1999: ABC's Walters Pressed Lewinsky on Affairs with Married Men

May 9th, 2008 11:37 AM
Years before she admitted her own affairs with married men, ABC's Barbara Walters pressed Monica Lewinsky about her affair with a married Bill Clinton: "Did you ever think about what Hillary Clinton might be feeling?" [audio available here]At the time, the public wasn’t yet aware of Walters’ own affairs. Now, more than nine years later, Barbara Walters has come forward with stories of her…

In McGreevey Divorce Story, AP Omits Party Label, Errs on Background

May 6th, 2008 1:58 PM
In a remarkable example of "Name that Party," the Associated Press, in an unbylined report about the beginning of his divorce trial appearing in USA Today, failed to name the party of former New Jersey Governor James McGreevey, who resigned in 2005, or of his former "male staffer." Beyond that, AP did not accurately describe the circumstances that triggered McGreevey's resignation. Here's how…

AP Finally Mentions Kwame Kilpatrick's Democratic Affiliation

May 6th, 2008 1:22 PM
As readers of NewsBusters are no doubt aware, we've tracked how the media have regularly refused to acknowledge the political party affiliation of indicted Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick (D).Well, today, Associated Press reporter Julie Carr Smyth did acknowledge Kilpatrick is a Democrat, albeit in a roundabout sort of way in an article about Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann being the latest in a…

AP Reporter Selectively Notes Calls for Sex-Scandalized Ohio AG to Res

May 4th, 2008 9:49 AM
Why does it seem that, when a Democratic politician's career is on the line, Old Media reporters find a way to make it look like it's only Republicans who want to push him or her out the door? Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann, who for a while was seen as the Buckeye State's version of New York's now-disgraced former governor Eliot Spitzer, is fighting for his political life. In a Friday press…

ABCNews.com: New Kwame Kilpatrick Text Messages, Still No Party Label

April 30th, 2008 2:34 PM
Four, count them, four ABCNews.com reporters hacked out a three-page April 30 article for the alphabet network's Web site that dealt with new steamy text messages between Democratic Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his then-chief-of-staff Christine Beatty. Kilpatrick, indicted on twelve criminal counts including perjury and obstruction of justice, could see time in prison thanks to these text…

Lanny Davis: McGovernesque Obama Would Lose 49 States

April 24th, 2008 1:30 PM
When you're a Clintonite, you're a Clintonite all the way. From your first Monicagate defense,To Hil's last primary day.—with apologies to Leonard Bernstein*Look next to the definition of "Clinton loyalist" in the dictionary, and you're likely to find a photo of Lanny Davis. The man who would have put Baghdad Bob to shame for his unflinching flackery during Bill's Monica mess is back on the…

County Sheriff Runs Sex-Slave Operation from Jail -- Guess Which Party

April 18th, 2008 2:12 AM
Well, this time the AP has really done it. Dateline Custer County, Oklahoma: Sheriff Mike Burgess resigns after authorities charged him with running a sex-slave operation out of his jail using female inmates he bribed for the purpose. So, which party did the AP tell us our crafty entrepreneur was from? Well, they seem to have forgotten to mention it... shocking, I know. Oklahoma sheriff charged…

CBS ‘Early Show’: Pope’s Comments on Sex Abuse ‘Not Enough

April 16th, 2008 2:15 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Maggie Rodriguez talked to liberal priest, Fr. Thomas Reese, who also appeared on Monday’s show, and asked about the sex abuse scandals in the American Catholic Church as well as the comments of Pope Benedict XVI regarding the issue: "We heard from some victims' families that a mea culpa is not enough. That merely saying you're "deeply ashamed" is not…

ABC Highlights Clergy Sex Abuse, Spins Pope’s Message on Immigration

April 16th, 2008 12:51 PM
All three broadcast networks on Tuesday led their evening news programs with Pope Benedict XVI’s arrival at Andrews Air Force Base to begin his visit to the U.S., as well as his comments during a press conference on the plane about the priest sex abuse scandal. ABC’s "World News" and CBS’ "Evening News" especially focused on the scandal. In addition to this, "World News" also highlighted what the…

Biased Access: Mrs. McCain Talks Adultery, Hillary Talks Housework

April 11th, 2008 4:23 PM
Cindy McCain granted an interview to Access Hollywood anchor Nancy O’Dell, and NBC’s Today picked right up on it Friday morning – shamelessly repeating O’Dell’s questions recycling the unsubstantiated New York Times story alleging Sen. John McCain had a sexual relationship with lobbyist Vicki Iseman. (Access Hollywood is produced by NBC Universal.) Some might wonder why Mrs. McCain would agree to…

CBS's Smith on Media: 'We're Not Exactly Watchdogs Here

March 26th, 2008 3:20 PM
On Wednesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith discussed a question being asked of Chelsea Clinton about Monica Lewinsky on the campaign trail with Washington Post reporter Sally Quinn, who was baffled by the media’s refusal to ask Chelsea tough questions: "Frankly, in all of my years of journalism, I have never seen the press lie down like this before. This is -- this is not what the…

CBS’s Rodriguez on Kilpatrick Scandal: 'Is Innuendo Evidence

March 25th, 2008 1:56 PM
On Tuesday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Maggie Rodriguez talked to Khym Worthy, the prosecutor in the perjury case against Detroit’s Democratic Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, and asked about sexually explicit text messages that proved Kilpatrick lied under oath about having an affair: "We know that in these thousands of text messages they talk about being madly in love and dreaming of spending days…

AP Joins the Kwame Kilpatrick 'Name That Party' Parade

March 25th, 2008 9:32 AM
Here at NewsBusters yesterday, Brent Baker, Ken Shepherd, and Scott Whitlock noted now the TV networks, with rare exception, avoided calling indicted Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick a Democrat. On the print and online side of Old Media, the Associated Press also avoided identifying Kilpatrick's party (HT to an anonymous e-mailer). This follows on the heels of another such example almost a week ago…

ABC's Diane Sawyer: a 'Trainee' at a Whore House

March 18th, 2008 12:49 PM
While investigating legal brothels in Nevada, including the famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch, "Good Morning America" host Diane Sawyer received a bathrobe, the same one that the prostitutes wear. It was embroidered, "Diane: Trainee," this according to a report in Monday's New York Daily News. Sawyer will host a two hour "20/20" special on March 21 that examines the world of prostitution. The Daily…