
ABC, CBS Excited By Speaker Pelosi Calling AG Barr a Criminal

May 2nd, 2019 9:09 PM
After his hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, congressional Democrats and the liberal media were in sync as they accused Attorney General William Barr of lying to Congress. During Thursday’s evening newscasts, ABC and CBS seemed excited by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) standing before the press and calling Barr a criminal.

Maddow Tees Up Hillary Clinton to Bash AG Barr's Severe 'Misbehavior'

May 1st, 2019 11:28 PM
Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took a reprieve from wandering the woods of upstate New York to make an appearance during Wednesday’s The Rachel Maddow Show. The MSNBC host was ecstatic to have the former Secretary of State on her show once again; this time to talk about the findings of the Mueller Report and bash Attorney General William Barr for executing the duties of…

They LOVE It: CNN Report Repeatedly Calls Trump a ‘F***ing Idiot’

May 1st, 2019 9:07 PM
It’s not often that CNN gets to share their more vulgar thoughts against President Trump. So, when Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) read a text message from anti-Trump FBI investigators calling the President a “f***ing idiot” on live TV (uncensored) during the hearing with AG Barr on Wednesday, CNN got to live vicariously through Trump critics that didn’t need to worry about FCC violations and fines…

Lyin’ Brian Is Obsessed With Kamala Harris Drawing 'Blood’ from Barr

May 1st, 2019 5:50 PM
You know, for all the liberal media’s talk political language inciting violence, you would think MSNBC would be keener and watch the words they use. Immediately following Attorney General William Barr’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday afternoon, serial liar Brian Williams took to MSNBC Live and was infatuated with the radical California Senator Kamala Harris (D) and how…

ABC Hypes Biden’s First Campaign Rally, Getting Under Trump's Skin

April 29th, 2019 8:48 PM
Former Vice President Joe Biden was in western Pennsylvania on Monday visiting union workers for his campaign’s first rally. The liberal media that had stopped running President Trump’s campaign rallies live did the opposite for Uncle Joe. During Monday’s World News Tonight, ABC News hyped the event and bragged about how Biden was “getting under the President's skin.”

Stelter Blames ‘Right-Wing Message Boards’ for Synagogue Shooting

April 28th, 2019 3:32 PM
What makes tragic shootings like the one at Chabad of Poway on Saturday even worse was how predictable the liberal media were when it came to politicizing it. During Sunday’s so-called Reliable Sources on CNN, host Brian Stelter teased his coverage of the attack by wondering if it was “another case of a killer radicalized on right-wing message boards”. Baltimore Sun media critic David Zurawik…

Tapper Snaps at Conway: Your Criticism of MSM 'Beneath You'

April 28th, 2019 10:33 AM
No fewer than eight times on his State of the Union CNN show today, Jake Tapper asked Kellyanne Conway whether President Trump's response to Charlottesville was, as he has said, perfect. When Tapper wouldn't drop his hair-splitting over "perfect," Conway eventually had enough, and took a shot at the liberal media: "it looks like you, and others, looking at 2020, are worried that this guy can't be…

CBS Omits Dem Mayor Raided By FBI/IRS, ABC Hides Party Affiliation

April 25th, 2019 11:46 PM
NewsBusters has kept track of the liberal media’s lack of or minimal coverage of many of the scandals plaguing Democratic politicians, but ABC and NBC shockingly reported on the mayor of Baltimore getting raided by the FBI and the IRS on Thursday. Meanwhile, CBS Evening News omitted the story entirely from its broadcast.

Nets Cheer on Biden Calling Trump a ‘Threat to This Nation’

April 25th, 2019 9:42 PM
With a video trying to tie President Trump to white supremacists, former Vice President Joe Biden threw his hat into the 2020 ring Thursday. That video won him the praise of the liberal media as both CBS and NBC kicked off their evening news broadcasts with his announcement. Each of the Big Three networks boasted about the video while downplaying his inappropriate touching scandals.

CBS Hails Hillary Weighing in on Mueller Report, Encouraging Dems

April 24th, 2019 8:53 PM
In an op-ed published by The Washington Post on Wednesday, two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton came out of hiding to spout off about the Special Counsel report and to encourage Democrats to continue going after President Trump with endless investigations. In a report about Trump’s “battle with oversight”, CBS Evening News promoted Clinton’s words while painting Trump as in the…

'Morning Joe' Pours Ice Water on Biden: 'This Will End Badly'

April 24th, 2019 10:04 AM
On the eve of Joe Biden's expected announcement of his candidacy, Morning Joe offered a very downbeat take on his prospects. Joe Scarborough said, " I have yet to talk to a Democratic activist or a Democratic fundraiser who is excited about Joe Biden getting in the race . . . almost every Democrat, to a person, that I have spoken with is concerned that this is going to end badly for Joe Biden,…

ABC, CBS Excited By Biden Finally Announcing His 2020 Campaign

April 23rd, 2019 9:22 PM
Thursday is reportedly when we should expect former Vice President Joe Biden to formally announce his 2020 campaign for president. After fawning for Biden’s many hints for over a month, ABC and CBS were excited during their Tuesday evening broadcasts. Not so much for NBC, who brought up some of Biden’s lowest moments for liberals.

CNN Pans Kamala Harris for Not Matching Bernie on Terrorist Voting!

April 23rd, 2019 1:46 PM
A CNN New Day panel painted Kamala Harris as the loser in last night's CNN town halls. Three CNN journalists criticized her for not offering "something bold," instead using the "let's have a conversation about that" dodge. Alisyn Camerota got in a zinger at the end, suggesting that if Harris wanted to have a conversation, a town hall just might have been the right place to do it. Ouch!

CNN Town Halls: 0 Questions on Anti-Christian Attack, 9 on Impeachment

April 23rd, 2019 12:35 AM
Monday night was truly a marathon for CNN as they aired five back-to-back town halls with Democratic 2020 candidates. Yet, despite it being only one day after the massive coordinated terrorist attack in Sri Lanka by Islamic extremists that mainly targeted Christians with almost 300 dead and 500 injured, CNN offered zero questions about anti-Christian bigotry. Instead, CNN asked those candidates…