
Media Elites Avoid Hillary Ignoring Advice to Fire Sexual Harasser

January 30th, 2018 3:34 PM
During the past few days, several news outlets -- including the New York Times and CNN -- have reported that during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, the Democratic candidate “overruled” a sexual misconduct charge made by one of her senior advisers. Most national media outlets skipped over that Clinton-embarrassing scoop.

'Daily Show' Host Slams Hillary for #MeToo Hypocrisy

January 30th, 2018 1:21 PM
Somebody’s rose-tinted glasses slipped off his nose for a moment, and we heard actual mainstream criticism of Her Holiness, Hillary Clinton. In a rare turn of events, Daily Show host Trevor Noah went from defending failed-candidate Clinton’s appearance at the Grammy Awards, to criticizing her role in a recently revealed sexual abuse coverup from 2008.

Cupp Slams Hillary for ‘Wannabe #MeToo-ism,’ Fake ‘Champion of Women'

January 29th, 2018 11:59 PM
Conservative HLN host, S.E. Cupp kicked off her Monday evening show, S.E. Cupp Unfiltered. with a stinging denouncement of “the latest feeble attempt by [Hillary] Clinton to stay relevant” and her “glomming” onto the #MeToo movement. Cupp also took the failed presidential candidate to task for never being able to take a proper stand against sexual harassers when it really counted, like with her…

Maher Jokes About Melania Killing Trump, Likens ICE to 'Gestapo'

January 27th, 2018 10:03 PM
On Friday's Real Time show on HBO, host Bill Maher made a number of incendiary attacks on President Donald Trump and other right-leaning figures and entities as he called EPA head Scott Pruitt an "eco-terrorist," likened the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to the "Gestapo," and cracked that First Lady Melania Trump visited the Holocaust Museum to "cheer up" after news broke that her…

[UPDATED' ABC, NBC Ignore Hillary Clinton Covering for Sex Harasser

January 26th, 2018 9:33 PM
On Friday, the CBS Evening News was the only one of the three broadcast network evening newscasts that informed viewers of revelations that Hillary Clinton in 2008 allowed an advisor, Burns Strider, accused of sexual harassment to remain a part of her campaign -- thus demonstrating another example of hypocrisy by the former Democratic candidate.  

Garrison Keillor Was Fired for More Than 'Just Touching a Bare Back'

January 25th, 2018 7:14 PM
Just when it seemed that the ongoing sexual misconduct scandals involving dozens of men in Hollywood, the Democratic Party and the government had finally run its course, Minnesota Public Radio President Jon McTaggart released a statement on Wednesday, January 24, to counter accusations made by Garrison Keillor, the long-time host of the popular program A Prairie Home Companion.

Camerota Presses Liberals: 'You're Only Pro-Women You Agree With'

January 19th, 2018 5:43 PM
Friday's New Day displayed a rare example of a CNN anchor hitting liberal guests on the issue of conservative women not being welcome at so-called "women's marches" that actually advocate exclusively liberal public figures and positions on issues. At one point, host Alisyn Camerota even commented: "You're only pro-women you agree with."

Kelly Devotes Half Her Show to Claims of Trump Affair With Porn Star

January 16th, 2018 2:08 PM
Despite repeatedly acknowledging that both parties “vehemently denied” accusations that Donald Trump had an affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels over a decade ago, on Tuesday, NBC News Megyn Kelly still devoted half of her 9:00 a.m. ET hour show to the claims. She even suggested that the disputed rumors somehow proved allegations against Trump featured in the discredited DNC-funded Russian…

NBC Tells Employees to 'Rat Out' Misbehaving Colleagues or Be Fired

December 28th, 2017 9:22 PM
It’s understandable that executives at the National Broadcasting Company want to cut down or eliminate accusations of sexual harassment after longtime Today anchor Matt Lauer was fired on Wednesday, November 28, but NBC’s new guidelines have employees responding that they may have gone too far in the opposite direction. According to an article by Emily Smith of the Page Six website, staffers at…

ESPN Dismisses Sexism Charges, Points to Lots of Positives

December 22nd, 2017 10:00 AM
A week after The Boston Globe reported a "deeply ingrained culture of sexism and hostile treatment of women” exists at ESPN, the liberal sports network engaged in a weak attempt at damage control today. Public Editor Jim Brady claimed ESPN is "making progress" with women in sports, but he made no reference to a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by a former employee.

NYT Hails Hill as H'wood Savior, Ignores Dismissal of Clinton Accusers

December 21st, 2017 5:44 PM
Anita Hill to Hollywood’s rescue? That was the theme on the front of Thursday’s Arts page. Cara Buckley’s Hollywood column hailed Clarence Thomas’s accuser as a movie-industry savior in “Can She Fix The Sexual Misconduct Problem?” Meanwhile, Buckley conveniently ignores the fact that the public backed Thomas’s interpretation of events, not Hill’s, and that Hill lost her passion for sexual…

NYT Eagerly Spies ‘Mounting Backlash’ vs Trump, Will Turn Red to Blue

December 19th, 2017 8:10 PM
The Republicans are doomed in the New York Times, once again. In Tuesday's edition, Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns gathered to giddily shovel the dirt over the GOP’s hopes in the 2018 congressional elections under the harshly titled: “House Control Is at Stake as G.O.P. Suburbs Recoil at President.” The text box: “A mounting backlash could turn some red-hued districts blue in 2018.”  

Mika Brzezinski Turns on #MeToo Over Al Franken’s Resignation

December 19th, 2017 3:57 PM
On Tuesday’s Morning Joe, co-host Mika Brzezinski once again publicly attacked the #MeToo movement and its core demand for absolute belief of women who make sexual misconduct allegations. In the context of discussing Al Franken’s announced resignation from the Senate, Brzezinski lamented about how “right now, any woman can say anything and a man’s career is ruined.” She also explicitly doubted…

NYT 'News'? ‘Senator’s Star Shines as Nation Unites Behind Her Cause'

December 18th, 2017 3:19 PM
The New York Times penned an earnest hymn to the Democrats’ latest feminist presidential hope, the newly “progressive” heroine Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York. Shane Goldmacher, recently of Politico, and Matt Flegenheimer, a familiar byline at NewsBusters, launched Gillibrand’s potential 2020 campaign (joining previous Times feminist presidential hopefuls, Sen. Kamala Harris and…