
MSNBC Asks Biden What Day 1 of Presidency Will Be Like, Pardon Trump?

May 15th, 2020 12:56 AM
In an effort to aid presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden in his struggle to campaign during the coronavirus crisis, MSNBC’s The Last Word hosted an hour-long interview/town hall special featuring the former Vice President and Stacey Abrams, who's been obsessive in her desire to be his running mate. Among the softball questions, slow-pitched to Biden was whether or not he would commit to not…

Ramos cubrió acusaciones contra Kavanaugh 51X más que contra Biden

May 13th, 2020 2:30 PM
Previamente, MRC Latino analizó la falta de cobertura de las acusaciones serias que pesan contra el virtual candidato a la presidencia por el Partido Demócrata, el ex vicepresidente Joe Biden, en los medios de habla hispana de Estados Unidos- las cuales recibieron 38 veces menos cobertura que las acusaciones de improperio sexual contra el juez Brett Kavanaugh. Pero las cadenas hicieron mejor…

Biden Struggles With Flynn Questions on ABC, Barely Asked About Reade

May 12th, 2020 11:37 AM
During an exclusive live interview on ABC’s Good Morning America on Tuesday, Joe Biden struggled to answer surprisingly challenging questions from co-host George Stephanopoulos about the controversy swirling around the Michael Flynn case. Meanwhile, the presumptive Democratic nominee escaped the conversation with only 39 seconds spent on Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegation against him.

#MeToo is Dead: 95 Celebs Who Smeared Kavanaugh are Silent on Biden

May 11th, 2020 10:47 AM
You can say goodbye to the #MeToo movement. It had a good three-year run, but inevitably, hypocrisy and political expediency caught up with it.  

STUDY: CNN Ignored Allegations Against Biden for an Entire Month

May 11th, 2020 9:53 AM

Self-ordained “facts first” cable network CNN took more than a month to cover the sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden by former Senate staffer Tara Reade. But two years ago, during the confirmation process of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, CNN was quick to float the vague claims of anonymous Democratic staffers, reporting on the supposed existence of an accuser two days before…


ABC Ignores Tara Reade Interview, NBC & CBS Push Biden Denials

May 8th, 2020 11:59 AM
As former Senate staffer Tara Reade gave her first on-camera interview detailing her sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden on Thursday, neither ABC’s World News Tonight that evening nor Friday’s Good Morning America mentioned the important development. While NBC and CBS did cover the story, both networks framed Reade’s public comments as a “response to Joe Biden’s strong denial.”

Jorge Ramos Covered Kavanaugh Allegations 51X More Than Biden’s

May 5th, 2020 2:46 PM
Previously, MRC Latino analyzed the lack of coverage of the serious allegations against Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden across the nation’s domestic Spanish-language networks, which received 1/38th of the coverage given to the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. In comparison, the networks did a far better of covering Biden than did their best-known anchor.

NYT No Longer Believes All Women: 'Doesn't Mean Every Woman Is Right'

May 5th, 2020 11:56 AM
The New York Times is belatedly waking up to Tara Reade’s accusation of sexual assault against likely Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Yet the paper is still flattering the Democratic Party with its concern over #MeToo issues, “vitally important to many members of his party.” The reporters dismissed Reade's story as "a single allegation of assault." And a front-page “news analysis” sympathized with…

Hume Laughs at NYT: ‘Beyond Parody’ to Ask DNC to Investigate Biden

May 5th, 2020 10:30 AM
Appearing on Fox News’s Special Report Monday evening, senior political analyst Brit Hume openly laughed at the absurd suggestion from The New York Times that the Democratic National Committee should be in charge of investigating sexual assault allegations against its own presumptive presidential nominee, Joe Biden.

And It’s Gone: Nets Already Tired of Covering Rape Claim Against Biden

May 4th, 2020 11:28 PM
Just four days after the broadcast network evening newscasts finally covered the rape allegation against presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden for the first time, after ignoring it for over a month, ABC, CBS, and NBC had had enough. During their Monday evening newscasts, none of them ran stories on the subject despite developments still breaking over the course of the day. NBC’s Today was the…

NBC Groans About Calls to Investigate Biden: No ‘Huge Appetite’ for It

May 3rd, 2020 5:11 PM
Tucked into the final minutes of Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC political director Chuck Todd led a panel discussion, featuring Cook Political Report’s Amy Walter and NBC Capitol Hill correspondent Kasie Hunt, where they groaned about calls to investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden for an allegation of rape. One even claimed there was no “huge appetite” for it. Meanwhile, the call…

NY Times Media Columnist Wonders Why Tara Reade's Not on TV (Bias)

May 2nd, 2020 9:22 PM
Recently appointed New York Times media columnist Ben Smith has hit the ground running. Unlike his predecessor Jim Rutenberg, Smith manages to find alternatives to attacking Fox News again and again. On Friday he dove in to the lack of press time for Tara Reader, who has accused probable Democratic nominee Joe Biden of sexual assault: “Why Won’t Television News Put the Accuser on the Air?” It's…

USA Today's Susan Page: Unfair Attacks on 'Decent' Biden Hurt More

May 2nd, 2020 5:29 PM
Susan Page of USA Today joined The 11th Hour host Brian Williams on MSNBC Friday night to discuss the allegations of sexual harassment and assault surrounding Joe Biden and argued that it is unfair that Biden is hurt more by such allegations than President Trump because, unlike Trump, Biden is running as a nice guy who cares, a "decent human being."

Nicolle Wallace Defends Biden: Dems 'Consistent' on #MeToo

May 1st, 2020 5:30 PM
On her MSNBC show this afternoon, Wallace said, as someone who was once "a part of the Republican party," that when it comes to Tara Reade, "the right" is not being "intellectually honest," and is instead "running a smear campaign against Joe Biden." In contrast, those honest old Democrats are simply seeking "consistency" about #MeToo. Wallace ended her anti-conservative diatribe by warning, "…