
ABC Touts Klobuchar’s ‘Moderate Politics’, Ignores ‘Horror Stories'

February 11th, 2019 11:55 PM
Shortly before ABC downplayed the anti-Semitic comments of Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D) on Monday, World News Tonight touted Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar (D) for throwing her hat into the 2020 presidential campaign. But while liberals of ABC were busy touting Klobuchar (and other Democrats), they largely ignored what Politico called the “staff horror stories” plaguing her campaign…

Nets Finally Find Ilhan Omar’s Anti-Semitism, Only After Dem Action

February 11th, 2019 9:24 PM
Since the midterm elections, the liberal media have been singing the praises of Democratic Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar for being one of the first Muslim women in Congress. That praise came despite Omar’s long history of trafficking in staunch anti-Semitism. On Monday, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) had no choice but to acknowledge her hate, but only after recent tweets…

Scarborough Predicts Warren Native American Problem Gone By Spring

February 11th, 2019 7:49 AM
You got 37 days for it to go away, Joe . . .  On today's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough said of Elizabeth Warren's candidacy, "am I the only person in America who thinks the Native American controversy is something that probably will not last into the spring?"

Hemingway Calls Out WaPo’s Double Standard for Sex Assault Claims

February 10th, 2019 3:40 PM
If you think you noticed a difference in the liberal media’s ferocity, or lack thereof, in pursuing the two sexual assault allegations against Virginia Lieutenant Governor Justice Fairfax (D) and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, you’re not wrong. As The Federalist senior editor Mollie Hemingway called out during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s MediaBuzz on Sunday, The Washington Post sat on the…

Chuck Todd and Liberal Panelists Champion Radical ‘Green New Deal’

February 10th, 2019 1:34 PM
NBC’s Meet the Press and moderator Chuck Todd have taken a radical stance on climate change and they’re proud of it. Late last year Todd boasted about banning “climate deniers” from his show. On Sunday, he and his fellow liberal journalists tried to boost the dangerously radical Green New Deal while avoiding the craziness it proposes.

Todd Cautions Against Running Fairfax Out Without an Investigation

February 10th, 2019 10:14 AM
Over the weekend, the chaos gripping Virginia politics evolved yet again with a second sexual assault allegation against Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax. With Virginia’s top three officeholders (all of whom were Democrats) facing calls for their resignations, NBC moderator Chuck Todd took to Sunday Today to caution against running Fairfax out of office before an investigation could be…

MSNBC's Johnson to VA Dems: To Thwart GOP, 'Back Off' Resignations

February 9th, 2019 1:21 PM
What a difference a week makes! Last Sunday on AM Joy, MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson accused Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam of "arrogance" for refusing to resign. Railed Johnson: "he caused this problem on his own, and the best way to save his party would be for him to leave." But now that scandals have engulfed Virginia's Dem lieutenant governor and attorney general, Johnson has changed his tune…

Chuck Todd Gushes Over ‘Smart,’ ‘Impressive’ Ocasio-Cortez

February 8th, 2019 10:02 AM
Not to gratuitously insult Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but she has to be one of the, um, most lightly-informed pols in a long time to wander onto the national stage. But that didn't stop Chuck Todd from lavishing praise on her. Discussing his just-concluded interview with Ocasio-Cortez with fellow MSNBC host Ari Melber, Todd found reason to variously describe her as thoughtful, refreshing,…

‘Abolish Billionaires’ Says NY Times Opinion Columnist

February 8th, 2019 10:00 AM
If progressives get their way, it won’t matter how “f---ing bad” Bruno Mars and Travie McCoy want to be billionaires.They won’t be, and neither will anyone else. Now that democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and others are publicly declaring “billionaires are bad” and a system that allows billionaires to exist is “wrong,” the far lefties in the news media are daring to…

ABC, CBS Boast Dems ‘Kicking’ Trump Probes into a ‘Higher Gear’

February 7th, 2019 9:26 PM
Thursday marked the first day of what President Trump suggested was “presidential harassment” by House Democrats via numerous investigations into seemingly all aspects of his life. The liberal media cheered on the investigations with both ABC and CBS evening news programs boasting about how the Democrats were “kicking” things into a “higher gear”.

CNN: Dems' 'Zero Tolerance' Policy Comes Back to Bite Them in Virginia

February 7th, 2019 10:29 AM
It was all fun and games for Dems when Brett Kavanaugh was in the barrel. But now that allegations of sexual misconduct and racial insensitivity threaten to take down Virginia's Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General, and even—horror of horrors—elevate a Republican to the governorship, the Dem thrill is gone. CNN's New Day was surprisingly tough on the Dems this morning. Washington…

Petty CNN Hosts Decry Trump Campaign’s Cheesy Fundraising E-Mail

February 7th, 2019 12:12 AM
Anyone who has somehow been added to an e-mail list for a political campaign can attest to the fact that they often get messages that include fun or cheesy efforts to drive interaction with supporters to keep enthusiasm up. But during Wednesday’s edition of CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time, host Chris Cuomo and CNN Tonight host Don Lemon were up in arms over such an e-mail sent by the Trump campaign…

‘F*** that B****’: Nets Ignore Fairfax Bashing His Rape Accuser

February 6th, 2019 9:22 PM

According to disturbing reports out Wednesday, Virginia Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax was in a closed-door meeting with other Democrats discussion the sexual assault allegations against him when he angrily declared “f*** that b****”. In what seemed like an effort to help Fairfax’s image, none of the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) reported the comments that evening. Instead, they…


Morning Joe: Trump to Blame for Late-Term Abortion Bills, Socialism

February 6th, 2019 10:25 AM
Morning Joe, during today's SOTU discussion, manages to blame President Trump for the late-term abortion/infanticide bills that Dem legislatures have recently adopted. For good measure, the show even blames the prez for the Dems' socialist surge. AOC? Trump's fault!