
WashPost's Rubin: 'Special Place in Hell' for Kellyanne Conway

November 25th, 2017 3:10 PM

On Saturday's AM Joy, Washington Post columnist and frequent MSNBC guest Jennifer Rubin was near breaking her own record for aiming vitriol at Republicans as she declared that "there is a special place in hell" for Kellyanne Conway because the White House advisor recently advocated voting for Roy Moore in spite of sexual molestation accusations against the Alabama Republican.


‘Hardball’: GOP ‘Will...Milk' Franken Story While Dems Are Responsible

November 21st, 2017 9:32 PM
New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg continued on Tuesday’s Hardball to dig herself a hole when it comes to being inconsistent on sexual misconduct claims, bewailing to host Chris Matthews that “Republicans will certainly milk the Al Franken thing” while touting leftists as true moral arbiters purging alleged miscreants from their ranks.

Morning Joe Hypocritically Minimizes Sex Abuse Claims Against Franken

November 21st, 2017 6:30 PM
In spite of repeated proclamations from MSNBC pundits that anyone expressing a scintilla of skepticism about any claims of sexual misconduct must therefore support that gross misbehavior, MSNBC’s best and brightest repeatedly broke this self-imposed standard over the past week vis-a-vis the Al Franken sexual assault allegations. Morning Joe added to this shamelessly hypocritical coverage on…

NYT Op-Ed: Do Not ‘Sacrifice’ Al Franken, ‘I Adore Him’

November 21st, 2017 1:47 PM
Last week, New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg wrote an op-ed calling for Al Franken to resign in light of radio broadcaster Leeann Tweeden’s claims that the Democratic senator sexually assaulted her multiple times while on a USO tour to the Middle East to entertain American troops back in 2006. However, on Monday, Goldberg published another piece retracting her original call for Franken…

Megyn Kelly Faced Charlie Rose ‘Cross-Examine’ on Sexual Harassment

November 21st, 2017 11:19 AM
Opening her 9 a.m. ET hour show on Tuesday, NBC’s Megyn Kelly shared a story about being interviewed by now-disgraced PBS and CBS anchor Charlie Rose: "I wanted to share a story with you, not about harassment, but of an underlying dynamic between men and women that contributes to this culture in which inappropriate conduct goes unaddressed."

MSNBC Downplays Sex Abuse: Maybe Franken Just ‘Needs a Talking-To?’

November 20th, 2017 5:42 PM
Given the extensive coverage of the allegations of criminal sexual misconduct against Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore, you may be wondering how liberal journalists have been covering the multiple accusations of sexual assault against Democratic Senator Al Franken. Well, if you were expecting unreserved condemnation and calls for Franken to resign his seat, you would be pretty disappointed,…

MSNBC: ‘Slippery Slope’ to Hold Franken Accountable for Groping

November 20th, 2017 4:08 PM
As reports came in Monday morning of another woman claiming she was groped by Minnesota Senator Al Franken, MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle seemed to downplay the new allegations against the Democratic lawmaker. She warned that judging Franken’s behavior too harshly would lead down a “slippery slope.”

Mika Sick of Hillary: She ‘Needs to Stop Talking About’ Sexual Assault

November 20th, 2017 2:04 PM
On Monday’s Morning Joe, co-host Mika Brzezinski finally lost it with Hillary Clinton. Last Friday, Brzezinski condemned Bill Clinton as a sexual “predator.” This week, Mika was extremely upset at Hillary Clinton’s “hypocrisy” in going after Trump as a “sexual assaulter” while simultaneously defending her husband from similar or more serious charges of sexual assault and rape. Brzezinski told…

Hillary: Fox News's '92 Absence 'One of Reasons' Bill 'Survived'

November 20th, 2017 12:57 PM
On Saturday, Hillary Clinton told a friendly audience in Little Rock, Arkansas celebrating the 25th anniversary of her husband Bill's first presidential election victory that "one of the reasons he probably survived" and won is that Fox News didn't exist in 1992. Fox should send Mrs. Clinton a note thanking her for the compliment.

NYT's Thrush Suspended Amid Claims of Sexual Misconduct [UPDATED]

November 20th, 2017 12:06 PM
On Monday morning, published an extensive, heartbreaking, and upsetting story revealing four women have come forward to Laura McGann about unwanted sexual encounters with New York Times reporter Glenn Thrush that’s now resulted in his suspension from the newspaper. McGann detailed experiences (including her own) that largely revolved around trips to a bar near Politico and ended with…

WashPost's Jen Rubin Hits Dems for 'Harping on' Clinton Sex Scandals

November 19th, 2017 3:41 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, it was another case of liberals speaking of former Bill Clinton's sex scandals as if consensual adulterous sex with Monica Lewinsky were the worst thing he was accused of as the panel discussed recent scandals from Roy Moore and Al Franken to Donald Trump. And for her part, pretend conservative Jennifer Rubin actually hit Democrats from the left as she complained that…

Not News: Hillary Claims Broaddrick, Jones 'Misremembering History'

November 19th, 2017 2:17 PM
In a Friday radio interview, Hillary Clinton failed to answer a question about her hostile, orchestrated actions against women who credibly accused her husband of sexual harassment and assault during the 1990s. In the process, she accused the alleged victims of "misremembering or misinterpreting history." On Laura Ingraham's Friday evening Fox News show, Paula Jones took strong exception to Mrs.…

NY Times Op-Ed: 'Pence Rule' Is a False Solution to 'Male Predation'

November 18th, 2017 6:49 AM
On Wednesday, Katelyn Beaty, described as "an editor at large for Christianity Today and the author of 'A Woman’s Place,'" tried to make "A Christian Case Against the 'Pence Rule.'"  In the process, she smeared the rule, and the Vice President, as being in place primarily to avoid "male predation."

Here Are the Top Moments from the Jake Tapper-Leeann Tweeden Interview

November 16th, 2017 11:54 PM
Amidst all the coverage Thursday devoted to KABC Radio host Leeann Tweeden’s sexual misconduct claims against Democratic Senator Al Franken (Minn.), the most important segment took place on CNN’s The Lead as Tweeden sat down for an emotional 33-minute-long interview with host Jake Tapper.