Santa Fe School Shooting

Parkland Survivor Kyle Kashuv Slams Media for Twisting Mass Shootings

AP Reveals Contempt for Texas in Post-Santa Fe Shooting Coverage

Journalists and Celebrities Exploit Santa Fe Shooting to Grab Guns

Daily Beast Scribe Likens Royal Wedding 'Rituals' to School Shootings
On Friday, the Daily Beast's Michael Daly posted: "The All-American Ritual of a School Shooting, This Time in Santa Fe." In it, he failed to follow through on a promise to draw a comparison between the then-imminent "rituals" involved in British royal weddings" and Friday's school shooting in Texas.

Tucker Confronts Dem for Hypocrisy of Personal Protection With Gun

MSNBC’s Matthews Smears NRA: They’re ‘Immune to Justice’

NYT Laments ‘Anti-Gun Furor’ ‘Not Likely’ in Red Texas

Cuomo Admits Texas Shooting ‘Doesn’t Set Up Great' for Gun Control

Singer Wears Anti-Gun 'Protect Our Children' Shirt at Billboard Awards

Esquire Editor Wants to Ban All Guns

ABC Host Pushes Gun Control, Ignores Devaluing of Life by Our Culture

NBC’s Chuck Todd Still Hopeful for Gun Control After Texas Shooting

Deranged: Matthews Leads Fact-Free, Churlish Gun Control Panel