HuffPost's Stein 'Weirded Out' by Trump's Comments on Scalise's Health

June 16th, 2017 11:30 AM
HuffPost — previously known as the Huffington Post, the far-left entity whose cashed-out original owners made themselves millionaires on the backs of thousands of unpaid bloggers — "laid off 39 staffers on Wednesday, a move that follows parent company AOL's acquisition by telecom giant Verizon." On Thursday, Sam Stein, the website's senior politics editor, demonstrated such tone-deafness that one…

MSNBC's Johnson: Scalise 'May Have' Spoken to 'White Nationalists'

June 15th, 2017 4:17 PM
On Wednesday's All In, MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson still seemed to be clinging to the discredited story that Republican Rep. Steve Scalise spoke to a "white nationalist" group in Louisiana 15 years ago, as he suggested that the congressman has helped "exacerbate" tensions in politics. Near the end of the show, as host Chris Hayes suggested that liberals should ponder what their reaction would…

Huff Post Writer: GOP Shooting Didn’t Go Far Enough

June 15th, 2017 3:27 PM
In the aftermath of the shooting targeting Republican congressmen in Alexandria, VA, the media has called for both sides to cool down their rhetoric. As if the vitriol and hate were equal on both sides. The truth is it isn’t. Huffington Post writer Jesse Benn is case and point. The Huffington Post has long been a place for the fringe left to spew their venom.  

NY Times and the Guy Hunting the GOP: A Long History of Fake News

June 15th, 2017 12:57 PM
The New York Times is simply a ridiculous publication.  And has been for decades.  It is hopelessly, blindly, willfully Leftist.  And has been for decades.  And to advance their Leftism, they have lied and lied again and again.  For decades. Just yesterday, their Editors en toto wrote about the Bernie Sanders supporter who went Republican hunting in Alexandria, Virginia - firing more than fifty… Hodgkinson's 'Motive Is Still Unclear'

June 15th, 2017 12:25 PM
On Tuesday, Time Inc. announced yet another in a long series of corporate downsizings. Wednesday evening, a horrid post by reporters Melissa Chan and Jennifer Calfas on "What to Know About Suspected Virginia Shooter James Hodgkinson" illustrated why the parent company is and deserves to be a continually shrinking enterprise.

CBS: After Attempted GOP Slaughter, Should Trump Lead on 'Civility?'

June 15th, 2017 12:12 PM
 After a Bernie Sanders-supporting, Republican-hating gunman attempted to slaughter GOP Congressmen, CBS This Morning host Charlie Rose on Thursday wondered if it was Donald Trump who needed to show "civility." Talking to Republican Congressman Gary Palmer about violence at a baseball practice, Rose suggested, “Do we begin with leadership from the White House in terms of trying to cool down…

MRC’s Bozell Slams Reckless, Error-Filled New York Times Editorial

June 15th, 2017 11:22 AM
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell on Thursday issued the following statement blasting the New York Times Editorial Board for their intentionally fallacious editorial on the Alexandria shooting.

CNN's Kaye Repeats Debunked Claim Scalise Spoke to David Duke Group

June 15th, 2017 10:33 AM
In a pre-recorded report on Thursday's New Day, CNN correspondent Randi Kaye repeated a discredited claim that Republican Rep. Steve Scalise 15 years ago spoke to a group founded by white supremacist and former KKK leader David Duke. As if the assertion that he spoke to the group were not in dispute, Kaye recalled: "Questions were raised about a speech he gave to a group led by former Ku Klux…

Class: Nets Avoid Pushing Gun-Control In Wake of Scalise Shooting

June 15th, 2017 12:42 AM
The Washington, D.C. area and political junkies around the country were left in a state of shock Wednesday, in the wake of the horrific attack on Congressional Republicans at a baseball field. As would be expected, the shooting dominated the evening broadcasts of the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC). But in a pleasant twist, all three avoided pushing the liberal talking points for gun-…

So Much for Civility: Matthews Smears Trump and ‘Weaselly’ Cabinet

June 14th, 2017 10:02 PM
After the horrific news broke that a politically motivated gunman opened fire on Congressional Republicans Wednesday, there was a collective call from politicos to be more responsible with the rhetoric they use as so not to promote hate. Apparently, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews didn’t get the memo as he took to his show, Hardball and proceeded to smear Republicans. “Good evening. I'm Chris Matthews in…

Mitchell Fears Shooter’s Liberalism Will Be ‘Swept Up’ by ‘Partisans'

June 14th, 2017 3:39 PM

On her 12 p.m. ET hour show on Wednesday, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell was worried that the clear Democratic affiliation and left-wing activism of the shooter who attacked members of Congress was going to be “swept up” in coverage of the violence and exploited by “partisans.”


After GOP Shooting, CBS Spotlights Anti-Hillary ‘Lock Her Up’ Chant

June 14th, 2017 3:39 PM
In the hours after a mass shooting by a Bernie Sanders-supporting, anti-Trump individual, CBS’s live coverage on Wednesday strangely cited the Hillary Clinton “lock her up” chant during a discussion on political violence. A few minutes after reading a litany of James T. Hodgkinson’s social media rants, Charlie Rose shifted, “Clearly we saw that during a campaign.” 

MSNBC Analyst Blasts Gun Violence After Calling for Anti-Trump Terror

June 14th, 2017 2:54 PM
After journalists and celebrities gushed about gun control on Twitter after this morning’s shooting of GOP Rep. Steve Scalise, some members of the media took their partisan advocacy on air. MSNBC’s counter-terrorism expert Malcolm Nance admitted to anchor Brian Williams during the 11 am hour, that he cared less about the motives behind today’s shooting than how the shooter obtained his gun.  

Liberal Journalist Shaun King Blames Whites for Scalise Shooting

June 14th, 2017 2:23 PM
In the wake of the shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise on Wednesday, many liberal journalists and celebrities on Twitter and other social media sites began exploiting the tragedy, lobbying for gun control or bashing Republicans. But, New York Daily News commentator Shaun King chose specifically to blame white people for the incident. Embarking on a Twitter tirade he tweeted out the following,“…