
CBS Fears Hearing With Dem’s Accusers Would Be ‘Political Stunt’

April 4th, 2019 4:12 PM
Despite interviews earlier in the week with two women accusing Virginia’s Democratic Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax of sexual assault, on Thursday, CBS This Morning worried that holding a public hearing on allegations would “just be a political stunt” by state Republicans. The report also took time to tout Fairfax passing polygraph tests when asked about the claims.

NY Times Can't Figure Out Why Va. Scandals Faded: It Starts With (D)

April 3rd, 2019 10:17 PM
New York Times reporter Campbell Robertson was puzzled, wondering how the February scandals of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, accused of posing either in a Klan hood or blackface, and Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, accused by two women of sexual assault, somehow faded into the ether. Actually there’s no mystery: It’s because the politicians are Democrats, and Republicans threaten to take over the…

Evening CBS Promotes Democrats Defending Touchy-Feely Joe Biden

April 2nd, 2019 9:24 PM
For days now, former Vice President Joe Biden has been buried underneath accusations of inappropriate physical contact with at least two women and a pile of highly questionable photos of him touching women who appeared to be uncomfortable. But have no fear, Democrats are sprinting to help their colleague and the CBS Evening News is willing to give them a platform.

Embarrassing New York Times Defends Biden’s Hands-on Reputation

April 2nd, 2019 6:43 PM
Tuesday’s New York Times kept track of new allegations of inappropriate behavior with women by potential Democratic candidate Joe Biden with “Second Woman Says Biden Made Her Uncomfortable,” by Sydney Ember and Jonathan Martin. Yet half the story was composed of strenuous denials and unrelated minor gaffes by right-leaning entities, in what seemed a ham-handed attempt to distract from or…

'Believe All Women?': Alyssa Milano Defends 'Inappropriate' Joe Biden

April 2nd, 2019 11:15 AM
Ok Miss Milano, which one is it? Do we believe all women? Or do we just use that maxim to go after men we disagree with politically? Alyssa Milano took to Twitter on Monday to post her unconditional support of former Vice President Joe Biden, who has been accused of “inappropriate behavior” by several women, and it seemed strangely out of character for the vocal #metoo maiden.

MSNBC's Mika: It Would Be 'Sad' If Biden Stops Hugging, Kissing Me

April 2nd, 2019 10:03 AM
Others might be grossed out by Joe Biden's unwanted touching. But Mika Brzezinski has made it crystal clear that she wants to continue getting affection from good old Uncle Joe. For the second day running on Morning Joe, Mika came to Biden's defense over accusations of unwanted physical contact with women. Yesterday, Mika suggested that Lucy Flores had misconstrued Biden's actions, and that he…

NBC’s Mitchell Huffs About New Accusations Against Touchy Joe Biden

April 1st, 2019 11:26 PM
Over the years NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell has become known for her die-hard loyalty to the Clinton’s. But during Monday’s edition of NBC Nightly News, she showed a similar defensive attitude for former Vice President Joe Biden, who was facing accusations of inappropriate touching from at least two women.

Mika Defends Biden: Accuser Misconstrued Him, Only Meant to be 'Kind'

April 1st, 2019 7:55 AM
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski defends Joe Biden against an accusation made against him by Lucy Flores, who says that at a political event in 2014, Biden nuzzled her in a way that made her feel "uneasy and gross." Mika suggests Flores misconstrued Biden's behavior, and that he only meant to be "nice" and "kind."

Scarborough's Sick New Shtick: Tie Trump to Jeffrey Epstein

March 28th, 2019 7:40 AM
For two days running on Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough tries to tie President Trump to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Scarborough also labels Trump a "millionaire" rather than a billionaire, suggesting that Trump is worth $30-40 million and perhaps as little as $10 million.     

CBS Touts Joe Biden's Apology to Anita Hill Ahead of Expected 2020 Run

March 28th, 2019 12:33 AM
Former Vice President Joe Biden is expected to announce a run for president some time in April and has been testing the waters and smoothing over rough spots in his past. As part of that effort Tuesday night, he made yet another public apology to Anita Hill, the law clerk who falsely accused Justice Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment. The apology drew the attention of the CBS Evening News, who…

Morning Joe: It's Unfair to Critique Beto at 16...or Warren at 36!

March 18th, 2019 11:21 AM
On Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle dismisses the murder fantasy Beto O'Rourke wrote as a teenager in which he described enjoying killing two children with his car. "He was 16!! I mean, come on!!", said Barnicle. But during Brett Kavanaugh's SCOTUS confirmation hearings, Barnicle passionately argued that Kavanaugh's accusers had to be believed. 

Actor Johnny Depp Claims Amber Heard Abused Him

March 14th, 2019 2:16 PM
If Hollywood’s #MeToo maxim “believe all victims” is to be held as some universal moral standard, then Johnny Depp’s side of the story must be given some serious credence as well. The actor has endured two years of media attacks over allegations of domestic abuse from ex-wife Amber Heard, however new evidence has surfaced that might indicate that Depp has been the abuse victim all along.

‘Joseph Goebbels’ Mentality: Media Help Bury Trans Athlete Critics

March 7th, 2019 4:18 PM
Ever since ESPN awarded Bruce for being confused enough to become Caitlyn, radical LGBTQ members and their media friends have moved to squash criticism that praising gender reassignment is insane. Of course, just like the gay agenda before it, trans activists started with demands that they not have to endure “hate,” but it’s quickly become a demand that society celebrates their delusion.

Vile Colbert Compares Unhinged R. Kelly Interview to Kavanaugh Hearing

March 7th, 2019 9:49 AM
There’s nothing funnier than comparing a Supreme Court Justice to an alleged serial rapist, right? Well that’s what Late Show host Stephen Colbert thought, comparing the explosive interview rapper R. Kelly gave to CBS’s Gayle King Wednesday morning to conservative Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Senate hearing last Fall.