
Left-Wing NY Times Writer Drops F-Bomb at Jeb Bush on Twitter; Deletes
October 14th, 2015 11:04 PM
Philip B. Richardson, a writer for the New York Times, unleashed his rage at Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush in a Wednesday post on Twitter: "F**k you Jeb Bush for telling poor people they need stronger families to not be poor. Poverty weakens families." Richardson subsequently deleted the tweet, but not until after it was noticed by several conservatives on the social media site.

Dem Rep: Challenge Pope on Abortion, Gays, Not Illegals, Poverty
September 23rd, 2015 9:28 PM
To quote the Church Lady: isn't that conv-e-e-e-e-nient?
On Chris Hayes' MSNBC show tonight, Dem congressman Luis Gutierrez claimed that while he was "challenged" by the Catholic church's teachings on abortion and gay rights and found them "difficult" [but not difficult enough to change his standard liberal positions], no one can really argue the Pope's positions on illegal immigration and…

5 Hard Left Issues Where Journalists Show Their Love for Pope Francis
September 21st, 2015 10:17 AM
Pope Francis is kicking off his American tour and attracting attention not just from Catholics, but the liberal news media that love everything the pope does that they agree with.
If history repeats itself journalists will praise the pope for every liberal thing he says during the visit, especially about the economy, capitalism and wealth. The networks have called him “a different kind of pope”…

AP's Boak: With the Economy So Good, Why Won't Fed Raise Rates?
September 19th, 2015 10:51 PM
The business press just can't understand why the Federal Reserve decided not to raise interest rates on Thursday. After all, these alleged journalists have been telling us for months bordering on years that U.S. economy is really in good shape. So it should be able to handle a rate hike, especially after over seven years of rates at essentially zero. The problem is that they now believe their own…

Business Wires: US Weakness Didn't Influence Fed's No-Change Decision
September 19th, 2015 10:02 AM
The business press is trying to convince readers, listeners, and viewers that Janet Yellen's Federal Reserve kept interest rates at zero not because of U.S. economic conditions, which supposedly "look good" with "steady economic growth." No-no. She stayed the course because of the troubled tglobal economy.
Thursday evening, Reuters wrote that the Fed failed to move "in a bow to worries about the…

Starstruck NY Times Liberal Outraged at Giuliani's Homeless Criticism
August 30th, 2015 7:07 PM
Ginia Bellafante's "Big City" column in Sunday's New York Times smacked of a particular brand of star-struck, fact-allergic old-style liberalism in which Bellafante, metro columnist and occasional reporter for the Times, went after an old enemy, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani: "The Dark Ages of Giuliani." Some urban liberals will apparently never forgive Giuliani for cleaning up the…

Scarborough Rips De Blasio’s ‘Misguided Liberalism’ Running New York
August 25th, 2015 8:43 AM
On Tuesday’s Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough hammered liberal New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio for “allowing a homeless epidemic to start spreading across New York again.” The MSNBC host argued that the de Blasio policy of allowing homeless to sleep on the streets was ridiculous just because “some left-winger thinks that this is more humane. No, let them just sleep on grates. No, let them…

Barron’s Highlights Christian Former CEO in Feature Story
August 6th, 2015 10:22 AM
Businessmen often get a bad rep in the news media, but that wasn’t the case in a Barron’s profile of a former CEO who now works to help former prisoners because of his Christian faith.
“Answering God’s Call,” was the cover story of the Barron’s weekly business newspaper on Aug. 3. The paper profiled former Wells Fargo CEO Danny Ludeman, who stepped down from his position of 15 years in order to…

Seriously? Marcotte Compares Planned Parenthood Abortions to Berries
August 4th, 2015 2:27 PM
How inhuman have abortion’s most rabid defenders become? This afternoon, abortion apologist Amanda Marcotte, a radical feminist writer for RawStory, made the ultimate in frivolous analogies. She tweeted: “Hating PPFA is, in this sense, no different that getting mad that someone uses food stamps to buy strawberries.” This, in the face of the latest video showing Planned Parenthood executives…

MSNBC Will Broadcast 'Free' Concert to Help 'End Extreme Poverty'
July 11th, 2015 5:04 PM
Question: What do Pearl Jam, Beyoncé, Ed Sheeran and Coldplay have in common besides being popular pop and rock musicians?
Answer: All four will perform during the "free" Global Citizen Festival set to be held on Saturday, Sept. 6, in New York City's Central Park -- a six-hour event that will be aired live on the MSNBC cable television channel and its website for the second consecutive year. The…
Nets Punt on Regulations Set to Force Diversity in Neighborhoods
July 8th, 2015 9:43 PM
On Wednesday night, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC refused to cover the Obama administration’s official unveiling of new regulations that aim to force neighborhoods to diversification or risk losing annual federal funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). As they often do when the networks fail to cover a story, the Fox News Channel (FNC) program Special Report was…

Jon Stewart Asks Dem. Senator if GOPers ‘Have Mental Problems?’
July 2nd, 2015 9:12 AM
Liberal New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand sat down for a friendly interview with Daily Show host Jon Stewart on Wednesday night and the two eagerly took turns bashing Republican members of Congress for being “cynical” for disagreeing with liberal policy positions. Gillibrand accused the GOP of lacking “empathy” to which Stewart asked if it was “pathological though? Do you think they have mental…

CNN Inserts Anti-Poverty Plan into Church Massacre Discussion
June 27th, 2015 4:46 PM
On Friday's New Day, during a discussion of the then-upcoming funeral for South Carolina State Senator Clementa Pinckney, CNN host Alisyn Camerota brought up issues of high poverty in South Carolina's black population and invited Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn to use the recent church massacre as a springboard to push for diverting more federal money into high-poverty areas.

O'Reilly Calls Out Press For Not Challenging 'White Supremacist' Meme
June 25th, 2015 3:32 PM
In his "Talking Points" opening monologue Wednesday night, Fox News's Bill O'Reilly lit into the establishment press for allowing the notion that America is a "white supremacist nation" to go "largely unchallenged." He further accused the press of allowing itself to be "intimidated," leaving Fox as the only channel, in his view, "standing up for the truth."
I have been told that O'Reilly's…