimed that Democrats have “a really response” to the Biden-Burisma allegations. Unfortunately for CNN and Bedingfield, her main argument relied on some fake news.


Velshi: IRS Whistleblower Hearing Full Of 'Stunts And Conspiracies'

July 22nd, 2023 12:24 PM

Unlike many of his colleagues, MSNBC's Ali Velshi actually managed to acknowledge the existence of the recent House Oversight Committee hearing on two IRS whistleblowers alleging misconduct during the Hunter Biden investigation on his Saturday show, but only to dismiss them and other allegations related to the Biden family as “stunts and conspiracies.”


Jennings To CNN: Anti-Semitism Is 'Platformed Every Day' Among Dems

July 21st, 2023 10:10 AM

A befuddled Scott Jennings was forced to correct Rolling Stone’s Jay Michaelson on Thursday’s CNN Tonight when the former claimed that he couldn’t recall someone with “such anti-Semitic ideas getting this kind of platform” when referring to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee. Jennings politely reminded Michaelson that “It's platformed…

CNBC Puts All Blue States In Top 10 States To Live, Red In Worst 10

July 19th, 2023 11:03 AM

CNBC’s Scott Cohn portrays himself on Twitter, not as some progressive commentator, but as simply a “journalist.” However, on Friday, Cohn released two articles: one on the top ten states to “live and work in” and one for the bottom ten.  Despite all the migration out of blue states and into red states, Cohn’s top ten was exclusively blue, while his bottom ten was exclusively red.


MSNBC Warns Of 'Alarming Plans' To Take Power Away From Bureaucracy

July 18th, 2023 10:10 AM

On Monday’s The 11th Hour, MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle joined up with Washington Post investigative reporter Carol Leonnig to warn that Donald Trump and other Republicans are not fans of the unelected bureaucracy and have “very alarming plans” to do something about that could lead to “autocracy.”