
Unhinged MSNBC Regular: America 'Hates Black People'

February 20th, 2022 2:55 PM

In the aftermath of former police officer Kim Potter being sentenced to just two years for accidentally shooting black motorist Daunte Potter during a traffic stop, two MSNBC shows have stretched to claim a racial double standard while one frequent guest also provocatively claimed that America "hates black people."


Velshi Attacks 'Ultra-Conservative' Court For Gutting 'Voting Rights'

February 19th, 2022 3:40 PM

During his Saturday show on MSNBC, Ali Velshi attacked members of the "ultra-conservative" Supreme Court for allegedly gutting voting rights and longed for the days when voting rights were respected.


Vile Colbert Sketch Hypes Race: 'Taboo: White Fragility Edition'

February 19th, 2022 10:00 AM

On his Wednesday installment of The Late Show on CBS, host Stephen Colbert demonstrated that he does not understand various GOP-passed laws banning Critical Race Theory in schools. After a long-winded diatribe that portrayed these laws as banning any mention of racism, Colbert played a vile and unfunny sketch that was a satirical ad for the fictional game Taboo: White Fragility…


CNN: South Votes Republican Because of Opposition to Civil Rights

February 18th, 2022 9:45 AM

During Friday’s CNN Newsroom host Victor Blackwell welcomed political analyst and historian Julian Zelizer on to hype CNN’s upcoming four-part documentary on President Lyndon Johnson. As part of the preview, both Blackwell and Zelizer postulated that LBJ was correct is asserting that passing the civil rights legislation in the ‘60s paved the way for Republican dominance in the South…

NYT Journo's Book: Conservative Media Hurl ‘Racially Charged Attacks'

February 17th, 2022 5:14 PM

Insurgency, the latest in the endless line of anti-Trump tomes, is by New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters, a conservative-beat reporter who regularly wages war on conservative media “propaganda.” The book’s full title, Insurgency: How Republicans Lost Their Party And Got Everything They Ever Wanted, makes Peters’ message clear: The GOP gained Donald Trump and lost…


NBC Cries Racism in San Fran School Board Recall, ABC Flips for Dems

February 16th, 2022 8:39 PM

As NewsBusters documented last fall, both ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News attacked the politically engaged and angry parents in Virginia by claiming they were motivated by Republican Glenn Youngkin’s racist siren song. But in the wake of parents recalling the school board (by a landslide) in extremely liberal San Francisco on Wednesday, NBC kept to the false…


ABC’s ‘black-ish’ Justifies Theft from White People as Reparations

February 16th, 2022 7:28 PM

Just when you thought the -ish franchise of shows couldn’t be any more racist than they already have been, along comes an episode that sinks to a new low. 

Freedumb: Krugman Condemns Truckers While Downplaying BLM Violence

February 15th, 2022 11:50 AM

New York Times economist Paul Krugman spewed bile at the so-called “vandalism” by Canadian truckers protesting the country’s draconian COVID-19 policies. He did this while dismissing the 2020 Marxist Black Lives Matter riots across the U.S. that reportedly caused around $2 billion in damages.


Freeform’s ‘grown-ish': 'System is Designed to Work Against POC'

February 14th, 2022 5:30 PM

The Winter Olympics may be underway in China, but here in America, the Woke Olympics are going strong on the -ish franchise of shows. In the category of race-baiting, the franchise has been steadily holding first place. But Freeform’s grown-ish helped them take the lead on gender fluidity as well on Thursday’s episode, “Mr. Right Now.”


CNN Hits Apathetic 'White Moderates' Amid 'Autocracy and Even Fascism'

February 12th, 2022 12:15 AM

Along with their guests on Friday morning's CNN Newsroom, co-hosts Jim Sciutto and Bianna Golodryga tried to inspire moderate white voters to drop their apathy towards the supposed decline of democracy and emergence of "autocracy and even fascism" in the form of new GOP-sponsored election laws.

Woke Insanity! NPR Claims Using Certain Emoji Colors Could Be Racist

February 9th, 2022 11:09 PM

Apparently, if you use the wrong color emoji when texting your friends and family you are a racist. At least according to Alejandra Marquez, Janse Patrick Jarenwattananon, and Asma Khalid at the taxpayer-funded NPR (yes, it took three of them to write an article on racist emojis). 


ABC’s ‘black-ish’ Encourages POC to Manipulate ‘White Guilt’

February 9th, 2022 11:13 AM

Last week, ABC’s racist sitcom black-ish tried to argue that the American Dream “can be yours…unless you’re black,” and people of color must be perfect because their path to the American dream is “so narrow.” On Tuesday’s episode, “Mom Mentor,” however, the show completely contradicted itself by admitting that playing on “white guilt” gives black people a competitive edge.


Hyperbolic CNN Warns of SCOTUS 'Unraveling Minority Voting Rights'

February 8th, 2022 8:47 PM

Legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin and New York Magazine columnist Errol Louis joined Tuesday's CNN Newsroom to accuse the Supreme Court of trampling on voting rights when it issued a stay of a case of a lower court ruling that had invalidated Alabama's new congressional map that didn't include a second majority black district. 

Spotify Hasn't Clarified Policy on Racial Slurs After Joe Rogan Issue

February 8th, 2022 11:59 AM

Spotify seems to have targeted Joe Rogan as it still hasn't clarified its overall policy on racial slurs.