Chelsea Handler Leaves Home Because Trump 'Setting the World on Fire'

December 9th, 2017 4:01 PM
If it weren’t for bad luck, liberal comedian Chelsea Handler would have no luck at all. First, her eponymous talk show on the Netflix pay cable television channel is being canceled at the end of the year, and now, her announcement that she’s moving out of her house because President Donald Trump is “literally and figuratively” “setting the world on fire” was met with anger and derision from her…

Print Media Omit Paul Surviving VA Shooting from Assault Coverage

November 5th, 2017 1:44 PM
Friday afternoon, Republican Senator Rand Paul suffered a minor injury when he was attacked as he was mowing the lawn at his home. Most press coverage thus far has failed to note that Paul was present at the baseball practice where Congressman Steve Scalise of Louisiana and three others were shot in June, or that the FBI reportedly believes that yesterday's attack on Paul was politically…

'Will & Grace' Embarrasses Itself With Horrible Trump, Reagan Jokes

September 28th, 2017 11:25 PM
Will & Grace returned to television after an 11-year hiatus September 28 to ruin the good memories we had of watching Will & Grace in the past. The episode, "11 Years Later," took three minutes to catch us up on what we missed in the intervening years, then dove right into politics. It didn't let up in the entire episode, which was written around a trip to Washington, D.C. as an excuse to…

CBS, NBC Ignore WH Event Honoring Alexandria Shooting Heroes

July 27th, 2017 9:20 PM
Amidst all the warranted coverage of White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci’s disturbingly vulgar tirade about Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon, the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News ignored the poignant White House event honoring the law enforcement officers who responded to the June 14 congressional GOP baseball shooting.

ABC, CBS Omit Shooting Threat at Senator Flake’s Office and Arrest

July 6th, 2017 10:00 PM
Red flags went up quick at the Tucson, Arizona office of Republican Senator Jeff Flake on Thursday when one angry leftist claimed that shooting all of the opposition was the way to solve “the Republican problem.” The leftist protestor also brought up the shooting of Majority Whip Steve Scalise and was arrest by police a short time later. This disturbing incident went unreported on both ABC and…

Palin Sues NYT After Paper Links Her to 2011 Giffords Shooting

June 28th, 2017 10:37 AM
After Republican Rep. Steve Scalise was shot by a Bernie Sanders supporter June 14, Democrats in the media and in office came out in droves to repeatedly blame Republicans and President Trump for the “rhetoric” that supposedly caused the attack. That’s right; a left-wing Bernie supporter tried to assassinate a Republican elected official and the media’s reaction was to blame the victim. The New…

CBS, NBC Ignore Democrat Cheering He's ‘Glad’ Scalise ‘Got Shot'

June 23rd, 2017 10:26 PM
In Friday’s edition of liberal media double standards, the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News saw no reason to cover new audio out of Nebraska in which a state Democratic Party official used an expletive to proclaim he’s “glad” Republican Congressman Steve Scalise (La.) “got shot” on June 14.

Salon: 'Sociopathic' GOP Should Learn From 'Bigot' Scalise's 'Baptism'

June 23rd, 2017 10:15 AM
In an article posted yesterday, Salon politics writer Chauncey DeVega trashed Republican Rep. Steve Scalise as a "bigot" and accused the Republican party of being a "sociopathic" entity that has "weaponized" the Scalise shooting and is "drunk on conspiracy theories and other hallucinogenic beliefs." He also repeated the discredited claim that Scalise spoke to a "white supremacist" group in 2002,…

Press Ignoring Anti-Violence Backlash as Factor in GA-06 Outcome

June 22nd, 2017 11:55 PM

With so much attention focused on the meaning of the results of Sixth District Congressional special election in Georgia, the establishment press has not looked into what happened to pre-election polls which showed Democrat Jon Ossoff ahead of Republican Karen Handel by as many as seven points less than two weeks before Tuesday's election. Though it may partially have been yet another in a…


Young Turks: 'Ironic' That Pro-NRA Scalise Got 'Shot in the Butt'

June 21st, 2017 11:27 AM
In the wake of the tragic and disturbing shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise, many would be driven to consider the implications of their political rhetoric and to heed bipartisan calls for unity and de-escalation. The Young Turks were not so moved. 

Bozell & Graham Column: Joy Reid's Immoral Moment

June 20th, 2017 10:42 PM

America was stunned when Jared Loughner pulled out a gun at a Tucson supermarket parking lot in 2011 and shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the head at point-blank range and killed six others. No one recalls any TV pundit wondering whether the people should root for Giffords to survive -- or anyone with the gall to imply her head wound was “self-inflicted.” That was not the case with the shooting…


Seriously? CBS Examines ‘Civility,’ Skips Attempted GOP Slaughter

June 20th, 2017 11:38 AM
The journalists at CBS This Morning on Tuesday examined the lack of civility in America and, somehow, managed to avoid discussing the attempted slaughter of Republican members of Congress by a rage-filled Bernie Sanders supporter. Trying to murder your political opponents would seem to be a rather uncivil action. 

Brokaw Frets About ‘Threats’ of Conspiracy Theorists, Not Leftists

June 19th, 2017 12:58 PM
After Wednesday’s attempted murder of Republican congressmen, their staffs, and a protective detail by a far-left activist, NBC’s Tom Brokaw went in the opposite direction, lecturing views on Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly about how America faces the “common threats” of conspiracy theorists like 9/11 truther Alex Jones.

AP Avoids ID'ing Hodgkinson's 'Piece of Paper' as List of Republicans

June 19th, 2017 11:39 AM
Saturday evening, Eric Tucker and Erica Werner at the Associated Press were clearly determined to tell readers as little as they possibly could about the list of GOP lawmakers' names found on James Hodgkinson after he was killed trying to assassinate several congressmen and others present at a baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia on Wednesday. In doing so, the AP pair failed to disclose…