How to Cover Pregnancy Contoversies, MSM-style

September 1st, 2008 2:25 PM
I think I've got it now. These are the MSM rules when dealing with the personal lives of national candidates and/or members of their family:Given the chance to publicly embarrass and humiliate a Republican candidate's 17 year old daughter, do it. If it's a moralizing former Democratic candidate for president, well, leave that to the National Enquirer.Today, to head off the many tawdry rumors…

Elite Media Give Big Bucks to Gay Journalist Group

August 28th, 2008 12:19 PM
Rarely do the media put their institutional political bias on public display, but this past weekend, America's news industry titans left no doubt that they're fully behind one of the nation's most radical cultural and political movements.  ABC, AP, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the corporate owners of USA Today, the Miami Herald, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution…

Saddleback Civil Forum - Q&A Back-to-Back

August 20th, 2008 4:58 PM
Everybody see the Saddleback Civil Forum last Saturday night? Well, we all know the candidates went separate for their interviews with Pastor Rick Warren. And even better, Pastor Warren asked them identical questions. But, we didn't really get a good comparison of answers to the same question because we had to wait 45 more minutes after Obama's answer to hear McCain's answer. Well, here's some…

ABC's McFadden Implies John McCain Has No Character

August 19th, 2008 11:40 AM
Cynthia McFadden didn't exactly say John McCain had no character, but she certainly implied it. In an interview with Pastor Rick Warren on ABC's "Nightline," McFadden was trying to get Warren to indicate if he would counsel his flock on who to vote for, and what he would say to people who say "forget character," pick the pro-lifer. The feature on Warren came after the pastor's Civic Forum on the…

ABC Disparages Pro-Life Pharmacist’s Choice to Have Large Family

August 11th, 2008 2:48 PM
[Update, 10:15 am, 12 August: Pro-life blogger Jill Stanek, who is a central figure in the story of Barack Obama's support for infanticide, gave a deeper explanation of Megan Kelly's background on her blog on Monday evening.] ABC correspondent Gigi Stone’s report on Friday’s World News lined up two liberal women against a pro-life pharmacist in a segment on the controversy over whether…

Westboro Baptist Church Plans Tony Snow Funeral Protest

July 14th, 2008 12:07 AM

Would Pro-Life Republicans Revolt Over Ridge

July 9th, 2008 9:25 PM
If there's one person in the NBC news stable who combines solid analytical skills with a commitment to fairness, it could be political director Chuck Todd.  Evidence thereof comes from no less a certified conservative source than Tom DeLay. Appearing on this evening's Hardball just after Todd had offered his breakdown of the electoral map, DeLay allowed that he "can't dispute" any of Todd's…

LA Times Writer Whacks Robert Novak for ‘Shivving’ Sebelius Over A

May 28th, 2008 3:02 PM
Los Angeles Times media critic Tim Rutten, in his latest column titled "The rebirth of abortion," voiced his dismay that social conservatives are reviving the issue of abortion in the 2008 presidential campaign. "If there's one issue that epitomizes the culture wars that have so deeply divided American politics over the last eight years, it's abortion. That's why those who benefited most from…

ABC's Brian Ross Adopts Left-Wing Attack on McCain

May 22nd, 2008 12:24 PM
"Good Morning America" on Thursday picked up an attack on John McCain that has grown popular in left-wing media outlets and turned it into a Brian Ross investigation of the senator's "pastor problem." In a preview, co-host Diane Sawyer solemnly intoned, "This morning, John McCain's pastor problem. Is the preacher McCain calls a spiritual guide fueling the fire of Muslim hatred in America?"…

Apostles of Atheism Redux: CBS, ABC Publicize Plight of Army Atheist

April 29th, 2008 12:07 PM
Religion and the military shouldn't mix.  That's the take away message that both CBS and ABC touted when their Sunday morning news programs publicized the plight of an atheist who is suing the Army for religious discrimination. On April 27th CBS's Sunday Morning and ABC's Good Morning America Sunday each featured the story of Jeremy Hall, an Army specialist who claims he was denied promotion and…

Religious Left Rerun: CNN Offers Another Faith 'Debate' to Democrats

April 8th, 2008 8:33 AM

Joy Behar: 'Oppressed Minorities' Can't Be Racist

March 24th, 2008 4:08 PM

1995 Barack Obama: Mean, Cruel Times, Christian Right - Narrow Minded

March 7th, 2008 10:02 AM
As reported by NewsBusters earlier, Michelle Obama debased America by characterizing it as a mean nation of "cynics, sloths, and complacents". Although this sort of talk is becoming a theme for Michelle-O she wasn't the first Obama to call America mean. A similar sentiment was echoed by Barack Obama in 1995 as he tried to rally the African-American vote for his Senate run after the Million Man…

Cafferty Sees Hillary 'Fearmongering,' Pro-Life as 'Crap' Issue

January 17th, 2008 1:59 PM
On Wednesday's The Situation Room on CNN, during the roundtable segment, Jack Cafferty charged that Hillary Clinton's recent contention that she would be best prepared to deal with a terrorist attack amounted to "the same boogeyman fearmongering garbage we've had from the Bush administration for the last five years." He added that "it isn't the terrorists that are going to take this country down…