Gallup Poll: Most Republicans Disagree Media 'Get the Facts Straight'
PBS, NPR Bury Their Poll Results on BLM, Antifa, Statues (Correction)
Taxpayer-funded PBS and NPR are now in the polling business with Marist College, and like the other networks, their polls are often used to support putting heat on Republicans. On Wednesday, they announced they had found a majority of Americans were disappointed with the president’s responsive to the violence in Charlottesville. PBS then ignored their own finding that 62 percent favored…
NBC Worries Trump Has ‘Credibility Problem,’ Forgets Its Own
WashPost Poll: Christians 'Far More Likely' to Dismiss Poor as Lazy
Pollster Smears West Virginians As Angry and Illiterate
Camerota Denies Bias, Fox & Friends 'Unnecessarily Stoked Outrage'
When Do Internet Surveys Count? When the Liberal Media Likes Them
PBS Poll: More Americans Trust Trump Than the Media; 'Horrible Trend'
CNN’s Acosta Goes Full Liberal Activist: Trump Eroding Our Freedoms!
Press Ignoring Anti-Violence Backlash as Factor in GA-06 Outcome
With so much attention focused on the meaning of the results of Sixth District Congressional special election in Georgia, the establishment press has not looked into what happened to pre-election polls which showed Democrat Jon Ossoff ahead of Republican Karen Handel by as many as seven points less than two weeks before Tuesday's election. Though it may partially have been yet another in a…
Two New Polls Show Deepening Distrust of Trump-Trashing Press Corps
Two new polls demonstrate an ongoing, deepening distrust of the so-called “objective” news media, especially among Republicans. A new Rasmussen Reports poll published on Thursday found 76 percent of Republicans and 51 percent of voters not affiliated with either major political party believe most reporters are biased against President Trump. YouGov.com found 70 percent agreed news…
NY Times Reporter Calls Out CNN's Biased Coverage of Georgia Race
In a rare display of media self-awareness, New York Times investigative reporter Eric Lipton called out CNN coverage of the nationally-covered special election in Georgia’s sixth congressional district. Criticizing their journalistic standards, Lipton tweeted a June 10 article from CNN citing a poll estimating a seven point lead for the Democratic candidate, Jon Ossoff, over his Republican…