Kanye Is Billboard's Top Artist, ‘Jesus Is King’ Debuts at No. 1

November 5th, 2019 3:21 PM
If there’s one thing Kanye West shouldn’t be worried about, it’s the elitist music critics who claim his most recent album is a bust. The hip hop artist and fashion-designer has just topped the official Billboard Music “Artist 100” Chart for the second time thanks to the influence of his recently-released Jesus Is King hip hop/Gospel album.

Chris Pratt Called ‘Bigot’ For ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ T-Shirt

July 17th, 2019 12:49 PM
Chris Pratt has gotten himself into some hot water in the last couple of days for wearing the classic Gadsden “Don’t Tread on Me” flag T-shirt. It’s racist, don’t ya know, having been adopted by Idaho Hitler Youth groups and Waffen SS sewing circles. But then again, some portion of Americans are dumb enough to let Colin “Pig Socks” Kaepernick tell them the Betsy Ross flag symbolizes slavery. Why…

The New York Times Smears the Catholic Church Over Gay Marriage

July 1st, 2019 3:07 PM
Pride Month has ended. Big corporations have shed their rainbow skins; the media’s daily celebration of drag queen shenanigans and sexualized children has trickled down to its ordinary amount. But The New York Times managed one last gay huzzah, and it was a shot at the Catholic Church to boot.

‘Hell Sounds Nice’: Lefty Twitter Damns Basic Christian Beliefs

June 26th, 2019 3:31 PM
Radical libs are spectacularly ignorant of Christianity, but this comes as a surprise to no one. To publicize how little they know about the Bible and its contents, George Takei’s website published an article yesterday about a tweet from a Christian girl’s account. The tweet explained that there are some things -- like masturbation and adultery -- that are sins according to traditional…

Meet 'the New American Family:' Trans, Gender Queer 'Clown Nuns!'

June 21st, 2019 5:45 PM

What is the ideal American family? Is it a loving mother and father with happy children living on their own property with a white picket fence? Nope, according to The Guardian, it’s a gender queer family of clown nuns.

'Good Riddance!': Celebs Crow over Sanders's White House Departure

June 14th, 2019 4:09 PM
Yesterday, President Trump announced the departure of White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Immediately following the announcement, Hollywood celebrities and their lefty media pals popped the champagne bottles, taking pot shots at the former Trump staffer.

Media Slime Novelist Nicholas Sparks As Racist Homophobe

June 14th, 2019 1:09 PM
It’s no big secret that the left openly targets Christianity for its views on marriage and gender. From the “Shame List” of faith-based colleges to the “Slate of Hate” of religious liberty bills, private religious institutions everywhere are smacked with the labels “hateful” and “bigotted” by the left-wing media. Now, bestselling romance novelist Nicholas Sparks is next to face the media’s…

‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Cast Releases Orwellian Abortion Promotion Video

June 13th, 2019 5:17 PM

In George Orwell’s 1984, ever-present telescreens continuously broadcast propaganda for the totalitarian government IngSoc. One would have to look no further than a video released Wednesday on the website of Harper's Bazaar to get an idea of what this kind of propaganda looks like. The video’s purpose was to advocate for Planned Parenthood and abortion “rights,” calling people to stand up…

Occultism Is the Religion of Millennial Progressives

June 10th, 2019 2:28 PM
Progressives “f*cking love science!” Really, they never tire of telling us that. Except when unborn babies are involved. Or dopey spiritualism. From silly daily horoscopes to public hexes against the President, the world of spiritual energy and incantations thought to be left behind in pagan Europe has now captured the imagination of the fastest growing “religious” group in America -- the “nones…

The Huffington Post Promotes Teaching Kids Transgenderism in UK

June 6th, 2019 5:34 PM
On Wednesday, The Huffington Post released an exclusive interview with Global Teacher Prize finalist Andrew Moffat to discuss his “No Outsider” teaching program in the U.K. that has been protested by many angry, religious parents, particularly from the Muslim community. The honest reporters at HuffPost U.K. framed Moffat’s program as promoting “equality across all sections of society” and…

Sugar Daddy Website Founder Pays For Abortions, Indy Spreads Lies

June 5th, 2019 4:14 PM
Today, the UK’s “centrist” newspaper The Independent reported that Brandon Wade, founder of a popular website for sugar daddies (older men that spend lavishly on their younger girlfriends for sex), has offered to pay Alabama women to have out-of-state abortions. The Independent's article itself is packed with rhetoric and misinformation meant to defame the pro-life support for the Alabama…

At Guardian Event, U.N. Commissioner Condemns Abortion Bills

June 4th, 2019 1:01 PM
Just when you think lefty political elites couldn’t get more detached from reality, they take a trip to Neverland. According to The Guardian, the U.N. Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Kate Gilmore believes that the “US policy on abortion is a form of extremist hate that amounts to the torture of women.” Supposedly, the pro-life bills that have passed across the country are indicative of…

Bad Blood: Taylor Swift Promotes Anti-Religious Equality Act

June 3rd, 2019 5:06 PM
Ever since her decision to go political back in October, Taylor Swift has chugged the entire pitcher of liberal Kool-aid. On Saturday, Swift posted a letter she wrote to Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander on her Instagram. The letter urged the Senator to support the Equality Act, an “anti-discrimination” bill that discriminates against religious views on traditional marriage and biological sex.

Pro-Abortion Group Changes ‘Narrow, Alienating, Hurtful’ Gendered Name

May 30th, 2019 5:38 PM
Lizz Winstead is no stranger to subtlety and grace. The co-creator and former head writer of the Daily Show announced in a Twitter thread that she has changed the name of her abortion advocacy group from the refined “Lady Parts Justice” to the more low-key “Abortion Access Front!” or “Abortion AF” for short (AF is also short for “as fuck” in internet lingo).