
NBC Uses Lewinsky Interview to Silence Talk of Clinton Scandals

April 18th, 2016 12:04 PM
In a report for Monday’s NBC Today, news anchor Natalie Morales highlighted a new interview with Monica Lewinsky in the The Guardian and used the words of the former White House intern to scold Republican frontrunner Donald Trump for bringing up Bill Clinton’s past sex scandals during the 2016 campaign.

CNN Hypes 'Uncommon Scrutiny' for Hillary Clinton as First Lady

April 8th, 2016 9:14 PM
On Friday's The Lead, CNN's Tom Foreman hyped how Hillary Clinton had a "bumpy ride" and a "rough start," as she "opened the door for a lot of first ladies to do a lot of different things." Foreman only vaguely referenced the Whitewater scandal and Vince Foster's suicide as he noted that her role in Bill Clinton's win in 1992 "spurred scrutiny uncommon for a president's spouse — over her ties to…

ABC Spends Day Before WI Vote Resurrecting Tabloid Smear of Cruz

April 4th, 2016 8:23 PM
On the night before voters in Wisconsin go to the polls for the presidential primary, ABC’s World News Tonight found it worthwhile to spend nearly its entire time allotted for Ted Cruz rehashing the unsubstantiated smears from the National Enquirer tabloid about extramarital affairs.

2 cadenas en español destacan acusaciones sin fundamento contra Cruz

March 29th, 2016 5:07 PM
En los últimos días tanto Univisión como Telemundo dieron prioridad a acusaciones sin fundamento publicadas en National Enquirer de que el senador Ted Cruz le habría sido infiel a su esposa. Su rival Azteca América, por el contrario, cubrió muy escuetamente este nuevo golpe bajo en la campaña presidencial.

Conan O'Brien, Jimmy Kimmel Gleefully Joke About Tabloid Smear of Cruz

March 29th, 2016 3:39 AM
In the first full weeknight since The National Enquirer tabloid published its unsubstantiated piece alleging that GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz has been engaging in extramarital affairs, late-night comedy hosts Conan O'Brien and Jimmy Kimmel spent portions of their Monday monologues promoting the smear as legitimate and wondering how any woman could be interested in Cruz.

Unsubstantiated Cruz Allegations Featured on Spanish Nets

March 28th, 2016 8:30 PM
Over the past few days, both Univision and Telemundo have played up unsubstantiated allegations published in National Enquirer that Senator Ted Cruz was unfaithful to his wife. Rival Azteca America, in contrast, has only given passing coverage to the latest new low in the presidential campaign.

FNC Panel Targets Media Coverage of 'Unproven' Cruz Story

March 28th, 2016 3:40 PM
Sunday's MediaBuzz on Fox News Channel critiqued the media's attention on the National Enquirer's cover story about multiple alleged affairs involving Senator Ted Cruz. Howard Kurtz noted that "the dilemma for the press here is whether to run with these unproven allegations." The Daily Caller's Gayle Trotter asserted that the press "shouldn't run with it, because the story itself shows that the…

Networks Finally Cover Michelle Fields Incident with Trump Staffer

March 10th, 2016 8:28 PM
Two days after Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski allegedly forcefully grabbed the arm of Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC finally noticed this disturbing incident just as a Trump protester was sucker punched at a rally on Wednesday night. All told, the three network evening newscasts combined for two minutes and 18 seconds reporting on how…

Leno Mocks Clintons, Trump’s Dislike of Megyn Kelly in Guest Monologue

February 18th, 2016 3:39 AM
Former longtime Tonight Show host Jay Leno returned to the deliver part of the monologue on Wednesday’s show for current host Jimmy Fallon (as the show was held in Los Angeles for the week) and Leno used the opportunity to pan Republicans but also the Clintons for their countless scandals, Bernie Sanders over his age, and Donald Trump for his disdain of Megyn Kelly.

Brokaw: Clinton Lost New Hampshire in 1992 ‘Amid Rumors of Womanizing'

February 9th, 2016 6:29 PM
Former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw provided a history lesson on the New Hampshire primary during the 4:00 p.m. Eastern hour of MSNBC’s political coverage and when describing the situation on the Democratic side in 1992, he claimed that then-Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton lost the Granite State “amid rumors of womanizing” despite the fact that such claims were proven true. 

CNN Guest: Hillary 'Victim of Own Success' While Host Spins for Bill

January 22nd, 2016 2:03 PM
As Friday's CNN Newsroom with Carol Costello devoted a segment to discussing the reasons so many young women are siding with Bernie Sanders in the Democratic presidential race instead of Hillary Clinton, Daily Beast columnist Keli Goff oddly claimed that Hillary Clinton has been a "victim of her own success" as she theorized that there is less hunger for electing a woman President because it has…

Did Weiner Documentary Overexpose the Clinton Campaign?

January 21st, 2016 10:29 AM
So get this: A new documentary about Anthony (Carlos Danger) Weiner, former New York Congressman and serial cyber flasher, may have contained embarrassing content. Oh, not about Weiner – we’ve known for a long time that he’s incapable of embarrassment. No, it’s the Clinton presidential campaign that might be embarrassed. 

CNN Still Touts Bill Clinton as 'Asset,' Despite Bad Poll For Hillary

January 20th, 2016 5:01 PM
CNN is staying true to its reputation as the "Clinton News Network," even after it released a poll on Tuesday which found that Hillary Clinton is behind competitor Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire by 27 points. The following morning, on Wednesday's CNN Newsroom, Carol Costello spotlighted how Bill Clinton was "about to take the stage to stump for his wife, Hillary Clinton — something, perhaps,…

Begala, Bash on Clinton Sex Scandals; ‘Nobody Wants to Talk About' It

January 18th, 2016 2:44 AM
After NBC’s Democratic co-moderator Andrea Mitchell lectured Bernie Sanders in Sunday’s debate about whether or not he regretted bringing up Bill Clinton’s sex scandals, the post-debate analysis on CNN saw panelists Dana Bash and Paul Begala (a former Clinton aide) less than pleased with the issue and did their best to downplay its significance in the 2016 race.